Chapter 52

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Anika's POV

Me (interrupting the awkward silence) - So... there are some rules before you can meet Ansh ... I forgot yesterday to tell you and plus my emotions were all over the place yesterday... ok so the first one is that you won't be able to hold Ansh until I feel you are worthy to hold him... you can play with him... but you can't touch him... as I don't trust you... what if you hurt him?

Shivay (hurt) - I would never hurt my son...An...

Shivay comes closer to me while I take a step backwards.

Me (worried) - Please stay away from me.... And as for you hurting my son... then let me remind you that you hit a pregnant lady... the day you divorced me I was going to tell you I was pregnant but you hurt me... the pain you gave me was both physical and mental... if you can't even respect your wife then what makes me believe that you will respect your son... another mistake you did was push me a few days ago when you saw me with a child... with my son... what makes me think you won't hurt him... You don't even have trust on me... there is more but for now... you should be thankful that I am actually letting you near my son...

Ansh suddenly starts to cry while I try to calm him down but there is no stop... he has already had food ... maybe he is sleepy

Me (worried) - Ansh... baby... stop crying...

I carry him towards the bedroom and try to rock him into sleep, but he is refusing to do that. Oh god, what should I do? If Saumya was here then she will know.

Shivay (worried) - Can I please hold him? I will give him to you within a minute... I promise... it's just I have looked after my brothers and Priyanka when I was younger... so...

Me (angry) - NO! I have looked after Sahil since I was young as well... I don't want you to touch him.

Shivay is looking at me with worry and then leaves the room, wow what a great father... just because I said you can't touch him doesn't mean he can't play with him. I am trying to pamper him when Shivay comes in with toys and then starts playing with Ansh. He brings a toy car and makes noises with it, making Ansh laugh.

Shivay (smiling) - Ansh, loves cars... he is just like his dad... aww... my baby

Me (jealous) - No, he is like his mum... right Ansh...

Shivay (smiling) - No, Anika... he is like his dad... look at him... he has got my eyes... but your smile... he looks like you... but his anger is like me... right Ansh

Me (smiling) - Yes true, Ansh is a mixture of both of us... my baby

Ansh starts giggling looking at how much attention he is getting... baby don't be an attention seeker

Shivay (smiling) - I went to get the toys I got for Ansh yesterday... I didn't want to leave him but he looked like he wanted to play with someone...

Me (smiling) - It's fine

I picked up Ansh and went to the kitchen to cook something for me and Shivay

Shivay (smiling) - Can we go out?

Me (confused) - What?

Shivay (smiling) - I mean... since you said that I have a full day with Ansh then can we go to a restaurant... I will pay... but I want to go as.... As... a family... I know that this isn't a complete family like you and me...aren't together anymore... but let's just go out... for Ansh...

Me (worried) - Fine

He gives me a quick smile and then we both leave towards the car. Ansh starts jumping up and down while I am carrying him making it a little hard for me to carry him as I have got his clothes bag with me as well as my purse.

Me (smiling) - Ansh baby, stop jumping... mummy is having a hard time lifting you...

Shivay (smiling) - Anika, give me your purse and bag... I will carry it

Wow, the guy that always ordered people to do things is willing to hold his ex-wife's purse and his son's bag... I am surprised

Shivay (smiling) - And also Anika, I have got a pram... for Ansh, so that you don't have to carry him everywhere... wait let me get it

Why is he being so caring? Would he be this caring if Ansh wasn't his son? Obviously no...if he didn't know Ansh was his son then he would think that Ansh is the son of the guy I cheated him with... I can't melt... no, Anika... never

Shivay comes towards me with a blue pram which looks really expensive but very comfortable for Ansh.

I can afford it but I don't want to spoil Ansh, I don't want a spoiled son.

Me (smiling) - Shivay, I appreciate you are doing all this for my son.... But I don't want him to be spoiled... I can afford a pram but I just like carrying him and plus this pram is really expensive...if you could have just got a cheaper one then

Shivay (smiling) - Since I have just found out about Ansh... I wanted to spoil him... but I understand if you don't want me to

Since when did he become so considerate

The ride to the restaurant was quiet with small talks and Ansh dozing of. I tried to avoid the topic of me and Shivay getting together as much as I can. I don't think I am ready to be in a relationship with him again. Soon the car stopped in front of my favourite restaurant, wow, how did he know?

Shivay (smiling) - I know how much you love oily food... and this is one of the best Indian restaurants... Anika, I am going to get the pram set up and then you can put him in it... so that you don't have to hold him

I give him a quick smile and he goes towards the back of the car to get the pram and then opens the door for me. I silently put Ansh in the pram and as I am about to push the pram, Shivay says:

Shivay (nervous) - umm... can I push the pram? I know you said I can't touch him... but at least let me push the pram

I shoot him a glare, causing him to get even more nervous, should I give him a chance? He is only asking to push the pram...

Me (glaring at him) - Ok

He happily takes the pram and we both go inside the restaurant

Waiter - Sir, we don't have room for a will have to put it outside and then come in

Shivay (angry but quietly answering back) - look, my son is asleep after a long time... if I lift him up then he will wake up... which would make it hard for us to eat...I can see a pram in your restaurant... so let us go in with the pram or... you don't want to know the consequence

Waiter (scared) - Sir, that pram is there because there is a special party happening in our restaurant at the moment and they have special permission from our boss to let them have the pram

Shivay (angry) - Who is your boss?

I try to interfere but Shivay wants to always answer in everything

Waiter (scared) - Ms Saumya Tendulkar

Shivay (shocked) - Saumya...

Me (smiling) - Hello, I have got a special request from Saumya... my name is Anika Vardhan Trivedi...

Waiter (smiler) - Of course... let me show you a table

He takes us towards one of the special tables in the restaurant that Saumya has especially got for us.... She is so considerate

Shivay (still shocked) - S...Saumya owns the restaurant

Me (smiling) - Saumya loves food and food loves Saumya... she decided to open a restaurant after she came to Mumbai, as she wants to do something on her own. The owner of the business that she is currently running is actually her brother, and therefore she decided to open a restaurant so that she can call something as her own. This is my favourite restaurant as Saumya owns it.

Shivay (smiling) - Wow, that is impressive... so, Anika, I wanted to talk to you about this ... I was wondering if...

As promised, this is a big update and the focus was on Shivika.

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

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