Chapter 2: 1983

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November 4

For a moment all was dark and damp as she sat on the cracked sidewalk.

Then the sound of children's laughter and playful shrieks filled Kinsley's ears.  She jumped back as the darkness disappeared, leaving her in the warm sunshine.  She looked around frantically, wondering where on earth her best friend had gone.  

Everything around her looked the same, except for the children that now occupied the park next to her.  The overgrown tree was, well, not-so-overgrown anymore.  She placed a hand over her heaving chest, sucking in as much oxygen as she could.  She screwed her eyes shut and counted to ten, assuming this was all some weird dream.

"Are you okay?"

Kinsley let out a small yelp at the little girl's voice.  A group of little kids had gathered next to her on the sidewalk, staring at her.  Kinsley gulped and managed a small, fragile smile.

"Yeah, I just fell down." she responded as she shakily stood.

One of the kids peered at the phone in her hand, "What's that?"

"My phone," she said, swallowing hard.

The kids gasped, "That's not a phone!"

"My mom won't let me use the phone."

"Mine has a long cord!"

"Mine is-"

Kinsley cleared her throat and laughed, "Alright, you caught me, this is just my small box of, of-" she looked around in a panic, "Gotta go, I think I hear my mom calling me.  Thanks for checking on me!"

Kinsley turned and sprinted down the sidewalk, leaving the little ones in confusion.  Her heart was pounding and sweat blinded her eyes.  What was happening?

What little kid hadn't heard of a phone in 2017?

She stopped at a nearby bench and sat down, hunched over, burying her face into her hands.  It was taking all of her power not to cry.

But she ended up crying anyway.

She let the sobs wrack her body.  Clearly she wasn't in her Hawkins anymore.  How had she left her Hawkins in the first place?  She looked up and wiped the tears from her eyes, blushing as two girls across the street stared at her.  

One of them was whispering to the other in concern, nudging the other friend.  Kinsley looked away and sniffled, attempting to look somewhat okay.  She groaned to herself as the girls began to cross the street to her, she did not need to explain herself.

"Are you okay?" the red-headed girl asked with a frown.

Kinsley nodded, "Yes, I'm fine, just having some," she paused and looked down, "Family problems." she muttered.

The brunette frowned as well, "You go to Hawkins High School, right?"

Kinsley's heart skipped a beat, if she played along, maybe she could figure all of this out.  A few lies couldn't hurt, right?  Especially to strangers.

"Yeah, I think I recognize you." Kinsley said, perking up a little.

My bullshitting better work.

"I knew it!  I think we have english together," the girl said with a beautiful smile, "I'm Nancy Wheeler."

"And I'm Barbara Holland," the red-headed girl said with an equally bright smile.

Kinsley wiped her eyes and held her hand out, "Kinsley Adams."

"Do you need to stay the night with someone?  My house is always welcome to girls in need," Barbara offered.

"That would actually be great, my parents aren't in the best place right now and I don't intend to go home any time soon." she said quietly, her heart beginning to race again at the thought of going home.

Barbara placed a hand on her shoulder, "You can definitely stay at my house, my parents won't mind."

Nancy nodded, "We can all hang out tonight, too!"

Kinsley stood up and slowly slid her phone into her back pocket, the adjusted the straps on her backpack.  If no one here knew what a phone was, they certainly wouldn't be able to comprehend what a laptop was.  She would have to keep her backpack close at all times and make sure no one caught a glimpse at her devices.

"Hey, what's the date today?  I'm pulling a blank," Kinsley asked, running a hand through her hair.

"November second, nineteen eighty-three!" Nancy responded, opening up a book as they trudged down the sidewalk.

Kinsley choked on her spit a little, eyes going wide and heart pounding even more.

"But you probably knew that last bit!" Barbara exclaimed as the two laughed together.  

It was freakin' 1983.  

Kinsley had gone back in time. . .

- - -

Wow I am getting more views on this than I expected!  Thanks so much!  This is just a filler chapter, to build up some story before she meets Steve.

Hope you're enjoying!

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