12 | where do i get a beyoncé ice sculpture?

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"Oh god, oh God, no, no no, no, what is this?"  I scrambled out of my bed, my vision blurry. Quickly checking to see that I was in my clothes and nothing was amiss, I turned back to stare at horror at what was in front of me.

Even after my constant screaming, nothing happened. It was still there, only flipping over to the other side. A tremble went through me as I reached out with both of my hands and pushed. It fell over the edge, howling and screaming.

I rushed to the opposite side, horrified at what I had done. It lay in a heap of muscle, a tangle of limbs. Somewhere beneath all that distracting body, I saw a shock of rich brown hair, the back toward me. Reaching out my index finger, I prodded the hard back of the huge man on the ground.

Silver blue eyes whipped around to glare at me, sucking the air right out of my lungs. I stood, transfixed, all thoughts of grabbing the intruder and kicking him out flying right out of my head.

"Daniel. . .? Is this really you?" I whispered, not knowing what to think. Did we? What did we do? Why is his shirt open? Where is his coat? Why was I in bed with him?

"No shit, Sherlock," he snapped, getting off the floor. He winced as he placed his weight on his arms. "And chill out. You look like you've never seen a gorgeous human being."

I didn't care how I looked at that instance. I just had to know. "We didn't, right? We didn't do anything? Last night?" I squeezed my eyes shut. Blurred images of the ballroom, a few hundred drinks, music, dancing, and worst of all, kissing, chased each other in my mind.

"No, mojito girl, we didn't." He glared at me again when my face relaxed just a tiny bit. "Don't look so relieved. You should know the embarassing stuff you did last night."

Daniel walked past me, leaving me stunned. He bent over the loveseat below a long window. Picking up his coat, he turned back to me and smiled wickedly. "You can be really crazy sometimes, Olivet."

I rubbed my hands over my face in exasperation. Inhaling a deep breath, I asked the question I was dreading most. "Did I. . . you know. . . do something to you? I remember," I flinched in horror, "kissing something?"

At that, Daniel roared with laughter, clutching his abdomen. Fat tears of pure amusement rolled down his cheeks, causing unexplainable second hand embarrassment to me. "What?" I asked, annoyed. "Cut it out, Daniel."

"Fine, fine," he said, wiping his tears. "You did nothing, Olivet, don't worry. I was just messing with you. You were pretty bonked last night and begged me to stay the night. That was all."

"Are you sure?" I asked, trying to put my doubtful mind at ease.

"Let's just say you were the drunk one and I was sane one. Now, tell me, who would be more sure of last night's event?" Daniel raised an eyebrow at me, while buttoning up his shirt.

My eyes wandered for a few seconds, taking in his strong arms and chest. I gulped and forced my inappropriate thoughts away. Relenting, letting out a sigh. "You."

"Exactly." He shrugged on his coat next and slipped his socked feet into his boots. "Get dressed, Olivet. I'll come back in an hour to pick you up."

And just like that, he walked to the door and left down the corridor. Understanding his statement a few seconds late, I barrelled towards the door after him. I threw it open and poked my head outside.

"Daniel!" I called and he turned, walking backwards. He raised his palms questioningly. "Where are we going?"

"Not on a date, Olivet, calm your horses. Did you already forget about us being the guests of honour? How we have to make sure everything is ready?" He shaked his hands and laughed.




"Yes, of course. That." I rolled my eyes, mentally facepalming myself. One night and my brain was unhinged.

"And, Olivet?" Daniel yelled across the dimly lit, corridor. "You did do a bit of kissing last night. With the walls. I hope you have a great time with each other!" He winked, then choking on his own laughter.

I shook my head and slowly closed the door, pressing my back against the hard oakwood. The sun was just beginning to rise over the sea. It cast a golden haze over the balcony and with the wind fluttering the pale white curtains, everything seemed ethereally beautiful.

Laughing gently, I walked over to Daniel's side of the bed. I bent over to pick up the blanket I had pushed out when a neatly tucked note under his pillow caught my eye. Dropping the duvet again, I snatched the note and began reading out loud.

Mojito Olivet,

If you're still concerned, this is a signed note from me stating that we were completely alright last night. We did nothing, just spent a few hours in the balcony, where you taught me all about the azalea flowers. I recited a few lines of poetry for you and then you fell asleep.

I carried you back to your bed. Sorry for falling asleep beside you, taking care of drunk you was quite a challenge. Hope you feel better, Wall was worried about you. Make sure to pay them a visit!

Barbie Racer.

Despite my initial revulsion, I couldn't help but stupidly giggle at Daniel's note. I did remember the Barbie Racer part of the night and the fact that he did too made me smile wider. And of course, he had checked up on me. He was a good guy, that was for certain.

"Maybe you should give him a chance."

I nearly shrieked and threw a lamp across the room when Patricia entered slowly. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her dark eyes were alive with amusement. "You two make quite the pair. We saw last night how he took care of you."

Robin sauntered in next, his hands shoved in his pockets. He smiled at me, his dimples deepening with every second. "And take care of you, he did."

Folding the note into my palm, I smiled sarcastically. "Hahaha, so funny. Barging into someone's room isn't okay! Where did you even get my room key from?"

"Well, I needed a safe space to stash my pastries and I thought your room was the best bet. I swiped your key card," Patricia grinned like it was a completely normal thing to do. Robin pressed his lips together, suppressing a smile as he put his arm around her.

I waved my hand, thoroughly disappointed. "Fine, Pat. Do your thing. I need to get ready."

Patricia held out a shiny binder, biting her lips, trying not to laugh. I frowned, taking it in my hands. "About that,' Pat said, "it's a comprehensive list of everything Madison wants for her wedding."

The large golden binder almost slipped out of my hands; it was that heavy. Madison Kingsmith's Wishlist, the title read in big, glittery red letters. I thumbed through a few pages, my jaw dropping further with every page.

"The fuck? Where do I get a Beyoncé ice sculpture? And what in the name of holy hell is a gluten free, sugar free, organic sherbet lemon cake?" I glanced up from the nightmare in my hands. "Did Daniel get one of these?"

Robin nodded sympathetically. "He did. But he got Joshua's wishlist."

"And?" I asked, hoping against hope that it was just as horrifying as mine. It wasn't fair if I had to bear the worst in this partnership thing.

"He got a single sheet of paper, Liv. We just handed it to him," Pat said, now desperate to laugh. Her cheeks were red from trying to control herself.

I flung the binder on the bed and huffed my way to the wardrobe. Pulling out an outfit I didn't care to look at, I went inside the washroom. "It's fine, you can laugh, Pat. Also, get out!"

"Sure thing, Liv, love you!" Robin called as they left, Patricia howling with laughter.

Within minutes, I was dressed in a yellow summer dress, a red bow strapped around my waist. I put on a pair of red pumps, slung my purse over my shoulder, and grabbed the binder off my bed. I slipped the note from Daniel into a small pocket in my purse, smiling all the while as I prepared to leave.

Just as soon as I pulled the door open, I saw Daniel about to knock.

He dropped his hand, a grin spreading across his insanely beautiful face. I had seen him annoyed and arrogant, but then I finally saw him as human. His cheekbones played with the light and shadows so effectively, it made my heart ache for a brush and paints. They slanted just the right amount, adding so much strength to his face.

I must have been gaping for a while because Daniel laughed suddenly and reached out his arm for me to take. "Would you like to get back to work now?"

Tearing my gaze away from his tight fitted white shirt, underneath a black leather jacket, paired with blue jeans and black boots was harder than I thought it would be. I nodded breathlessly and slipped my arm into his.

Daniel unfurled his sheet of paper, listed with around twenty items. "Looks like you got the worst of it," he said, eyeing my binder. We walked down the stairs at the end of the corridor and I laughed.

"Ya think?"

He smirked at that before saying, "How about we start with my list?"

"Sounds like a plan." I was shocked at how easily I was agreeing to whatever he said. I had presumed I would be clashing horns with him but oh, well.

Daniel checked his list and pocketed it. We walked out of the hotel , depositing our keys on the way out. The receptionists and guests alike ogled at him, which should have made me uncomfortable but I simply felt safe.

We had just stepped into the heat of the sun when my jaw dropped to the ground. A swanky, red Porsche stood waiting for us, the roof open and the seats warm. I had never in my life travelled in one of those.

"Is that. . .?"

"Yes, Olivet. You wanted to go on a drive last night. Thought I'd make it happen." He shrugged as if it was nothing.

A chauffeur appeared out of thin air and led us to the car. I settled inside, the comfort of the seats feeling foreign to my bus loving backside. "Where are we going?" I said softly, still not over the car's beauty.

Daniel smiled next to me but it wasn't his usual brightness. He looked like he might puke all over the car, and I was starting to get concerned. "You'll see," he said and we sped off, not giving me a moment to ask about him.

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