Missing Him

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India was playing South Africa, it was mid 2015 ad Virat had taken the captaincy baton from Mahi Bhai in 2014. It hadn't been a smooth transition per se.

Virat still couldn't think of the things that had led to Mahi Bhai's abrupt retirement from test cricket. So Virat had been extra clingy to Mahi Bhai since the things had gone back as close to normal as possible.

But now during the long test series he was terribly missing Mahi Bhai. He didn't know what it was but he just wanted Mahi Bhai here, near him. Mahi Bhai called everyday but that wasn't the same, he wanted him here physically here.

He knew if he just asked, Mahi Bhai might not come. Because if Mahi Bhai came Virat knew that media would make up stories like what is he doing, may be question Virat's captaincy or just create controversies.

But still Virat wanted his Mahi Bhai. And it was making him irritated that he couldn't get what he want. And whenever he was irritated he felt like irritating someone else too. And he made a bee line for Rohit's room.

Rohit was as usual sleeping in his room, at 12pm in the afternoon because in his books if you don't have practice just sleep. Door wasn't locked so Vi entered and literally jumped on the bed scaring Rohit awake.

"VI" Rohit shouted "what have you got against my sleep?"

"Nothing" Virat said "12pm is not a time to sleep."

"My room, my bed, I will sleep" Rohit said vehemently

"Phir mere pair, Meri Marzi main kudunga" Virat said indignantly.

"I kill you Virat" Rohit said irritated.

"I will kill myself if this goes on" Virat said irritated.

"Shut up you dramatic idiot" Rohit retaliated "What happened?"

"No thing happened. It's just...just...I miss him" Virat whined

Rohit sighed.

"Mahi Bhai?" He asked.

"Yeah" Vi replied "I miss him so much."

"You know what Vi" Rohit said "I have been missing him so much too, and calling him isn't helping."

Rohit had also witnessed the strainous time of 2014. So he was genuinely missing MS too. But he wasn't as hyperactive or nagging as Vi so he tried to deal with it.

"Exactly, neither is video call." Virat said slumping beside Rohit "And if we ask him to come, he will just make us understand and he won't actually come."

"But we are in middle of a series Vi" Rohit said "What can we do? We have to wait till we get back to India."

"But I don't wanna wait" Virat whined.

"So what will you do? Leave the series in middle?" Rohit said exasperated.

"No...but...there has to be something" Virat said, suddenly an idea struck him and he almost shouted "Ro...Ro...Ro I have an idea, if we execute it successfully we will not only become the first people to successfully prank Mahi Bhai but I gaurantee you he will come rushing to South Africa."

"What is the idea? It better be good..it's Mahi Bhai you know." Rohit warns.

"I know it's Mahi Bhai" Virat said "It will be successful and he will coming rushing to us. Listen to me, you remembered that doctor friend of mine, Nikhil, he settled in this city."

"Yeah you met him yesterday" Rohit said.

"So he is now an oncologist" Virat said.

"What of him?" Rohit asked frankly disinterested in Virat's friend.

"He will help us in this." Virat said "Listen...you will call Bhai and tell him that I am terminally ill, like we will send him the reports and eveything."

"And I assume your friend will prepare the reports" Rohit said.

"Yeah he will" Virat said off handedly "So you will call him, and please act well...and then he will come rushing ...." Virat almost clapped excitedly.

"Why can't I be the one terminally ill and you call up Bhai." Rohit said.

"Noooo" Virat said "I have to be the one ill. That's how it works."

"It will work as well with me. He loves me enough too." Rohit said.

"But...but..." Virat tried "Why do you wanna play terminally ill?"

"Because then I would get the pampering instead of you." Rohit said on face, but in the truth he couldn't bear to think that Vi as terminally ill even in acting, the mere thought of losing Vi was scary.

"Listen I came up with the idea and I will play the one I'll." Virat "Do you wanna do it or not?"

"Ok" Rohit gave in, consoling himself by saying it's just acting "I will do it"

"Great" Virat said "I will call up and convince Nikhil."

Convincing Nikhil took sometime, no doctor would agree readily but Virat's nagging skill did the job at last.

"Everything is arranged" Virat said "We strike tomorrow"

"Dramatic idiot" Ro muttered.

A/N: I know I am updating after a long time. But I needed this break. I promise you will get regular updates from now.

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