Rudra's POV continues

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Rudra's POV continues

I nervously get down the car to see a bright house looking welcoming. Why would O and bhaiya go there? As I am approaching the house, I hear the door click, I immediately run towards my car. I see someone throwing Bhaiya and O out of the house, while both of my brothers are looking very hurt. No one hurts my brothers. I will kill that person who tried to hurt my brothers. I go towards my brothers but a call stops me. I angrily pick up the call without looking at the name of the caller

Me (angry) - Whoever this is, call back later as I am busy

Priyanka (angry) - No you aren't... now tell me where are you? I have been trying to call you for 15 minutes, why haven't you been answering?

Me (angry) - Priyanka, I am at someone's house... I don't know whose but the lady just kicked bhaiya and O out and I wasn't answering as I was on the call with...

Priyanka (angry) - Bhavya... anyway, don't go inside... just follow them and tell me where they go.

Me (angry) - Why can't I go inside and see for myself, what they are doing?

Priyanka (angry) - because I told you

I angrily cut the phone and leave with the driver to follow my brothers.

Driver (worried) - Sir, they are going towards central jail... should we still follow them?

Me (angry) - Don't disobey my words... follow them.

After a 45 minute drive

I angrily get down from the car and as I am about to go towards the jail, I get a call from Priyanka. What a timing?

Priyanka - Where are you?

Me (angry) - Stop checking up... I am following them, and I am about to go inside...

Priyanka - Don't go inside... where are you?

Me (angry) - Central jail...

Priyanka - come back

I angrily cut the phone and leave to go towards the hospital. Why can't I know what my brothers are up to? I have every right. I start to feel my anger boiling. After a 15 minute drive, my anger calms down as I start to see everything in Priyanka's perspective. Maybe she doesn't want me to know what they are doing... maybe she wants me to find out myself... as I am thinking all this, I get a call from Bhavya which I happily pick up.


Bhavya (worried) - Rudra, can you come back? I... need to talk to you... please

Me (worried) - What happened, baby?

Bhavya (worried) - Just come back... I.... need you back... I (starts crying)... I

Me (worried) - Ok Bhavya, I will take the private jet this afternoon and will be there by tomorrow...

Bhavya (worried) - Ok... come soon.

I cut my phone worriedly, I need to go to the hotel before I go to the hospital.

Me (worried) - Driver, take me to the hotel

The driver obligates and starts driving faster to get me to the hotel.

After a couple of hours

I arrive at the hospital feeling vulnerable, my flight is in 2 hours... what am I going to say to my brothers and sister? As soon as I walk into Priyanka's room, I see a shocked bhaiya and O, when I start moving forward I see my bhabhis, with a cute baby.

After Argument

I leave the room, as Anika bhabhi's words hit me, she is right, it's not Saumya's fault that we got married, it's not her fault that our video was out... how can I be so blind to not see that I was blaming her for all my problems... when she was the solution to them... she was trying to save me from Romi and that's why we got married. I shouldn't have treated her so badly... she was my best friend... but then that still doesn't explain why she betrayed my family.

Saumya (smiling) - Congratulations, Rudra for being a father... I know you may hate me right now but I was once your friend... so think of this congratulations from your old friend.

For some reason, my eyes became watery... why does that smile make me feel so much pain? I want to just go up to her and apologise for my mistakes... I want to hug her... I want to just be beside her... but I know I can't do that. I should at least just thank her, I go towards the direction that she went and I see her talking to Gauri bhabhi while smiling. I curiously go near her to hear the conversation.

Saumya (smiling) - This new Saumya will no longer love Rudra, but will hate him... she will no longer sympathise with him... she will be the one that will give him the pain... if he tries to mess with me... then... he will see this new Saumya.

So Saumya still loves me... how can I be such a fool to hurt an innocent girl? But she betrayed me... she betrayed my family... I love Bhavya... I shouldn't care about her... Ughh... I need to leave this place... I need to talk to my brothers... I can't stay here anymore... Bhavya needs me.

Precap - Haven't thought about it

Guys, I don't know when the next update will be as I am not feeling well.  I will try to update as soon as I can. Thank you guys for the votes and comments that you guys gave in the last chapter. They mean a lot to me. Please continue to vote and comment. 

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