Chapter Wan(i know😉): Jump!

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He'd been back to that school again, he didn't miss students, atleast not those who were currently attending the school. The majority of teachers he liked were now fired, which were three, 'cause well... he didn't like many teachers. Don't get him wrong, they didn't like him at all, if he wasn't positive or even did care he would have thought they hated him. And the administrative staff, ....aaaahh the staff! He didn't really know where their relationship stood really. They were up his butt every But he never got expelled, maybe 'cause he didn't attend enough to actually be given the bad news, he didn't even know if it would be bad news.

As he passed the church slash conference hall slash exam hall slash many other things... He remembered how they'd been chased out so many times for school fees in that same hall(slash church), and complained about what Jesus would think.

As he passed the toilet, well it was just the toilet so he went in to pee.., only to remember how they'd come as a group and pee on every inch of the place just to go and complain to the administrative staff, ..well that tradition seemed to have survived.

He walked past the classrooms as students found in him another distraction. He could only wink and throw peace signs only to get seductive smiles from girls and just smiles from guys.

He reached the offices only to be greeted by deep stares followed by chuckles then loud laughs. He actually did miss the taunting. The two men and the woman could not hide their suprise, he had changed quite enough.

"I thought you'd be in jail" the short bald man said with a proud smirk.

"I got expelled twice so they don't let me in anymore" he replied with only an expectant smile on his face.

"So you still talk nonesense" the little man said his smirk turning a mid-smile then to a mid-sigh.

"And you are still bald" he replied thoughtlessly only to realise his mistake a bit late. This got a loud laugh from the other two occupants of the room. The tall light skin man with a larger belly now laughed as he hit his arm continuously, he shifted.

"So to what do we owe this visit?" the woman said after gaining her composure back.

"I had a business proposal but the head accountant is no where to be seen, and so is the headmaster." He replied, "plus, I missed you!." He added.

The woman had both an impressed and a confused-amused look on her face.

"Things really do change, dont they..?" She exclaimed ignoring the missing her thing.

He then went through a long row of questions from the three of them. He didn't really mind the investigation though, he was advertising his business. He had absolute certainty that these were the type of clients who would probably bring clients( atleast one of them..., nope, just one of them really) but would never buy from you. Not their fault, their money couldn't bare separation from them. They wore the same clothes the whole three years he was at school.

When the time to leave came, he still had one thing to do. Mischief clouding his mind, he just couldn't use the normal gateway to exit the school, that would have felt weird. So he went to the spot where they'd skip the fence when leaving school a few hours before time, which was everyday.

As he turned the corner that led behind the classes, he frose in his steps. He could only smile in anticipation as he watched a student trying to jump. Her uniforms were a mess from the dirt of the fence. This was clearly her first time.

"Well jump!" He said to the trembling girl.

The girl screamed from both surprise and fear. He could only laugh at that. From the way he was wearing, no secondary level(high school) student would wear like that. It was formal but cool too. A shirt, a jacket, not too tight trousers, and suedes.. and a watch? The way he stood and looked at her, she felt so young. But she knew from the cropped hat and his stylishly scrambled hair, that he couldn't work at the school.

"Who are you?" She asked trying to sound confident.

"Just a guy you'll never seen again" he replied trying to stiffle a laugh.

"Are you gonna report me?" She asked, nervous curiosity visible on her face.

"No, I'll just be very disappointed if you don't jump" he said as he leaned on the wall.

She stared into his eyes unknowing what she's looking for. He stared back with a smile on his face. As if she'd just got confirmation of whatever she was searching for, she turned back and looked down to her destination then back at him.

"I didn't know it would be this high" she said shyly.

This got her a genuine laugh from him, all while trying to lower his voice to try to avoid getting her caught.

"Do you need help?" He asked amusement all over his face.

"What?" She asked.

"Or I could just leave" he answered with a smile and a shrug.

He came forward and started climbing too

"Wait what are you doing?" She asked him. In a swift second he was beside her above the wall too, unable to hide his excitement.

"I gotta leave too" he answered carelessly. "You jumping anytime soon?"

She nodded unsure.

"Ladies first" he said.

"Can we jump together?" She asked looking him in the eyes, meeting his.

She was beautiful, lightskin, her hair was messy, her lips between a natural soft pink and a red, they were thick (.. oops, i forgot to tell you they were black😱, naah, i did it on purpose😂.. still kidding, they are any skin color u want really😉)
and her thighs were exposed (nope, this isn't getting THAT sexual), but most girls wore short skirts for school, her thighs were a lighter shade and were complimented by her legs, she wore converse sneakers that weren't tied, atleast not tightly...

He smiled, she mimicked his smile..


"I've never tried that before" he replied with a grin "don't land upright! ". He added. In a split second he was in the air taking her with him, hurling a scream of both excitement and fulfilment, she was shook and yet not afraid because of him. For a nano-second, he wasn't intimidating. And as they landed, she mimicked how he bent his legs and a step forward then stopped. He continued to the middle of the road and kept on laughing.

" Please tell me you're not crazy" she
said. He then straightened, a smile still on his face.

" Why?"

" 'Cause I just followed you when you jumped off my school's fence wall."

"No, I followed you when you jumped off your school's fence wall" he retorted with that same hint of a smile still on his face that she had by now too.

"And that sounds less crazy?" At that, they both laughed.

"You going which way?" He asked, all serious again. She went back to feeling vulnerable in front of him again, all of a sudden, he seemed.. older again.

"Why" she asked.

That smile.. again. He looked so.., he looked... He didn't look like her typical usual guy. They all had the same haircuts, wore the same clothes, talked the same way with the gestures and smug looks on their faces. He looked different, he looked carefree, like he didn't need approval, like he didn't need hers, was he cute?.. his smile, eyes, face..? He was a STRANGER!

Without a word, he just turned and walked away.

Wait, what?

"Wait..." She said looking in his direction "why?"

"I gotta buy a present... anywhere" he replied.

       .  The Author's note thing!   

First, tell me if Wan means anything in your language😌, not even a name?😩

Okaaay🙀.. you can tell me on the next chapter..

Well now, i wanna know whatever you thought of the story!..wait, not whatever🙀, be kind🙈(just kidding, bring it!).

So in order for me to continue the story, it gotta have a 100 views and considerable/reasonable votes!

If you're reading this, well you've finished the whole chapter Wan!! Good for Us!! How many more to go?
Well who knows?! knows?

And guys, I need a book cover!


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