Chapter 36 - The Jig Is Up

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Over the next three weeks, I was going stir crazy. I was not used to this level of prolonged inactivity. Even before my transition to goddess, I'd never been one to lie around for days at a time. 

At least I got the occasional break from the monotony of my rooms. 

Thor took me out to the nearby forest each day for a morning picnic. I loved spending time in the Mimameidr Woods. It was so peaceful, and the energy from the massive ancient trees soaked into my body like rain into parched ground. While I was there, I could forget everything that was bothering me. Thor was great company as well. He had lots of stories, and kept me amused with the tales of his exploits, the history of Asgard and the nine realms, and funny gossip from around the capital city. 

The one thing we never talked about was Loki.

I still hadn't seen him, and that pain was a constant torment in my chest. Every time my mind strayed to him, I tried to push the questions of his abandonment away. It was clear he wanted nothing to do with me or our child now. As much as I ached to find him, to be in his arms again like the erotic dreams that haunted me, I was conflicted.

Split in two like I'd never be whole again.

That he'd rather I'd died, let our child die, than do everything to survive had a rage burning within my soul. A visceral betrayal so deep that if I allowed myself to dwell on it, I'd scream until the world shattered.

But another part of me cowered within myself, shame a slick coating on my skin I'd never be able to wash myself clean. That I hadn't found another way. That I'd enjoyed being with Elatha. 

On the positive side, between the daily forest visits and the salt water baths, Healer Moja was pleased with my progress, but still wouldn't let me off bed rest. She insisted my energy deficit was still too critical.

Mist and Kara came by frequently, telling me stories of what was going on in the palace, capital city, or in the wider realm. Relations were still unsettled with the Sidhe after the daring escape from Asgard. Everyone was on edge, not knowing how the Unseelie had gotten into Asgard to free Crom and Llew. 

Odin came by a few times, telling me how pleased he was to have me safely back home. He didn't stay long, but I appreciated his visits, nonetheless.

Frigga came by every single afternoon. She brushed my hair, read me stories, and taught me some Asgardian board games. It made my time on bed rest bearable, and I told her so when she visited that afternoon.

She frowned, head tilted, with an odd look in her green eyes.

"You said I've come to visit you every day?" 

The hesitancy in her voice and the way she'd emphasized 'every' had me puzzled. Why wouldn't she know how often she'd visited me?

"Yes. It's made my time stuck in bed go much quicker."

"But Shannon, I haven't visited you every day," she said. 

"Yes you have." Bed rest hadn't made me addled. My brain still worked just fine, thank you very much. 

"No, I haven't. What am I doing on days when I haven't been teaching you these board games we've been playing?"

Frigga's question made no sense. How could she not know what she was doing? How could she not know how often she'd visited?

I frowned. "You know what you've been doing."

"Please just tell me, Shannon," she requested in a patient tone.

"You've been brushing my hair and reading stories."

Frigga sighed with a long exhalation before smiling and shaking her head. "No Shannon, I haven't. But someone who has missed you, loves you very much, and is acting like quite the coward certainly has been."

It took me but seconds.

"Loki has been visiting, pretending to be you to spend time with me?" My voice cracked at the end, the emotion making my throat thick.

"Yes, it appears my son continues to be an idiot."

"But... but why? Why can't he just talk to me?" All this time, Loki let me think he didn't want me, didn't miss me, didn't forgive me.

She snorted. "You did hear the 'idiot' part, right? Do you still have the bond closed between you?"

"Yes," I said cautiously, even as my heart pounded a frantic rhythm in my chest.

"Well, there's your answer. Loki doesn't know how you feel. He's afraid and insecure, worried you won't forgive him for his response when he found you. Do remember that I said 'idiot' right?" Frigga's tone was both exasperated and loving at the same time.

I sat thinking about that for a few minutes. It hadn't even occurred to me that Loki might fear my response. I'd been so wrapped up in my own conflicted feelings, assuming he was angry and rejecting me. Could he really be afraid I'd be the one who was angry? But to leave me so upset and not knowing... for this long... really? 

She sighed. "I think, in light of this revelation, that we should discuss what seems to be your miraculous recovery of energy. Healer Moja has been mystified, and I suspect I know the answer. Have you been having dreams, Shannon?"

I frowned. Of course I'd dreamed. Everyone dreamed. I looked closer at her expression and understood what she meant. Those kinds of dreams.

"You are asking if I've had any erotic dreams, aren't you? Not regular dreams."

"Exactly. Have you?"

I blushed. "Yes. Frequently. I thought it was simply pregnancy hormones."

Frigga pressed her lips together. "No, I think someone has been playing Morpheus in your dreams, visiting you while you sleep."

"Loki has been coming to my bed, seducing me? Multiple times a night? Every night?" I couldn't decide if I was shocked, aroused, or angry by that. It was certainly a combination of all three after the incredible revelation that he was already visiting me sometimes by day, unbeknownst to me.

Now Frigga smiled, amusement gleaming. "My, my. Loki has been busy, hasn't he? Well, that certainly clears up a few mysteries. I couldn't understand how he was resisting seeing you. Apparently, he's spending hours with you every day. He must be sleeping during part of the day to be keeping up that kind of activity schedule to recharge your energy reserves."

Anger was winning out between the three emotions. It was so unfair that Loki knew he was spending time with me, while he'd left me to my misery and loneliness. 

It had me snarling sarcastically, "So are you going to tell me next that Thor hasn't been taking me for picnics in the forest each day? That Loki has been doing that too?" I didn't think so, but was Thor really available so often? Were Mist and Kara really visiting me? Surely he wasn't impersonating everyone?

Frigga eyes widened. "Oh my. Thor has been on Alfheim, trying to track down Crom and Llew. He isn't even on Asgard, Shannon."

Heat enveloped my face as fury rose, hot and fast inside me. Clenching my fists, I tried to stay in control and not let my powers out. I wasn't supposed to be using them.

Stay in control.

Stay in control.

"Loki!" I yelled as my rage erupted.

A rainbow of lights surrounded me and then dissipated, leaving me standing in my simple empire-waisted gown in the midst of shouts, flashes of light, and people. 

Too many people.

Disoriented after catching my balance, the first thing I saw was Loki, standing with his mouth gaping in surprise, dressed in a gorgeous blue suit with his hair ginger short and pale blue eyes wide. My fury still riding me in a blinding red haze, I walked the couple of steps it took to reach him and slapped him hard on his too-sexy dimpled face.

The smack stung my hand and brought me back to myself. Looking around, I was appalled to be standing on a red carpet in front of a sea of cameras, media, and fans staring at me in shock. I burst into tears, covering my face.

Loki took my shoulders gently. "Shannon! How did you get here? Are you—" he began and a hot gush of fluid soaked my dress and thighs.

"My water just broke," I whispered, horrified, as if the cameras couldn't hear me and hadn't caught all of it.

Like a dam collapsing under overwhelming flood waters, it also broke the collective shock of those watching. Questions were yelled at Loki about me, about the child, asking if it was his. Camera flashes blinded me.

Consummate professional and unflappable God of Chaos that he was, Loki turned to them and with a brilliant smile said, "Excuse me while I get my wife and child to a hospital. We're about to have a baby boy!"

I growled at his statement and ripped open the bond.

"I am not your wife. You haven't even asked properly yet! Plus, you have lots of explaining to do, pretending to be your mom, your brother, and my dream lover! What the fuck was that, Loki?" My mental tone snarled with fury at his weeks of deception.

"I'm sorry! Really, really sorry! I will gladly beg your forgiveness, but please, please let me get you back to Asgard so our son isn't born on the red carpet or in a primitive Midgardian hospital. I want you home in case of any complications with our large son. Please, darling. Please let me get you out of here."

His love, warmth, desire, and protectiveness flowed into me, filling up the gaping wound within me for over two months of his absence. I tried not to let it affect me, but damn it, I'd missed him terribly.

I let him guide me back to the entrance of the red carpet, security holding everyone back while the valet hurried to bring his vehicle.

A contraction hit, doubling me over as I held my belly, clenching my teeth to keep from screaming. Loki rubbed my back, murmuring something I was too distracted to hear as I sucked air through my nose and blew it out noisily. 

The vehicle arrived in a few short minutes and he got me in, buckled up, and moved around to the driver's side. Pulling away, he sped down the road, getting to his flat in record time. As soon as the vehicle was parked, he teleported us to the roof.


The lights of the bifrost swirled just as another contraction hit and I screamed. 

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