Black Cats Sorrow

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The heartbreak felt cold. It felt like concrete drying in his chest. 

It was unexpected, as they always are - top of the world one minute and cut down the next.  

To experience pure love and lose it so violently is something no medication can heal.  Fragments of her lay in the rubble of what was once his heart. His heart was broken, what beats in his chest was merely a mass of angry muscle that will function only until he could see her radiant smile. 

The smile she kept specially for him

Adrien was never an angry soul, never a violent person, but once love has gone it takes hold faster than you could ever imagine.

Adrien smashed his hand into the wall next to the petrified doctor, ignoring the red blood dripping down onto the dreary marble floor. He bashed it, again and again, every beating taking out the anger inside of him until he collapsed onto the floor and curled into the fetal position, tears dripping down his face and pooling onto the marble. 

Passerby's looked on as he wept, Doctors comforting him and attempting to soothe him with water. But nothing worked. 

For he felt loss. Pulsing through his body, as tears racked him heavily. In that moment of loss his world collapsed - where there was light became shadows, the pain coming and going like waves on frigid sand. Though his mind called out for hers the connection was gone... she was gone... and finally, he knew that his time to be alone had come.

She had forgotten about him. He lived in a world of darkness. 

For the Black cat was always unlucky, wasn't he?

To be continued...

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