Chapter 56

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3rd person Perspective

Soon everyone started to disperse leaving Shivika, Rikara, Saumya and Priveer there. Priyanka is looking at her bhabhis and crying for them.

Priyanka (crying) - Bh...bhab...bhabhis... please don't go... di... please don't go

Shivay (upset) - Why don't you come to Priyanka?

Priyanka (upset) - I would bhai... but I don't want to step in the house where my freedom was taken away from me... where girls don't get the same respect as guys...

Anika (upset) - But... we have to go back... for Rudra...otherwise... I wouldn't go either

Anika looks at Saumya with guilty eyes, she knows how Saumya wants to stay away from Rudra, but to her dismay, they have to go back to that place. Saumya is silently crying, thinking how bad her luck is... She is going back to save the guy that destroyed her life. All the Oberois are thinking one thing, will the plan work? After waving bye to all Priveer they head of to the airport where they get on their private jets. Saumya runs inside one of the rooms as soon as she gets into the plane while Gauri runs behind Saumya to make sure she is safe. Anika who is looking at all this feels guilty for torturing Saumya like this... she wants to go and console Saumya but she can't due to Ansh and also due to her guilt.

Flashback to a month ago

Anika is coming downstairs with a jolly Ansh when she hears Shivay on the phone

Shivay (concerned) - Rudy, don't take tension... I will come back, you will have to bear her only for a month or two... yes... we will come back... I told Om about this as well and we are going to tell your bhabhis today...but I don't know if they would want to help us... Well, first of all, you hurt Saumya a lot... you broke her heart... yes, I know I am partial to be blamed as I was the one to bring Bhavya in your life...but let me ask you something Rudy... you and Bhavya had a fake marriage...but you treated her as if she was your real wife... with so much respect and love... then why couldn't you do that for Saumya?...your marriage with Saumya was real yet you treated her like cr*p... let's stop discussing all this... yes, she is fine... I will talk to you later.

Shivay ends the call and as soon as he turns around, he sees Anika looking at him with an angry face. Anika comes stomping up to him and then stares at him with pure anger. If looks could burn someone then Shivay would be toast now.

Anika (angry) - What are you hiding from me?

Shivay (scared) - An...Anika... Rudra has found out Bhavya's truth

Anika just looks at Shivay with a are you serious look.

Anika (annoyed) - Took him long enough...

Shivay (nervous) - AnikaIneedyourhelppleasehelpmeBhavyaneedstobeexposedandonlyyoucandothat

Anika (angry) - Speak slower

Shivay (nervous) - Anika, I need your help... not just me but Rudra and Om... also. To expose Bhavya... we want you girls to do it... as she has tortured Saumya and Rudra too much...

Anika looks at Shivay shocked, he wants her help. But should she help him? She wants to help him but her love for Saumya takes over and she looks at Shivay with anger.

Anika (angry) - What makes you think that I would want to help you? Rudra is the one at fault for trusting the wrong person... we all tried to stop him, but he decided to choose his wife over his bhabhis... so why should I help him? He destroyed the life of an innocent soul...

Shivay (upset) - Anika, I understand all this... but... think of all the moments he has helped you... he has stood by you so many times... he stood against his brother... for you... Anika, please give him one chance... please forgive him...

Anika (angry) - I am starting to wonder if all that support was fake... the way he behaved with my Saumya and then with me when I tried to expose Bhavya was stupid... I don't ...

Shivay (upset) - Anika, he called you Anika di... please for once forgive him... try an understand from his situation... he has seen both of his brother's loss their love due to not trusting his wife... and he just didn't want to do that.

Anika knows that what Shivay was saying was true. She should help him, but she wanted to discuss this with Saumya as if Saumya says no then she won't bother to help Rudra, but to her surprise, Saumya said yes, but with an emotionless face. Anika knew that Saumya was hurt that she asked her help to expose Bhavya, and she wants to apologise but she no longer has the guts to talk to Saumya.

Flashback ends

Gauri (crying) - Please Saumya, open the door

After a lot of begging and crying, Saumya finally opens the door and she looks at Gauri with an emotionless face. No one could identify what emotions she has right now, her tears were all dry, she was looking at Gauri without any emotions.

Saumya (emotionless) - di, what can I do for you?

Gauri (upset) - Saumya... please tell me why you are upset... if you don't want to expose Bhavya... then we won't... we will let the boys handle her...

Saumya (hurt) - I am hurt di... can't you see... after spending a year with me... both of you understood my emotions and got to know me well... yet Anika di comes up to me 2 months after that phone call I had with Rudra... and she asks me if we should help them. What does she expect me to say? That yes... we should. I am hurt beyond a certain point due to that guy and his family... and now you are asking me to help him. I have done so much for the Oberois... they never... NEVER... acknowledged it...I tried to expose Bhavya... but guess what, no one... not even a single Oberoi believed me... why would di think that I would want to help them? I guess that's why they say 'blood is thicker than water,' Rudra is nowhere related to Anika di yet since Rudra has supported di so much... that she wants to support him as well... but Gauri di, I have supported you guys as well...why didn't di think about me? Why didn't she say no to bade bhaiya? Why do we have to go to help those people? Why us?

Gauri looks at Saumya shocked, today is the first time that Saumya is having a burst, she knows that whatever Saumya is saying is true... why are they helping the people that ruined their lives? Why?

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

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