Drunk Om

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Saumya's POV

As I am talking to Reyaan, I feel an intense gaze towards me. I turn towards the gaze to find a guy wearing a suit staring at me. The only thing I could see was his beautiful eyes and at that moment I realised that the guy was none other than Mr Rudra Singh Oberoi. I don't know what came over me that I held onto Reyaan's hand and I even started flirting with Reyaan. I guess I was trying to see if he gets jealous. Unfortunately, Rudra was in his own thoughts and he didn't even flinch when I started flirting with Reyaan. I knew it he doesn't love me.

Reyaan (worried) – Saumya, are you ok?

Me (fake smiling) – I am fine Reyaan

Reyaan (worried) – in case you don't know Saumya, I was once your boyfriend so I know you really well. Now tell me, what's wrong?

Me (fake smile) – me and Anika and Gauri di were supposed to have a girl's day out. Since we have already had our lunch, I will have to leave.

I turn to leave but Reyaan holds my arm, stopping me from moving

Reyaan (concerned) – I know you are hiding something Saumya and I won't force you to tell me. I wanted to give you this (gives a card) ... It's my wedding soon and I really want you to come because you are still my best friend.. it would mean a lot.

Me (smiling) – I will definitely come... who is the lucky girl?

Reyaan (smiling) – her name is Shanaya... she went to the same school as R...Rudra

Ignoring the name of the guy that ruined my life. I turn to leave after promising Reyaan that I will come.

Rudra's POV

I am now only a few minutes away from seeing my brothers. What will I say to them? Should I apologise for ignoring them? But don't they deserve it for how they treated my bhabhi's? No! I should apologise ... I can't forget that Shivay bhaiya was the one that looked after me and O when we were young. I can't forget that they were my only support in my childhood.

Driver- Sir, we are here

With a confident and boldface, I get out of my car and go inside the hotel where Shivay Bhaiya and O are living. I soon go up to the receptionist to ask about my brothers

Me (smiling) – hello, which room are Shivay and Omkara Singh Oberois living in?

Receptionist – sorry sir, it's against our policy to tell this information, who are you sure?

Me (angry) – I am Rudra Singh Oberoi, their younger brother, your stupid policies shouldn't stop me from meeting my brothers.. tell me where they are

Receptionist – I understand what you are trying to say sir, but I can't go against the policy. If you want I can ring them up to ask if I can send you to their room.

I wanted to surprise Bhaiya and O but I guess I don't have a choice. I angrily nod at the receptionist, who with an equally confident smile calls bhaiya and O but to my dismay, no one picks up. What should I do?

Receptionist – sorry sir, but your 'brother's' are in a meeting and they will be free after a few hours. Why don't you book a room with us, sir? It will be easier for you to contact your brothers.

I guess she is right... I should rest for some while as well.

Me (angry) – fine, but call me before you tell my brothers about my arrival.

The receptionist nods at me while I take my suitcase to the room that she provided me with. As soon as I enter in, I run to my favourite spot which is obviously the bed and I immediately lay down. I have never felt this relaxed. Normally at this time, I would either be stuck in a meeting or with Bhavya. Now that I think about it, ever since I married Bhavya, I never had time for myself. Thank you Bhavya, for this trip. I can't wait to be a father, with that thought I drifted off to sleep.

After a few hours

I wake up to hear the sound of a phone ringing. I immediately pick it up knowing it must be for O and Bhiayaa.

Receptionist – Sir your brothers are in their rooms, do u want us to call them so that you can see them?

Me (angry) – I want to give them a surprise, why don't you understand? I will call them myself

Not bothering to listen to the receptionist, I cut the phone and immediately dial O's number.

O (drunk) – Rudy, you finally remembered that you have 2 brothers... what took youdj sooooooooiooooooiooooo longggggg

Me (worried) – O are you drunk?

O (laughing) – you are so stupid.. .. I ammmmmmm soooooo drunkkkkkkkkk.... come meet me in my room 102...... hotel...... I forgot.....

I immediately cut the phone, and rush up to room 102, thankfully it was only a few rooms away. I continuously knock on the door but to my dismay, no one replies. A worker who sees me worried and knocking on the door and he immediately comes towards me with a worried face.

Worker (worried) – Sir, don't knock here because the people living in there are dangerous... they might hurt you ... leave ASAP.

Me (angry) – My brothers are in here (pointing to the room), they won't hurt me...

Worker (worried) – I am sorry sir but you are mistaking a boy and a girl live here... I can tell you where your brothers are because I know everything about this hotel... but it will cost you

My inner instincts told me to trust him and I have more than enough money, too but him.

I hand him a 1000 rupees note but that guy insists on 5000. I angrily give him the money and he takes me to a big room.

Me (shocked) – How do you know my brothers?

Worker (laughing) – It's so obvious... both of you are wearing a suit and looking like an angry young man... who has only work as their main priority and have no love life... both of you have no life.

Before I could even respond to the guy, he leaves while I enter the room with the keys that the guy gave. As soon as I get in... I get shocked.

Precap – The promo (Maha Update)

Note: Thank you guys so much for your patience and I am really sorry that you guys had to wait 2 weeks for this update. 

I checked my story after 2 weeks and I am so surprised to see that the story is rated as number 1 in rumya and that wouldn't happen without all your support. Thank you guys

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