Chapter 28 - Surface Bound

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Waking early, we had a quick breakfast before Manannan, Mist, and I set out for the Tunnels of Glass. After taking Mist up to the water's surface, we sped through the rich sea life. As we wove our way through the various passageways, I noticed rays gliding gracefully through the water.

What had Shannon thought of all the different vibrantly coloured fish, and the interesting forms and colours of the glowing vegetation when she'd passed through these waters? I couldn't help but remember our first underwater exploration together when we'd visited the Great Barrier Reef on Midgard. Despite being attacked by bunyip, we'd had fun playing with the dolphins and zipping through the water. Norns, but I missed her. To be so close to catching up to her, yet still not with her, was an agony of endurance. 

After swimming for twelve hours and while taking our second break, Manannan warned us that the route would get even more convoluted.

"Make sure you stay close, as there are some sharp turns up ahead. We've got another three hours before we reach the Tunnels of Glass."

"The vegetation is creating enough light in the water that visibility is pretty good," Mist commented. "I'm able to keep track of you really well, but if we hit a dark section, I'll need you to either come closer to the surface or slow down for me."

"I will. Loki, you'll see Mist every time you breach, so if you lose me, give a shout and stop. As a dolphin, your clicks will bounce off the walls, and I'll get the message even if you've lost sight of me, so I can double back for the two of you. That way, you don't take a wrong turn, and I have to track you down."

"Reasonable precaution," I agreed, and Mist nodded.

Despite my impatience, we kept to a more moderate pace as the passages got progressively narrower until Manannan stopped and headed to the surface.

"This is the entrance to the Tunnels of Glass. I'll need to tow the two of you from here. Ready?" he asked.

Although I wasn't thrilled by the idea, I trusted Manannan would get us through. I changed back to myself and nodded.

"Frankly, I'd do anything to find Shannon," I said.

Mist smirked. "I'm about to get squeezed through slick wet tunnels at the mercy of a hot sexy god, while holding another hot sexy god. What's not to love?"

I snorted in amusement. There was no attraction between Mist and me, but I enjoyed her mischievous teasing of the sea god.

Manannan opened his mouth to say something, changed his mind, and his lips twisted in a wry smile. His eyes travelled over her body in a slow, thorough assessment, meeting her gaze with distinct male appreciation.

Mist sat on the rock ledge, relaxed and not in the least disturbed by his lingering perusal.

"So should I let you two quench that obvious lust first, or are we going to penetrate these tunnels together?" I quipped.

Mist burst out laughing.

"Nice one, Loki. Loving the visual," she said as Manannan shook his head, eyes glinting with humour.

"Are all Asgardians like this? How have I not noticed?" he wondered aloud.

Mist snorted, and I laughed.

"Please. God of Mischief." She waved a hand at me. "Expect it from him."

"And a fertility god, so I'll not let a good innuendo go to waste." I winked at her.

Manannan chuckled. "I need to hang around you Asgardians more often. You are my kind of people." 

"Okay, on that note. Ready, Mist?" I asked.

"Ready!" she said, grabbing the hand I'd extended. 

Manannan wrapped a single bubble of air around the two of us. "Here we go," he said as we descended towards the dark opening.

The tunnels were just as disorientating as he'd warned. The reflective surface sent multiple twisted copies of our forms and the openings of other tunnel branches in the light I cast. It was like a series of distorted funhouse mirror images in those travelling carnivals on Midgard. Mist and I floated together, holding each other's forearms, as Manannan tugged us behind him.

We curved up and down in what felt like several corkscrews and sideways s-curves for hours before we suddenly emerged into a wide open ocean. The water was a rich deep blue with a faint light far above.

Able to move much faster now, Manannan dragged us to the surface, and we popped up like a cork out of a bottle. I appreciated the sight of the sky again. Although not claustrophobic, I didn't particularly enjoy being underground for long periods of time. Taking deep breaths, I filled my lungs with the clean, salt-laden air.

As we discussed our options, we treaded water.

"Thor should have connected with Shannon by now. She's been up on the surface for four days, including today," I mused.

"I agree. It makes the most sense to head to the treaty plains, the bifrost site between the realms. That's where Thor would go to wait once he's found Shannon," Mist said.

"Okay, but if Thor hasn't located Shannon, which way do you think she would go? Through the water towards the Summer Realm? Or to the closer shore of the Winter Realm to walk to the Summer Realm?" Manannan asked.

"The Winter Realm is riskier, and she can move through the water with ease. The ocean also gives her energy. I think she'd take the water route to the Summer Realm," I reasoned.

"True, but she might have taken the Winter Realm way if she thinks you're here looking for her," Mist argued.

Manannan frowned, looking off in the distance. "If I encounter any of the Unseelie, they won't attack me, so why don't I search that route while the two of you fly directly to where you expect to find Thor? You'll be twice as fast in the air, cutting down the travel to about three days or less. I'll continue until I reach the bifrost site, but it will take me at least a week, if not more. Leave someone there with a message if you've found Shannon and taken her home by then."

"That's an excellent plan, Manannan. If I don't see you for a while, thank you. I can't tell you how much Asgard, and I personally, appreciate your assistance. I am in your debt," I said.

Manannan held out his forearm, and I clasped it. "It's been a pleasure, Prince Loki. Although I would have helped Shannon regardless, I'm glad to have had this time with you. There is no debt between us."

Mist swam over to Manannan, paused, then slid her hand behind his neck and another into his long blue hair as she tugged him tight to her and kissed him.

Clearly not slow on the uptake, Manannan held her firmly with a hand on her back and the other on her ass while he took control of the kiss. A steamy, demanding melding, it had Mist writhing against him. Both were panting, chests heaving when they broke apart.

After pulling herself out of his arms and into the air, she gave him a little smile and salute. "Something to keep you warm at night and remember me by, Sea God," she teased a bit breathlessly, not unaffected herself if her still rapid breathing was anything to go by.

"Oh, we aren't done by a long shot, Valkyrie Mist. I will see you again," he growled up at her.

As I waited for them to finish their flirting, I'd shifted to a raven, circling in the air.

Mist rose to join me and with a last dip of my wings to acknowledge Manannan, we set off across the water towards the distant light on the far horizon. 

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