Chapter 8: Things Fall Apart

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Joshua and Charlie were standing right behind David, smiling as if they hadn't a care in the world. David was at a loss for words, his whole body screaming to protect Gwen and Max from the cult leader in front of him.

"Oh!" Joshua said, excitedly looking between Daniel and David. "David, you might know Daniel from your work at Camp! Daniel worked in a camp last summer here and we became fast friends when he came into town to do some banking. He reminded me of you!"

David's hands were gripping the table with white knuckles. Gwen had never seen him so stressed out, let alone protective and angry and downright terrified. "Max, come here."

Max opened his mouth to argue, but Gwen was lifting him over the table and into David's arms without any hesitation, so Max just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "I'm not a baby, asshole. I can walk around a table."

Joshua gasped at the rough tone and words, but David just tucked Max into his arms and looked over the boy's hair at Daniel, his eyes never softening or warming up.

"Joshua, you're right, I do know Daniel. He worked at Camp Campbell for a while, actually."

"That's so great! I was so hoping this would be a happy reunion." Joshua put a hand on Charlie's back and the two moved back, out of the circle. "I'll leave you all to catch up."

As soon as the two were gone, Daniel's face morphed into one of cold darkness. David adjusted Max in his arms so he could reach out for one of Gwen's hands, and she was quickly taking it and running around the table to stand by David.

"I see you two finally got together," Daniel said, his voice saccharine and sick. "And adopted that little nuisance, the one who ruined my work."

Max couldn't deny his fear. He didn't remember much after he'd gone into the purification chamber, but he did remember the blank looks from the other campers, the way David had nearly cried with relief when the campers had come back to themselves, and the way that Max himself stared at the Kool-Aid for far too long until Gwen finally dumped it out. The boy hid his face in David's chest, unashamed to seek comfort from his father.

"I swear to God, you better leave right now. You leave right now and I won't call the police or tell Joshua who you really are," David said, his voice unwavering and calm. It was almost strange how calm he was, but Gwen noticed the tremor in his hands. He was just putting on a show for Max.

"I don't think I will," Daniel said, leaning in closer over the table. "See, I am Joshua and Charlie's friend. I was invited today. I think if anyone should leave, it should be you."

Daniel and David were as close as they could be with Max still clinging to David's chest. "Daniel, you are not better than me. You are not stronger."

"We could test that right now," Daniel said. Something in his voice made Gwen shiver and shake, her own anxiety spiking. She hated this. Daniel was capable of incredible cruelty, and her boyfriend was face to face with him, their son the only thin separating them from one another. She stepped forward to try and get between them, but David held out a hand to both shield her and keep her behind him.

It all happened so quickly after that. 

Max felt something tug at his pant leg. There was a soft grunt from David. Gwen's clumsy arms were suddenly around Max, pulling him from David, but Max realized that David was falling to the ground and-

"Oh, my God! Someone call 911!"

Gwen was kneeling at David's side in an instant, Max left to stand next to both of them as a pool of blood began to spread out from under his tux. Max watched as Gwen flailed, unsure of what to do, then pushed her shoulder a bit and put his tiny hands over David's stomach. "We need to put pressure on the wound- Gwen, I need help! I need you to put pressure on this wound!"

Gwen slid her hands over Max's and pushed down, holding her hands as tightly as she could despite all the blood. "How- How- How did you know- dis you know to do this?"

Max gave her a pointed look. "It's not my first stab wound."

Joshua and Charlie were there in an instant, looking simultaneously terrified and shocked. "What happened?"

"Your crazy friend over here is a cult leader and he hates David. He stabbed him." Max was clearly pissed, but he kept his words clean. Gwen made a mental note to commend him on it later.

The sound of sirens was clue enough for Daniel to start running, and he disappeared in the crowd of people hurrying to get out of the way of the paramedics rushing to help David. They strapped him onto a stretcher and Gwen pulled away from him, but Max refused to move. "No!"

The paramedics tried pulling the boy away, but he just pushed them off and clung to David tighter.

"Come on, Max," Gwen said, pulling Max into her arms. He was struggling against her, but only a little.

"No!" Max called. "No, Let me go with Dad!"

Gwen held Max tighter. "Max, please. We'll follow them in the car, we'll be right there when they get to the hospital."

"No, no, no," Max wasn't screaming so much anymore, but he was trashing half-heartedly. "Mom, no, let me go... let me go with Dad."

Gwen held Max tightly as she got up and followed the medics out, only stopping once to give Joshua and Charlie a half-hearted smile. "Congratulations."

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