Chapter 5| Memories and Nightmares

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"Sirius dies this year in the ministry, Moody dies in battle, Dumbledore dies by the hand of Snape who did it on the order of Dumbledore, and Snape is killed by Voldemort," Teddy said

Snape just nodded and then left his face emotionless as usual.

Dumbledore seemed unfazed by the news, he looked at the clock and said "Well look at the time. I will have to leave for Hogwarts now" he said and left as well.

Moody just said "At least I died in battle" and left with McGonagall wanting to give everyone privacy.


"So it's all true then?" Mrs. Weasley asked tearfully and Teddy just nodded.

After the introductions were finished, everyone except the Weasley's, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Harry, and Hermione had left, wanting to give the families some privacy. Everyone who remained spent the rest of the night together discussing the future and how it was like. While a few of them still had questions regarding the war, and the deaths they were told of, no one asked those questions. Instead, they got to know the next generation better. The only clue an onlooker would have that the people inside the cozy living room had received bad news would be Harry cuddled into Sirus's side, or George discreetly making sure he is touching his twin constantly in some way. If anyone noticed Teddy never taking his eyes off of his parents, it wasn't mentioned.

The conversation had started off with simple questions such as, "Does Wood's kid go to Hogwarts?" from Ron which was answered by James with, "She's our captain" this was followed by questions being shot at the future Gryffindor's Quidditch players by the current player's. After telling them that yes, she does make us get up at 5 am to practice even when it's raining, and yes, she is every bit as terrifying as her dad. The Quidditch questions died down.

As the night continued on, so did the chaos.

"So there's this song on an app called Tiktok," James said standing up excitedly on the couch. Al caught the look on James's face when he mentioned Tiktok and internally groaned knowing what James was about to say

"An app is basically something on smartphones that I told you all about. The thing that lets you interact with people or play games" James explained "TikTok is an app where people lip-sync to songs or dance etc. There was a really popular song about Rox on there"

Fred II realized what James was talking about and before James could go on he took over James's spotlight and said "It goes like. Roxanne, Roxanne, all she wanna do is party all night" Roxanne shook her head and facepalmed herself at her cousin's idiocy.

"God damn, Roxanne, never gonna love me but it's all right" James sang, not being bothered by the fact that he was interrupted by Fred II.

Fred opened his mouth to sing the next verse but he cut-off by Teddy

"Ok, ok, I am pretty sure they don't want to hear the rest of the song" Teddy intervened quickly before James got to the next verse. If Mrs. Weasley was anything like the grandmother he had back home, he knew that the Howler incident his Uncle Ron went through would be considered tame when she figured out how frequently everyone in the next generation cursed.

"Thank you Ted," Roxanne said gratefully not wanting a repeat of the Christmas Incident TM

Everyone laughs at their antics. It kept on going like this for the rest of the night. However, after 2 am Mrs. Weasley demanded everyone to go to bed while muttering under her breath about how irresponsible it is for kids to stay up this late. She showed the newcomers the bedrooms they would be staying in. After making sure that all of her children, (including Hermione and Harry), and grandchildren were tucked in, she herself went to bed. Before doing so, she made sure to warn her charge's to not try anything.

"Same old grandma," Lucy smiled as Roxanne, Rose, and Lily who were sharing the abnormally large room with her agreed.

The lights all extinguished. An hour passed silently and then two. As the clock crept near the fourth hour. Lily woke up from a nightmare. She woke up with a start and clutched her bedsheets trying to get her breathing under control so that she wouldn't wake anyone else up. After a few minutes of deep breaths, and calming herself down, she laid back down to sleep. She curled herself into a ball and did her best to muffle her cries while doing her best to fall asleep. After spending a few minutes being unable to sleep due to the terror etched into her heart, Lily quietly got out of bed and wore her slippers.

She snuck out of the room successfully without waking anyone and then trudged towards Ginny's room who shared it with Hermione. Lily contemplated whether to knock or not, she shook her head after remember her nightmare and quietly knocked. When no one appeared, Lily decided to go back to her room and figure out a way to sleep. She turned around but before she could start moving, the door was soon opened by a sleepy Ginny.

"I'm sorry mum or uh Ginny or..." Lily stuttered feeling awkward not knowing what to do now.

Ginny looked at her future daughter and noticed the dried tears on her face, knowing how bad nightmares could get after dealing with them due to the chamber of secrets, she simply smiled at her daughter and whispered "I prefer Ginny but if you're more comfortable calling me mum go for it. Come inside"

Lily mutely nodded coming inside "I had a nightmare and was umm wondering if I could sleep with you?" Lily asked, the nervousness evident in her voice.

"Of course," Ginny said and lead the girl to her bed. She tucked her in as she always imagined she would do with her daughter and cuddled with her after she lay down as well, within seconds both mother and daughter were out like a light. Neither of them noticed Hermione ear to ear grin as she herself went back to sleep.

The next morning, the peace in the house was broken by James and Albus's screams.

"Lily Luna Potter where are you" they both chorused

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Weasley asked frantically coming out of her room followed by Ron and Harry who also came out to see what was going on

"We can't find Lily. She tends to have nightmares so I decided to go check on her but she isn't there." James explained

"I didn't notice when she left the room last night when James woke me up asking where she was, I thought she would be in the bathroom or getting some water but we can't find her," Rose said frantically as Roxanne and Lucy had fearful looks on their face as they continued looking for their cousin.

Ginny who heard the exchange occurring outside, cast a silencing charm to make sure her daughter and Hermione didn't wake up. After making sure that both of them were sound asleep, she exited the room and said "Everyone quiets down, She came to my room last night asking to sleep with me since she had a nightmare. Don't wake her up or I will hex you" and with that, she turned and went back to her room.

Mrs. Weasley sighed and smiled at her grandkids, beaming internally at how caring they were. She headed downstairs after announcing that breakfast would be ready in an hour.

Albus who has snapped out of his initial shock called after her saying "Pancakes please."

Everyone whose sleep was disturbed due to Albus and James went back to their rooms to do their daily routines figuring that they wouldn't be going back to sleep.

The sooting aroma of pancakes soon filled the house and one by one everyone woke up including Lily

"Hey, had a good night's sleep?" Ginny asked seeing her daughter was awake. She still felt weird with the concept of her having children but as soon as Lily came to her last night, the weirdness had been replaced with a sense of obligation.

Lily nodded and then yawned causing Ginny to laugh.

"Come on sleepyhead, get dressed breakfast is ready, You can wear some of my old clothes," Ginny says as she searches for her old clothes. She finds them and hands them to Lily who smiled gratefully and goes to change.

Soon enough everyone's at the table eating when a buzz comes out of the bag in the background which Roxanne brought on the ministry trip which in turn came with her while she was teleported. Having forgotten the bag, it took everyone a minute to recognize that sound.

"Is that your phone?" Louis finally asked

Roxanne went over to the couch and fished the phone out of the bag which had time powder everywhere inside of it.

"Its Uncle Harry," She said in shock as everyone had looks of surprise in their eyes

"Answer it," Lucy said and Roxanne complied

a/n: hi guys... this chapters actually decently long... wow. Umm would yall be interested in knowing what happened during the christmas incident? Cuz ill write a short side chap if u want. Sorry this chaps kinda late, just been under the weather today. I feel like Ginny and Lily's relationship rn is kind of understandable? Especially since Lily is one of the youngest and who better to comfort her than her mom? Umm yea... see yall next time?

Make the star yellow if you wish that there was a Marauders show




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QOTD: my lefthanders... is ur handwriting like messy? Cuz 0.0 

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