Chapter 17 - The Vow

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We swam hard, cutting through the water with our powers until I saw light ahead and down. Prince Elatha angled down toward it and I followed.

As we got closer, I realized the light was a green energy field that created a bubble of air surrounding a series of buildings. The outpost was arranged in a wheel shape with smaller buildings laid out in spokes, surrounding larger central buildings.

Prince Elatha swam toward a silver circle near the base of the bubble where it met the sea floor. Waiting for me to join him, he entered a code on a virtual pad that appeared when his hand raised a spot on the side of the circle. The energy field pushed outward, over us and to the edges of the silver circle, creating a bubble of air surrounding us and open to the inside. As we stepped through, it retracted and the water was once again pressing against the original energy wall.

The level of technology or magic impressed me. I wasn't sure which was in use here, but as I'd learned on Asgard, magic was just science I couldn't yet fully explain. Still, I had a lot to learn to catch up to the level of scientific knowledge held by immortals.

The air inside the dome was clean and fresh, like after a spring rain. It reminded me of the temperate rainforests of home, a comforting and familiar scent, and I breathed deep. Given our surroundings, I'd expected the air to smell like salt. With the surrounding air, I dried myself and my clothing, removing the salt as well. As much as I loved being in the water, I hated the way the salt felt on my skin when it dried into a crust.

Prince Elatha watched me, one black eyebrow raised at the display of power. Once I finished, he nodded, seemingly in approval. Instead of drying himself, he shook his thick, shoulder-length black hair, leaving it damp to curl around his face. His body, armour, and tight-fitting skinsuit visible on the unarmoured parts of his undeniably fit athletic body shed the water almost as fast, leaving a puddle on the dry ground beneath him. Clearly, being wet didn't bother him. Although, I wished I hadn't noticed he looked even better in the air than he had in the water.

"This way, Princess," Elatha said, his voice a rich baritone as he strode toward the large central buildings. It was a graceful collection of silver towers.

"How large is the Fomorian territory?" I asked, stumbling with my first step. He looked back at me, and I forced my feet to cooperate and follow him. Despite his assistance thus far, I didn't want to give away my exhaustion.

"Atlantia has seven major cities spread across one hundred and twenty million square kilometres. Hy-Brasil is our capital city here on Tír na nÓg. We also have numerous outposts throughout the edges of our territory and a few still on Litaui."

I blinked, his answer catching me off guard. "You call your kingdom Atlantia? So, by any chance, would one of those outposts on Midgard be Atlantis?"

Elatha laughed, eying me with amusement. "Yes, yes it is. I can guess what your next question is going to be, right? Was Atlantis on the surface and sank?"

I grinned and nodded, following him into one of the central towers.

"Our outposts on Litaui used to float on the surface, but after too many attacks by the elves, we retreated under the water. So yes, Atlantis sank below the waves, but it was a defence strategy, not a disaster."

As we climbed up several flights of stairs, I groaned to myself. Between the pregnancy and captivity, I bemoaned my lost fitness. My legs were rubbery and lungs almost wheezing by the time we stopped at a room that had multiple screens, similar to the mist projection screens I'd seen on Asgard. In addition, windows looked outside with visibility into the nearby waters. Several Fomorians stood at different stations, monitoring read-outs.

When they caught sight of us, they gave the prince a quick bow.

"Good morrow, Prince. To what do we owe the honour?" asked one of the female Fomorians with interesting white streaks in her short black hair.

"I need to send an encoded message to the Queen," Elatha said.

She stepped away from her station, allowing him to take her position. Elatha entered a code on a screen that gave him access, wrote his message and when he closed the screen, a pulse of light shot out from the energy barrier, through the water and headed off in the distance back in the direction we had come.

"Thank you, Mara. My guest, Princess Shannon of Asgard, and I will stay for a rest period and meal before continuing our journey," he said.

"Certainly, my prince. Welcome Princess. As we are only at half visitor capacity at present, you have your pick of rest chambers."

"Perfect. The nautilus wing, then. The view from those chambers is splendid."

"Very well, my prince." Mara inclined her head. "I'll alert the staff to expect you."

"Thank you, Mara." Elatha gestured for me to follow and we descended the stairs, much to my relief. Instead of heading back outside, we curved around at one landing to an open hallway that connected this particular central tower and one of the wings.

The top of the hallway was clear, with nothing obstructing the view of the water above and surrounding the energy dome. Because of the glowing green vegetation growing in the waters outside the energy dome, there was an abundance of sea life to watch swimming by.

"If you like that view, you'll love the view from the rest chambers," Elatha said, breaking into my reverie. I hadn't realized I'd stopped partway down the hallway to watch.

"I'm looking forward to it," I replied with a smile. It was incredibly beautiful. Absolutely mesmerizing.

When we continued on, we entered what I took to be the nautilus wing. The building had an open central staircase and on each level, many doors led to what I assumed to be rest chambers. Gritting my teeth to follow him up the stairs, Elatha led me to the top level, and putting a palm to a door scanner, opened one of the rooms.

"Put your palm on the scanner to code it to you. The staff will reset it when we leave. It's how you'll open your door and control everything inside."

Following his instructions, I put my palm on the scanner until it lit up blue.

"I'll give you a quick tour before heading to my chamber." After leading me inside, he showed me the bathroom and kitchen, including how to select a meal or beverage. Elatha demonstrated the lights and the privacy shades. The entire top of the room was the same transparent material as the hallway we'd walked through. With the privacy shades engaged, I could still see out, but he assured me no one could see in.

"Thank you," I said as he finished the tour. "I agree. The view is spectacular."

Elatha grinned. With a thumb pointing at the room on my right, he said, "I'll be right next door if you run into difficulties, need anything, or just want your curiosity further assuaged." The unmistakable glint in his eyes told me he wasn't referring to my intellectual curiosity. 

Damn it. He'd caught me checking him out.

"Thank you for your kind offer, but I'm sure I'll be fine," I said firmly, but politely. Gods, I'd have to be dead not to notice his inherent sex appeal, even as I tried not to, but my heart belonged to Loki.

Elatha's lips twisted in a rueful half-smile. "Can't blame me for offering. Fomorians are a polyamorous people. Our females take multiple consorts, as our natural population sex ratio is distinctly male-biased." He ran an admiring glance over my form. "Loki is a lucky, lucky god. I'd certainly be willing to share if it meant being with you."

My libido wasn't quite getting my heart's message as an image of Elatha and Loki both wrapped around me in an erotic embrace short-circuited my thoughts for a few seconds. Damn. So hot. Almost whimpering, I couldn't help my arousal. 

Until my brain kicked in. Guilt churned that the idea tempted me.

"Ummm... I'm confident Loki doesn't share," I said even as heat flushed my cheeks. Flustered, I needed Elatha to leave before my exhaustion led me to do something stupid.

"The offer is there if you change your mind. You are a rare female, Princess Shannon." 

Another appreciative look from him did nothing to calm my confusion. Rather than that uncomfortable, unclean sensation when a man leered, Prince Elatha was charming and warm in his obvious admiration. It had me heating in an entirely unacceptable way. 

To stop the conflict his attention was causing me and to put him off, I dropped the illusion hiding my well-rounded pregnant belly. 

"While I thank you for the compliment, Prince Elatha, Loki and I are soulmates and expecting our first child," I explained as I got a grip on my wayward thoughts. Don't be stupid and cause some kind of diplomatic incident! Hormonal idiot!

Elatha's unusual silver starburst eyes widened when he saw what I'd been hiding. "You are even more desirable and radiant with child, Princess," he said in a reverent tone before his face grew stormy, fury snapping in his eyes.

The silver looked liked bursts of lightening, crackling in a night sky. So beautiful and distracting, I almost missed what he was saying.

"Those elves and dwarves must have a death wish! There is no greater dishonour than hurting a pregnant female. I'm shocked all of Asgard isn't combing every inch of Tír na nÓg to find you when you carry an heir to the Asgardian throne," he snarled.

His tone conveyed an appalled fury that had me curious. Although our brief acquaintance had suggested that their actions would disgust him, the level of his response was beyond what I would have predicted.

"To be fair, they didn't know. I've been hiding my pregnancy with an illusion, as you just saw. That said, Crom Cruach and Llew seemed to target pregnant mortals with the Wild Hunt when I was taken." Remembering had my fists clenching. "If they'd known, I certainly don't think it would have stopped them." My inability to rescue those women roughened my voice and tears beckoned. 

Elatha spat, face twisted in disgust. "Crom Cruach is the most depraved elf I've had the misfortune to ever cross weapons with."

"Not going to disagree with you. He's absolutely disgusting from my limited experience." Just remembering the cruelty on his face had nausea churning and an acidic burn in my throat.

Unexpectedly, Elatha got down to one knee, and a thousand butterflies erupted into flight in my stomach, eliminating the nausea in a more panicked twisting.

What is he doing?

With his left hand across his chest and his right on his trident on the floor in front of me, he spoke, "I swear on my honour and the trident of the Sea Peoples that I will do everything in my power to help you return to your mate Loki and your home." 

Oddly, it had the wording of a formal vow, with a ring of magic to it, and the seriousness of his face confirmed it.

Quietly and with relief, I released the breath I'd held when he'd kneeled. 

"I thank you for your vow, Prince Elatha." I wasn't sure what else to say, but it seemed to satisfy him. 

Elatha nodded, picked up his trident and backed away towards the door.

"I will see you on the morrow's rising, unless you have need of me earlier. Good resting, Princess Shannon," he said as bowed, and left, closing the door behind him.

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