Chapter 8 - Seventy-One Percent

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Mist and I had spent the past four and a half months on Midgard, searching the oceans to find Manannan Mac Lir. You never really appreciated how much of Midgard was covered with water until you tried to find one sea god in the vastness of Earth's oceans. We'd started with the Great Barrier Reef and oceans around Australia where Shannon and I had last seen him.

The dolphins were happy to see us. I'd changed shapes to converse with them, but they hadn't seen the sea god recently. With each new pod we encountered, we left the message that if they saw Poseidon, to let him know we searched for him on Shannon's behalf. If I wasn't convinced that he could search vast areas of Alfheim faster than the current searchers, I'd have given up trying to locate him so I could return to search myself. Yet I knew he was one of our best hopes to find her before our son was due.

Nightmares of her alone, struggling, in danger, and labouring with our son haunted me whenever I closed my eyes. I did my best to not think about it. Worse were the nightmares where my memories of Sigyn's ravaged body blended into Shannon's, leaving me to wake screaming, sweat-soaked, with terror a thick coat on my tongue. When I let myself dwell on it, I couldn't function. Hunting for Manannan gave me a goal to get through each minute, each hour, each day as the weeks dragged on.

Mist kept me on target and from losing my mind.

At least the time difference between realms worked for us. Every five or six days on Midgard, we'd head back to Asgard for a daily update. Ambassador Ogma claimed there was still no sign of Shannon despite four weeks of searching thus far. Unfortunately, our Einherjar and Valkyrie embedded with the searching Sidhe confirmed their lack of progress. They were searching methodically, but it was a big planet.

When there were no new leads, I tried to not be discouraged. Barely functioning now, I couldn't afford to let the lack of progress get to me. If I was paralyzed by anxiety, I wouldn't be able to help find Shannon.

With judicious use of hypnosis, I'd cleaned up my mess on the set of "Loki". Being able to clone myself allowed me to finish filming. Every bit of energy the acting gave me, I used to continue my search for Manannan and stave off sleep.

I'd even convinced Ben and Sophie that Shannon was now fine, back in Vancouver, working, but would be out to visit soon.

If only the truth was that simple.

Shoving it from my mind, I focused on today's destination. Mist and I were heading to the ocean surrounding the Isle of Man today. Heimdall set us down on a patch of unoccupied beach. After changing shape, I dove my dolphin body into the dark waters, sending out clicks to find a local pod. Mist tracked me by running above the waves.

Speeding through the depths, I searched. When I heard a response, I swerved in that direction. We were making good speed when the soul-deep ache that had plagued me for the past four and a half months disappeared.

Shocked, I stopped swimming.

Shannon's alive! I actually feel she's alive! Oh thank the Norns! If I hadn't been in the water, the relief would have dropped me to my knees. Although I didn't yet know where she was, at least I knew that much.

"Shannon, can you hear me?" When I didn't get a reply, I couldn't deny the sharp claws of disappointment. But some exchange, some aspect of the link was active again.

Mist stopped above me, and I came to the surface, shifting back to myself to talk with her.

"Something has happened. The bond doesn't hurt anymore. I can't feel Shannon exactly, but we aren't cut off anymore," I said, struggling to explain what I was sensing through the lump of emotion in my throat.

"Do you still want to try to find Manannan today, or do you want to head back to Asgard to see if they know anything?" 

"We're already here. A pod answered my call. Let's look first, then head to Asgard."

"Okay. Ready when you are." 

After shifting back to a dolphin, I dove under again. When I sent out a series of clicks, the pod answered, closer now.

They were headed to me.

When we reached them, I asked if they'd seen the sea god.

With excited chatter, they offered to take us to where the sea god was today. We followed as they dove, swerved and leapt their way to him. As we got close, Manannan called out to us.

"Why, Prince Loki, you make a handsome dolphin. Who is your Valkyrie friend and where's the lovely Princess Shannon?"

I rose to the surface, shifting so Mist and I could both speak with him, and he joined us.

"This is Mist," I said as I introduced her.

"We've met, but it was a long time ago when I was still a child, Manannan," she said with a nod at his greeting.

"We've come seeking your aid, Manannan. Shannon was taken by Crom Cruach and Llew with the Wild Hunt in a Lughnasadh raid through the Castlerigg stone circle near Keswick five months ago. Somehow, they lost her on Alfheim when she disappeared from the holding room without a trace. The hellhounds couldn't track her. Even I searched as much of the Winter Realm as possible and found no trace of her." The reminder had a toxic mix of frustration and rage surging.

Manannan's expression had darkened as I explained the situation, his scowl fierce. "Those thrice-brained idiots! Feckless fools and their sick sacrifices! Have Crom and Llew been apprehended?" 

"Yes, the Summer Court forced the Winter Court to turn them over to us. They are enjoying the hospitality of our dungeons on Asgard," Mist said. "Unfortunately, they have been no help in determining who took her on Alfheim."

"That is too good for them," growled Manannan. "Does Llew know Shannon carries his nephew?"

"No. As far as we're aware, they did not learn of her pregnancy. I gave her a ring to hide it," I said, relieved about that much at least.

"That was a smart precaution on your part. You don't want him to know. There have been no ripplings through the waters of Litauī—sorry, that's Midgard for you—and I haven't been to Tír na nÓg since I last saw you. But I will spread the word immediately through the water realms of Midgard and Alfheim to search for her and provide aid if she is found. The summoning shell I gave her hasn't been used, or at least its call hasn't yet reached me if she's used it on Tír na nÓg," Manannan offered.

"Thank you. I am in your debt," I told him.

"No, Prince Loki, there is no debt between us. Princess Shannon is also one of mine, a sea goddess, and I will not allow other Tuatha de Danann to take advantage of her youth and current vulnerability," Manannan insisted.

"Thank you, Manannan," Mist said. "Shannon is important to many of us."

"You, my gorgeous Valkyrie, are clearly as loyal and honourable a friend as you are a talented and fierce warrior," Manannan told her with an admiring smile.

She narrowed her eyes. "Are you flirting with me, Sea God?" 

He laughed. "If you have to ask, I'm clearly out of practice." 

Mist raised a speculative eyebrow. "Perhaps we can discuss your rusty skills after we have rescued Princess Shannon."

"Indeed. I'll leave you now so that I can start my search." He cupped his hands briefly and a familiar glow filled them. Opening his hands, two silver and blue spiral sea shells were sitting on his palm. He held one out to each of us.

"When you have need of me, go to the nearest salt water body, focus on the shell and speak. I will hear you and find you, whether it be here on Litauī or on Tír na nÓg," he promised. "If I find out anything, I will call out to Heimdall and he can pass on the message. I know he can hear me here and I can get my message through the cloaking mists of Tír na nÓg well enough."

"Thank you," I said as he nodded his head and disappeared below the waves. Rising up to stand on the surface of the waves, I called to Heimdall, and he brought us back to Asgard. 

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