Chapter 5: Damage Control

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As soon as Gwen got home, she knew something was wrong. For one, there was no happy music playing in the kitchen as David cooked, and when she poked her head in, David was standing at the stove silently, a spoon in one hand, a beer in the other. It was unusual for David to drink, especially while he was home at 6:30 in the evening.

"Max, why don't you go  put those posters up and we'll have dinner in a little bit." Gwen handed Max the bags she was carrying.

The 10 year old ran off to his room, not bothering to check on David. Gwen headed into the kitchen and took a seat at the little dining table, looking up at David but staying quiet. She knew he would talk when he was ready.

"It's only my first one," David said after a while. "I only had one. I'm not an idiot, we have Max now and I know you don't like when I am-"

"I wasn't worried," Gwen cut David off. "I trust you to be responsible." There was a time when Gwen would have worried. David had a family history of addiction, and there was a time when he would kick back with a few more than just one beer a day, but he hadn't touched the stuff since he started working at the camp 2 years ago.

David nodded a little and set the bottle down. It wasn't empty - Gwen could see that now from where she was sitting. So he wasn't even through with half of one. "I didn't need it, or whatever. I just wanted to unwind a little. I - Uh- I got some stressful news today in the mail. I just wanted something to take unwind with, just until you guys got home."

Gwen nodded a little. "What was it?"

"What was what, the news? It was a letter." David stirred the food over the stove a little, his face serious and contemplative. "An invitation, actually. My cousin is getting married and invited me. Said I could bring whoever I wanted, a partner or whatever."

"Is that a good thing?" Gwen prodded softly. "I thought you didn't talk to anyone from your family anymore."

David grunted a little. Gwen knew everything, she wasn't going to judge him too harshly for whatever he said next. "I don't. The only one I ever talk to is my cousin, but I only ever interact with him on Facebook. I haven't talked to anyone in years. I was surprised to get the invitation."

"Do you want to go?"

David shrugged. "I'd like to see my cousin. He was my best friend growing up, ya know? We just-" David blew air out of his nose. "I want to see him, yes. I want to go. But I absolutely don't want to see the rest of them, and I don't want to put you or Max through that."

"David, if you want to go, I will go with you. Max loves you, too, I'm sure he'd sit through a boring wedding without much sass if you asked him."

"I won't do that to you guys," David said immediately. It was almost like he'd predicted her words. "I won't do that. And I'm not going alone, which I know sounds so selfish, but-"

"It's not selfish," Gwen said. "That's what family does. We stick together, even when things are hard."

David took another sip from his beer. "Can we talk about this later? Before bed?" Gwen told him that was fine and she wouldn't mind. "Thanks. How was the mall?"

Gwen laughed. "We ran into Ered, actually. Max stood up for you, said you were a good dad. I have to say, I agree. You're an incredible dad, David, you really are."

David smiled. "Ered, huh? I'm sure that was a shock, seeing one of the campers outside of the camp."

Gwen laughed and was about to respond when she heard something in the hall. Max must have gotten done decorating and come down for dinner, then. "Max?"

The little boy came into the kitchen and ran to David's side. "What are we making? Can I help?"

David giggled a little. "Sure. Grab some of the corn from the freezer, okay?"

Max grabbed a bag of corn from the freezer and passed it over to David. "What now?"

David and Max worked together in the kitchen smoothly, each one in a seemingly perfect dance. Gwen loved watching them cook, actually. It might have been boring or mundane to anyone else, but it was sweet and sort of perfect to Gwen - her boyfriend and their son, cooking dinner together.

"And now," David said, putting the final touches on the tamale pie. "We just need to put it in the oven. Want to put on a show while we wait?"

Max shrugged, but Gwen jumped up. "I want to pick!"

As soon as Gwen ran towards the television, Max found his own enthusiasm and chased her down, jumping on the couch and flying off the cushions to grab Gwen's shoulders and hang off her back. Gwen shrieked, falling forward a little before she caught herself again and swung her long arms around to grab Max. She ticked his sides, making him wiggle around and scream. Gwen spun around and slammed Max into the couch, continuing to tickle him mercilessly as he nearly cried with laughter.

"Sta- Stop! Stop, you horrible woman!"

"Say you'll let me pick!" Gwen countered, continuing to tickle him.


David was leaned against the door frame, watching the two of them from afar. Gwen was more tired lately - taking in a 10 year old was one of those stressful things that tended to exhaust you - but she was also even more relaxed. Happier. More care-free.

And Max was growing leaps and bounds lately. From the way he had finally started to confide in Gwen and David, to the way he was beginning to relax and he didn't curse even half as much as he did before.

There, in the living room, David made the decision to go to his cousin's wedding, with Gwen and Max at his side. He'd spent the better part of his life hiding who he was from his family, but this was bigger than him. It was more important than whatever his family might say or do.

This was his family, and families stuck together.

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