Trying To Get Along

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I woke up at 5 in the morning and honestly I don't know why I woke up these earlier because usually I am the lazy one back in there. I want to have a run with my wolf form but I'm afraid when I shift to my wolf form out there will be some hunters who ready to killing me and others.

So I decided to have a run on my human form. Then, I feel thirsty and heading to some groceries store to stop by and grab some water since I don't have any water.

I paid for my water to the pretty cashier girl there and she has that sexy and beautiful body to stare at but I'm not interested in her because she's a bit slut besides she's not my mate too.

By the time, I went to the apartment and seeing Liam stood there in the kitchen probably cooking something since he's very good at cooking and food.

I came closer to his body then I tried to scare but he cleared his throat.

"Don't try to scare me because you can't buddy!" He said as he turned around to face me and give me that wolfy grins of him.

"Yeah, I know Alpha Liam!" I said mocking him and he frowning at me.

"I'm not an Alpha yet, okay?" He said as Vicky come to the kitchen to join us. He doesn't bother to give us a 'Good Morning' greetings and go straight to take a seat at the table.

I raising my eyebrows to Liam who just frowning at Vicky's attitude, yesterday he seems a bit got along with us but today I think he changed again to his jerky sides.

"What's for breakfast?" Vicky said simply towards me and Liam and Liam just shook his head.

"Is that what you say when you just come here from your sleep?" Liam asked him while raising his voices towards Vicky then unexpectedly Vicky got up from his seat and heading towards Liam but before he can starting a fight with my best friend, I holding him and Liam so that they can't pick a fight here.

"Woah, calm down guys and please don't pick a fight here. You guys must remember what we do here and why we are here now!" I said as they calm down and their eyes no longer in their wolves colour and I sighed.

"Now, come on Liam finish the cook then let's us have some breakfast" I said at Liam who just stood there not glaring at me but at Vicky.

"I'll be an Alpha and you can't tell me what to do!" He said as he stormed out from the kitchen as well as Vicky and I sighed and rubbing my temper in frustration.

Then I decided to go to Liam room to make sure he's alright. I knocked at his bedroom and he opened the door.

"What do you want?! You can just tell me what to do, okay? I don't like people tell me what to do!" He said with emotion in his voice and I can tell he's very pissed off by me.

"Okay, listen I'm sorry but you have to understand me that I tried to make a thing better not even worse" I said as I sighed and he just stood there and sighed.

"Fine, I'll finish the cooking for us but not that *sshole!" He said as he walked past me to finish the cook in the kitchen. Then I sighed and make my way to Vicky's room and knock on his door not for long he opening his room and stood there with his anger aura, I can tell because his eyes were still grey and it's mean his wolf and him are still pissed off.

He's a Beta like me but his acting like an brutal wolf as well as Liam he'll be an Alpha of 'The Blue Moon' Pack but they both acting like a child.

"What do you want, now?" He said while crossing his arms on his chest and raising his eyebrows at me.

"I want you to calm the f*ck down then have a breakfast with Liam and me and that's the final!" I said with a little pissed off because his attitude with Liam. And I already promised to Gina to protect them then to make them get along.

Then back to the reality, Vicky's eyes widened and just smirks at me.

"Are you think you can win against me?" He asked with his amusement voices and I nodded at him.

"Of course, we both are an Beta and from what I heard that you even lost yourself against Salvya!" I said as I wear my amusement smirks at him then unexpectedly he growled and trying to punch me in the face but managed to avoid it and take a hold on his hand then punch him in the jaws causing him to stumble to the floor.

"Now, come on let's eat with us then we heading to our school" I said as I helping him to stand up and give my hand towards him but he refused it and just went past me.

I took a deep breath then sighed and trying to calm down myself and now my eyes back to my normal chocolate brown color from the bright blue color of my wolf.

'Thanks Leo, for your help this time' I said to my wolf through my mind and he's such a great wolf and friends to me when I'm alone.

'That's no problem, now go to your friends before they cause a scene again' Leo said to me as I nodded at him and went downstairs.

Then I make my way to the kitchen as I saw them starting to had an argument again.

"Hey-Hey, now calm the f*ck down the both of you" I said as I separating them from each other.

"Why are you brought this *sshole down here?!" Liam sound so pissed off by Vicky.

"Hey, you know I don't want to have a breakfast with the both of you either!" Vicky said as he pointed a finger at me and Liam and it make him more pissed off.

"Whatever, I don't feel hungry now because of him!" Said Liam to Vicky and he rolled his eyes at him.

"Neither I am!"

Then they both go upstairs and left me all alone down here with the yummy breakfast foods.

'At least they let me eat all of this delicious foods' In my thought as I chuckled at myself and have a breakfast for myself.


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