Chapter 63

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No One's POV

As Gauri, Saumya and Anika are annoying/torturing Bhavya, 2 people come and get shocked seeing the atmosphere.

Lady (shocked) - Gauri, Anika... Saumya... what are you all doing to Bhavya? Is this the way to behave with her?

Anika/Gauri/Saumya (shocked) - Dadi!

Dadi (shocked) - Why are you behaving with Bhavya like this?... She should be cleaning the toilets right now... let her clean the toilets first and then you should let her clean the floor...

Guy (smiling) - Yes Anika, Gauri and Saumya beta... your dadi is right... now tell me... Where is my stupid wife, Pinky...

Pinky comes running in hearing her name and runs up to the guy seeing him, feeling relief that now she is safe. Unfortunately, she doesn't know that the torture has just begun.

Shakti (disgusted) - Police officers! Arrest her!

The lady police officers pull her from Shakti and make her stand in the middle.

Pinky (shocked) - Let go of me... Shaktiji... What did I do?

Pinky tries to get the officers to let go of her but they are too powerful.

Shaki (disgusted) - Thanks to bhai Saab... I have seen your true colours... this isn't the lady I married...the lady I married was kind-hearted... She wasn't a gold digger... she was the lady that used to think about everyone before herself... she was selfless... but the one in front of me doesn't even care about her... she only cares about one thing... Which is MONEY!... you even separated me from my other son, I right Pinky (Pinky looks angry, but then looks down)...Shivay has a twin brother, Aditya Singh Oberoi... he was separated from us ever since he was born because he had a disease... and Pinky knew about it...after he was born... the nurses told me I had twins... I was really happy.... But the next day, I found out Shivay's younger brother Aditya died... But that wasn't the truth...Aditya had some type of disease ...and Pinky found out about it a few hours later their birth... due to ears dropping the doctors....she ... she didn't want the child... as she thought he would be a burden to us...really Pinky? Our child would be a burden... but the second reason was that...she... (cries)...

Anika goes up to Shakti to console him, while Gauri and Saumya stand with dadi to give her support

Dadi (disappointed) - she didn't want to spend money on him... she didn't want a son that she would have to 'waste' money on... so she... gave the nurse the boy... and she told her to lie that the boy died... she didn't want to actually kill him. While we were on the trip, we saw Aditya... and his wife, Pankhuri...they told us everything...I can't believe you would do such a thing, Pinky.

Shakti (angry) - Officers take her.. And make sure she gets the worst punishment... I will send you the witness and evidence for this soon... and also... please make sure that Pinky signs the divorce papers... I don't want to be caged into such a disgusting relationship.


Pinky keeps on yelling all this while leaving, but after she leaves dadi and Shakti looks at Saumya with guilt.

Shakti (upset) - bhai Saab told me everything, Saumya... we are really sorry for not having trust and faith in you...

Dadi (upset) -Yes beta... I should have made Rudra realise that his wife his Saumya... and not her (angry look to Bhavya)...

Both Dadi and Shakti fold hands and apologise to Saumya and Saumya being the kidn hearted one forgives them.

Shakti (smiling) - Please tell your husbands that Aditya and Pankhuri are going to come tomorrow morning... so tell them not to go to work.

Here is another challenge (Maybe a little harder)

All 3 girls go towards their rooms to call their husbands. The first one calls her husband and shares the news about his older brother, making that person super excited and this was the response that the girl got, 'I am super excited.... (says the name)... thanks for telling me ... imagine having another ...) and the response the guy got was (ok well see you...) and the girl cuts the phone. The next girl calls her husband and as soon as she shares the news, the guy makes a neutral face. The guy says, ' I can't even handle one... how can I handle two...? But I will be there... thanks love for sharing... and the girl replies, 'You are always welcome ... (Name)... Bye)'. Last but not least, the response that the lady got from her husband was something like this, 'Ok' The guy wasn't as much shocked at the start but then he started to ask a lot of questions to his wife about who is his older brother? What work does he do? Etc. The wife who couldn't bear to listen to all his questions ended the call.

Can you guess who were the couples? The first person to get it right wins!

Soon all 3 girls meet up after an hour to see that the house is still the same, dirty and disgusting.

Anika (angry) - BHAVYA!!!

Bhavya immediately runs down from the storeroom, and you could see she that she had one earphone in her ears and the other in her iPhone. This made the girls even more pissed. Bhavya, today you are dead - author's note.

Gauri (angry) - Give me your phone!

Bhavya refuses to give it, making Saumya forcefully grab it from her.

Anika (angry) - From now on, you will have no wifi for this house... now for your punishment. I am sure you haven't cleaned the toilets... And therefore, Gauri and Saumya will take you to each room and forcefully make you clean the toilets. If I see the toilets disgusting will see...

Bhavya (smiling) - Stop threatening me... I am not scared of any of you... all you can do is threaten... nothing else...

Gauri (smiling) - Trust me, I do more than threatening, for example, my punishment for you would be to put your head down the dirtiest toilet ... so basically your whole head will touch the water of the toilet... you might even drink you want a demo?
Bhavya (scared) -No! Where do I start?

Gauri and Saumya smirk and take her to one of the basement toilets, which is the most disgusting out of all the toilets in the Oberoi mansion, while Anika went to look after Ansh.

Meanwhile at XYZ cafe

A lady is seen waiting for a guy, impatiently. She keeps on checking the watch and then looks at the entrance. There are already 7 coffee cups on her table. Soon, a guy walks in and as soon as the lady sees him, she waves at him, grabbing his attention. With a smile, the guy joins her and sits on the opposite to her.

Guy (smiling) - Want a coffee?

After he says this, he realises what he asked and felt stupid, she already drank 7 cups, why would she want more?

Lady (smiling) - I will have one more...

Guy (surprised) - Are you sure?

Lady (unsure) - Yes

The guy goes to the front desk and orders coffee for both of them and then comes and sits back to his original place.

Lady (upset) - Why did you cheat on me Tej? Why?

Tej (upset) - Jhanvi! I would never ever cheat on you... even before we got married... we promised each other never to cheat on each other... trust me Jhanvi...

Jhanvi (upset) - Trust is what I can't have on you right now... Tej, if you loved me so much then why didn't you tell me? Why keep it a secret?

Tej (upset) - I know that my reasons won't be strong enough to justify my actions... Jhanvi... all I wanted to say to you is that I love you... and I always will... though... I wasn't a perfect husband, father or son... I want to make it up to you...

Jhanvi (upset) - Tej... you can't change the past... you can't make it up now... it's too late...our children wanted your love for the past 20 years. I wanted your love... Tej, everyone moved on... they can't forgive you.... I can't...

Tej (upset) - I know you can't but I will wait for everyone's forgiveness...

They both silently drink coffee together both feeling upset and miserable, as neither of them is able to do anything in this situation. Jhanvi can't accept him right now and neither Tej can do anything to get accepted by his children and wife... he is hopeless. 

Precap - Bhavya's time is over.

Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

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