Take My Heart with You

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The cries of a lonely cat filled the air as rained poured down, hitting against the balcony he was sitting on. A balcony full of many wonderful memories. 

Marinettes balcony. 

He sat on the railing, two bead bracelets clutched in his hands as tears racked his body. 

"Chat Noi- Adrien. Its time"

It was no more a secret who the great heroes of Paris were. Millions were gathered at the plaza to celebrate the life of Marinette, who had wholeheartedly given herself to save the city from what would have been its sure demise. 

As millions of droplets fall from a limitless sky, the wind howls in a low pitch and the flora of the forest sways in a freeform dance. Icy cold water, perfect spheres touched his skin, sitting briefly before forming tiny rivers of their own. The aroma of rain, sharp and fresh, entered Adrien's nostrils as he breathed. Adrien clutched the umbrella tighter in his hand. 

A wry smile spread itself across his face. The same umbrella he had given Marinette at school many years ago, the memory still bright in his mind. 

What started in the rain came to an end in the rain, he thought to himself. 

As he reached the crowd of people, the parted like waves on a shore to let the grieving boy through to see his beloved one last time. 

The rain pounded harder as Tom, Sabine and Adrien finally made their way to the microphone in front of all the crowds, relieved as the tent that was pitched over them eased the rain. 

Tom and Sabine never expected to witness a day like this. 

They didn't have any expectations, seeing as they never would have thought themselves to be alive to witness the moment. But here they were, staring awkwardly at the people had decided to join them despite the pounding rain and the freezing cold.

Their daughter had touched lives. 

Tom turned to his wife, staring down into soft blue. She gave a small smile and nodded up at him as he brought the mic to himself. 

"Thank you all for coming today, especially on a cold and rainy day such as today." His voice rang through the air. 

"Marinette..." He found himself choking back tears as he said her name. "M-Marinette was our world. She was everything you could ever have in a daughter. Smart. Kind. Caring. Beautiful, and full of Love. She had that uncanny ability to impact them positively in any shape or form. She had that type of aura that drew people in and create life for everyone that was drawn in."

Tom paused, allowing his tears to flow from his eyes as his wife rubbed his back. 

"She was our everything"

The crowd nodded their heads in solemn silence, many with tears in their own eyes. 

Their daughter continued to touch lives.

Even if she wasn't there to see it herself anymore. 

As Chat Noir stood, staring at the thousands of Parisians standing before him, he felt afraid. He was afraid to stumble over his words, afraid to disappoint everyone with his speech. He glanced at the picture of Marinette placed in the middle of the memorial, flowers and gifts surrounding it as everyone came forward to say their goodbyes. 

As he gazed of across the crowd, he locked eyes with a pair of dark brown orbs, and the old man standing of to the corner. His umbrella held within his hand with a pair of red, green and black orbs peeking from his printed shirt. 

Adrien closed his eyes and gave a small smile. 

"Hello, people of Paris. Thank you, everyone, for being here today. For everyone that's here, it means a lot. to me, to us, to see how Ladybug, How Marinette impacted your life somehow.  Ladybug swore to you on that day we became heroes that she would do everything in her power to keep you all safe. And she proved it to you all. Not because she wanted glory, or fame, or for many people to show up at her funeral. But because of her passion to save Paris, the joy it gave her to save others. Ladybug was a hero that was selfless, kind, passionate and brave. She was the type of hero that wouldn't think twice to save another person, even if it means jeopardising her own safety. 

You all may have lost a hero, but I have lost so much more. She was always more than a partner. She was my other half, She was the first person I complained to about my problems, the first person I could open my heart to. She was the first person I fell in love with. 

Chat Noir gave a little chuckle as he looked away from the crowds and up into the grey partisan sky. 

"I miss her. I miss her so much that words can not describe my world without her right now. I miss the way she smiled, the way she would swing from building to building without a care in the world. I miss how she would beat me at Mecha Strike III for hours on end. I miss her voice when she held out her fist and congratulated me on a job well done. 

He felt his eyes close, feeling the rain finally start to cease as a light breeze filled the area. 

He walked to her monument underneath the Eiffel tower and smiled before he placed the wedding ring he never gave her on the cool stone of her grave. He also placed the black miraculous ring onto the grave.

As Adrien made his way back to the microphone, a little Ladybug, unnoticed by everyone flew through the breeze, before landing ever so softly on the shiny engagement ring that had been placed there moments before. It crawled its way across, before nestling itself into the black ring that shone ever so brightly in the sunlight. 

"I love you Marinette and I always will. I can't wait for the day I can finally see you again."

Adrien outstretched his arm to the now bright sky.

"So Take My Heart with You"

Ladybug and Chat Noir were the greatest saviours of Paris. Just as they should be.

Just as they would be forever.

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