Becoming a 'Servant'

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{Encre's P.O.V.}

   As the taller 'skeleton' showed me around his manor, I noticed that there were quite a bit of people here. They were all wearing almost the same outfit; the males wore a vest, a long sleeved shirt, black pants, and some sort of scarf looking thing. The females wore a maid's outfit, enough said. Every single person was busy with different chores around the building, whether it was cleaning the kitchen, dusting off several antiques, or polishing the staircase. The being in front of me continued to speak, informing me of the different places in the manor. None of them really caught my attention, but it was sort of nice.
  "And here's our garden room," Fallacy stated, stepping out of the way to reveal a decent sized room made of glass, much like a greenhouse. There was no door, and my eye's lit up at the sight of all the different flowers blooming and growing. There was a tree in the center of the room, a few leaves slipping from the branches and falling peacefully onto the ground below. Flowers with the color of the rainbow grew near the 'walls' of the room, clustered together to create beautiful bushes of eye candy.
  "Woah.." was all I could manage, and even then it was only a murmur. I could hear Fallacy  chuckle.
  "You like this room?" He asked. I nodded in response, stepping closer. I looked up at Fallacy, unsure if I was aloud in the room or not. He nodded, letting me know I could go inside. I smiled and turned back to the room, walking in.
   The second I stepped inside the room I was filled with complete bliss. It looked so much better once you were inside the room, and the aroma of the different flowers quickly hit me like a train. It smelled amazing, and I stepped over to the tree, sitting down in front of it. This room made me forget that I was trapped inside of a manor with a vampire as my keeper. I let out a content sigh as I leaned back onto the tree, closing my eyes. The peace didn't last long, the second Fallacy stepped in I was filled with fear and dread. I kept my eyes closed, whimpering quietly at the unpleasant feelings.
"You really like this room, don't you?" Fallacy questioned. "Well..I have a question for you; before you got here, what did you like to do?"
I opened my eyes and turned to face him, seeing that Fallacy was sitting beside me. I let out a sigh and brought my knees up to my chest.
  "I loved to draw and paint," I answered softly. "And I still do. I ran a small business but I made enough money off of it to live. I came into the woods to get inspiration for a painting I was working on- but you came and took me.." I noticed Fallacy's expression change, and he nodded.
"I think I know a room you'll enjoy, then," he said. He stood up, holding his hand out. I reached up and took it, using his boney hand to help myself stand up off of the ground. I murmured a shy "Thank you" as I removed my hand from his. Fallacy nodded and began walking out of the room. I followed behind him, sighing.
He led me to the second floor, not saying a word. He didn't explain any of the rooms we passed, and I figured they were all bedrooms. It looked like we were walking down the hall of an Inn, and every room looked the same. There were only two different rooms- one was obviously a library, and the other had a different colored door. It was a dark oak colored door, and I couldn't see inside the room. Fallacy led me to it, and he opened the door, holding it open for me. I stepped inside, my eyes lighting up.
There were several canvases inside the room, most of them blank. There were also loads of art supplies, ranging from paints to pastels.
"Woah.." I murmured in amazement. I could feel the dark, harmful presence of Fallacy fade away and was replaced with a content, happy one. Though, I knew Fallacy was still there, I could still see him in my peripheral vision. It was because he was smiling that the atmosphere changed.
"You can come back here once you get your outfit," Fallacy stated, and I nodded. I turned to face him as I walked out of the room, Fallacy shutting the door behind us. He walked in front of me and led me down the hallway, and into another room. This room was a bedroom, and it dawned upon me that this was the room I woke up in. The door seemed to shut by itself as Fallacy walked over to a chest by the bed. He opened it and leaned down, rummaging through it before pulling something out.
"Here, wear this."

{Fallacy's P.O.V.}

  I pull out a maid outfit, though it was different than the others. Instead of being white and black, it was red and black. I toss it at Encre, standing back up and turning to face him.
  Once Encre realized what he was holding, he let out a squeak of embarrassment while his entire face practically became a rainbow.
   "I-I'm not wearing this!" He exclaimed. I only stepped closer.
"But you're going to have to, Encre," I stated. "You don't want to make me mad, do you?"
Encre shook his head. "I-I mean, I don't want to make you mad, but.. I also don't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone here."
"You won't. Those colors mean something, and they'll leave you alone," I explained. "If they mess with you or say anything about it, they know what will happen to them."
"What'll happen to then?" Encre asked.
I raised a finger up to my own neck, tilting my head to the side as I drew my finger across my bones. Encre's eyes widened, and he nodded with a quiet "Okay." I put my hand back down to my side.
"Now, I'll step outside, and you'll get dressed. Alright?" I said. "Once you're dressed then you'll come out with me. Got it?" Encre nodded.
"Got it."
I walked by him and opened the bedroom door, stepping outside into the hallway and shutting it behind me to give him privacy.
I stood in front of it as if I were a guard, glaring at anyone who walked by. Once they got my glare, they hurried along nervously. While waiting for Encre to put the dress on, I hummed a quiet tune to myself, leaning against the door and closing my eyes. It seemed like no time had passed before there was a knock on the door behind me and a muffled "Can I come out now?"
  I stood up properly, dusting myself off and replied with "Come on out Encre." The smaller skeleton did as I asked and opened the door, revealing himself.
  I'll admit, he looked pretty good in the outfit, but he did look rather nervous.
  "I-I think it's a bit revealing.." Encre murmured, trying to pull the dress down in order to cover himself more.
  "It's not that revealing, it goes down to your knees," I stated, grabbing his arms and forcing him to stop. "But you've never worn a dress before, so I can see how you think it's revealing."
  Encre gave me a quiet whimper in return, trying to pull his arm away from my grasp. I let go.
  "Come on, follow me to the art room," I said. His eyes lit up, obviously stating that he was excited. I gave Encre a small smile before turning my attention to the hallway, leading him to that room he loved ever so dearly.
'Heh..He looks good in that outfit.'
So sorry this came out later than I had planned...Things got kind of busy and usually I lose inspiration for writing books, one of the reasons why I usually stick to one-shots. I have a cool idea for this book, don't worry, but don't say stuff like "oh that's not how it's supposed to work" and crap like that, okay?
I'm just using my imagination when given characters, okay? Hope I satisfied your chapter-thirst, I plan on writing the next one shortly (but that may come out later than expected, too).

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