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The world is aquiver.
Shaking. Blurring at the edges.
I can't tell up from down.
I'm not sure if I'm breathing.
A claustrophobic, blinding light ensnares the universe.
I choke as I am pulled apart, as I slowly explode from the inside out...
The pain is unbearable, building, building, building --!
A scream is torn from my chest.
Quickly, shadow falls, washing away the blinding sharpness of the sky.
A moment of silence. Then everything shatters.

A sweet, smooth, mellifluous music flows gently through the glass.
The mirrored edge of the world has broken into a million pieces, too thick to ever see through, but still the music comes.
Relief floods my existence.

The dulcet golden melody washes over everything, leaving a sort of glow in its wake. Honeyed, sweetly mellow, liquid, rich, smooth, euphonious. Slowly, slowly-slowly, I emerge.

This feeling, I can't capture it with words.

Standing, solitary, in the sweet golden glory, I remember.
Love floods me.
I am longing for a place that never was, I realize.
Alone in the vanishing mist of harmony, I begin to cry.

Adrien was still crying when he woke up.

The powerful longing feeling of the dream stayed with him, lingering, unshakeable, in the air.

Ever since that afternoon with a captured Marinette he had the same dream. Every night, without fail.

It was several moments before it cleared. Adriens eyes were really open. Till he could really see.

For people can grow strong enough to whisper at the iron bars that hold them and see them bend out of their way, like the craziest magic.

 That's what love can do: fix souls, fix brains, cure us all. You can sit and call for help. You can act like there is no cage, wear a mask of coping and normality. 

You can rage against the bars. Yet what love makes simple, no other thing can solve. There is another escape route, yet it is one into another great pain. It is possible to be so emotionally starved that you slip through the bars, no longer bound but with your soul crumbling.

That was Adriens way out. What followed was endless emotional marathons on bleeding knees. He learned how to hide the pain, how to look normal. That was until his vision. He broke his bars and climbed out, the only thing he wanted to save Marinette. 

He knew she was still his. Trapped as she may be, his.

As he opened up a notebook and sat down at his desk, shivers went down his spine as he remembered the vision he had a few days ago. It wasn't a lucid dream. It was a message sent from Marinette to him, Adrien was positive. 

And he was going to save her.


Adrien wrote. And wrote. And wrote. 

He wrote down every detail of every movement he had seen Violet Marinette make, and to how that proved that she was an imposter, the real Marinette locked away somewhere else. He also wrote about his suspicions of Luka, since "Marinette" had become more distant that day in the Eifell tower after suddenly claiming to "love" him. 

As he sat in his room and gazed out the window, his pen tapping on paper, a sudden thought occurred to him. 


What if...

What if the akuma was destroyed?

Would all this madness go away?

Would Marinette be restored to her normal self?

Adrien was already on his way to Master Fu's, pulling his green trench coat on as he was halfway across the pathway. 

After all, he would never know if he didn't try, would he?

To Be Continued....

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