"Sisters By Chance. Enemies By Choice."

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(A/N: Max's Pj's at the top)

*Riley's POV*

"She completely humiliated me today!"

"Riley Mathews! Room! Now!"

"But, Mom!"

"Go!" I huff and go to my room, slamming my door. I can't believe this. Max should have never come home. She is ruining my life and making me look like a terrible person in front of my friends. In front of Peaches. And especially Lucas.

"Mom! I'm home!" Max says, closing the door behind her. She heads to her room but I am quick to drag her to mine. "Whoah."

"How dare you?"

"What are you talking about Riley?" Like she doesn't know.

"How dare you come back here and steal my friends? How dare you make me look like an awful person?"

"First of all, they're not just your friends. Second of all, I came back because I missed Auggie, Mom, and Dad. Also, if you feel like a terrible person, it's because you are." When she finishes her last sentence I slap her, hard. Which makes her stagger back a little.

"There is a reason they sent you away. They sent you away because they don't love you- nobody does." Her eyes begin to water and her face contorts in sadness. Before I can say anything else to her, she runs out of my room. Cry, baby.

*Max's POV*

After leaving Riley's room I shut my door and change into my pj's with blurred eyes. She's right. Nobody loves me. Not even the friends I met yesterday. Not even Lucas. How could I be so nieve? So stupid?

"Honey?" My mom says, opening my door.

"Yeah, Mom?" I ask.

"Are you ok?"

"I thought I was ready to come back but I wasn't," I say as tears run down my face.

"What's going on, baby?"

"Riley still hates me."

"Oh, honey..."

"I want to go. I want to leave. Please, Mom."

"I just got you back. Please think about it?"

"Ok, I'll give it a month."

"Thank you, baby."

"Of course, Mama. I love you."

"I love you too, baby girl." She says, hugging me. She leaves my room and I go out to my balcony. I wish I could see the stars. When I was living with my dad's family, I could see them more clearly- it also helped that I had a telescope. Why didn't I bring it here? Whatever. Eso si que es- it is what it is. Maybe I should get some sleep? I do have school tomorrow. Before I can get into bed, I get a notification on my phone:

Instagram: NYLover has sent you a message.

Opening my phone, I go to my DM's on Instagram and what I see makes my heart drop:

NYLover: Everyone hates you. As if that wasn't already obvious. Why don't you do everyone a favor and go back to where you came from?

All I can do is stare at that message all night. I can't even think about sleep, fearing that all I will be able to see is that one message. Who is NYLover? I have a guess, but what if I'm wrong and it's someone I don't even know. My spiral ends when my alarm goes off, signaling that it's time for me to go to school.

After getting dressed I grab some toast and head for the subway. Today I have my Walkman, Cherry Bomb blasting in my ears. I feel a tap on my shoulder and low and behold, it's Lucas.

"Hey," I say taking off my headphones.

"Hey. Why didn't you answer my text this morning?"

"My phone died," I say, looking down.

"It's ok. I was just worried."

"I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Maxine, it's ok."


"Are you ok? You look exhausted."

"Yeah. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"How come?" Should I tell him?

"Riley," I say deciding not to tell him about the message.

"What happened with Riley?"

"We got into a fight." This is all I say because I'm still not ready to tell him everything.

"I'll talk to her," he says with determination.

"No! Please, it'll only make it worse," I say as my eyes get wide.

"Ok... but if it gets worse, I'm gonna say something."


This is going to be a long day. 

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