Who Is He?

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Diane P.O.V

After we decided the theme for our assignment, we starting to write our story then we asked the teacher if we can go to the computer laboratory to get some information there and to search some idea.

The teacher allow us to search some idea there but not copying the story from the internet so I and Kaifa now on our way to the computer laboratory as Kaifa twin brother is on the way towards us.

Suddenly I feel a bit nervous about that, I glance at Kaifa who just rolling her eyes as Kaigen smile and wink to me while waving me.

I think I'm blushing by now because I felt my cheeks reddening. Then Kaigen walking closer to our direction as Kai grab my arm and pulling me back and make us turned around.

"C'mon let's just go another way" Kai said as she drag me faster to avoiding her twin brother but failed because Kaigen's now standing in front of me and Kai.

Kai looks very pissed because of that and just rolled her eyes as Kaigen come closer towards me then he stands a few centimeters from me.

"Bien bonjour, ma soeur jumelle et Diane" (well hello, my twin sister and Diane) He said in that French language and accent as well that make it sound really... Sexy and so fit on him? I don't know how to describe it but it's make him even better.

"qu'est-ce que vous voulez, kaigen!" (what do you want, Kaigen!) Kaifa said as she crossing her arms on her chest while giving him a death glaring look to Kaigen who doesn't even scare at that. I honestly really scare seeing her like that but maybe it wouldn't work to Kaigen? Anyway now Kaigen just chuckled softly at her.

"pourquoi avec le ronchon, ma soeur jumelle?" (why with the grumpy, my twin sister?) Said Kaigen wearing that smug smile on his face as he keep staring deeply into my eyes, I can feel my cheeks burning red because of that before Kaifa pull my arm into her.

"C'mon Ane, he just wasted our time!" As she drag me along her then I feel Kaigen moving along with us.

"C'mon my sis, I just want to get along with the both of you besides I haven't get partner yet for this subject and you still needed one person for your partner, right?" He said as he raising an eyebrow at her and he starting to smile victory as Kaifa speechless.

"Yeah, whatever" Kaifa simply said that as Kaigen smile grew bigger this time like he's winning some competition or can get closer to me? What, no!. I seriously need to over thinking about it.

I noticed Kaigen seems really happy right now. I'm not say that out loud, right? Then Kaigen got closer and closer that makes me realize he is now brushing my earlobes

"You said that out loud, baby" He whispering softly and somehow it is sending chills to my veins as he chuckled softly to me and Kaifa grab my arms after that.

"Do not tease her like that!" Shout Kaifa to her brother as I blushing really hard realizing what just happened and drop my head to look at floor. I still can feel him staring at me while smiling like some idiot.

"Why, doesn't she liked it?" He said as smirks and wink to me. That make Kaifa even madder than before.

"Just stop the f*cking tease her like that!" She said as drag me with her again to the computer laboratory as Kaigen walk behind us as well.

By the time, we made it to the computer laboratory as Kaifa and Kaigen still arguing with each other and leaving me there confusing.

Then somehow they finally finished arguing and then we can finished for our story. We decided to named the story with 'I Can Do It!' because that title is meaning so deep and much to me. I put all my feeling and my heart there.

I typed the words by words that I got inspired to and I just realized that I actually done with it. I told Kaifa to read it then Kaifa started to sobbing as soon as finished reading it. I thought it would be the bad sign but Kaifa told me not and said that it's a very good story. She said it is the saddest and it touch her heart then she hugged me really tight.

I also told Kaigen to read this and Kaigen do so. He amazed with my story and praise me and told me that "You're very good at this, you should write a novel" he said and that made my heart sink as I heard that from him.

Then after the sad part we make our ways to the class because looks like the school will be over soon. As soon as we arrived at the class we hurried to collect our assignment. Surprisingly, Mrs.Grey said we are the first one to collect the assignment then Mrs.Grey read it. I see that her eyes was watering because of that.

"Oh God! It's the best and the most beautiful and inspiring story I ever read. You all did the great job and I will give it an 'A+' score for all of you.

With that we all cheers as I hug Kaifa and Kaigen had a urgent to hug us but Kaifa told him not to so he obey to his sister anyway.

As I finished hugging Kaifa, the bells ringing sign the class has ended and meaning that we can go back to our home. Kaifa told me to wait for her because she said that she can drop me off on my house. I feel really happy to hear that because I usually use bus.

Then we walked to our locker first before I accidentally crash into someone body as my *ss hit the ground. I looked up to see who's I crashed to and looking at the most amazing and handsome creature in the universe. Am I too much? I can't blame it because he's like I don't know 'Greek God?'. I seeing him widening his brown eyes for a second then snapped at something before saying something to me.

"Watch where you go!" He said as he walked passed me with two other friends of his and leaving me there in hurt.

'Who is he?' I said to myself as Kaifa and Kaigen insist to helping me.


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