Chapter 14

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With the introduction of Raven Tail as participants in the games and the revelation of their responsibility to hurting Wendy and Carla, Seth's magical power and presence gets displayed taking up the majority of the coliseum and growing. Unfortunately to for Raven Tail, this just an act of intimidation and a display of anger by Seth meaning this isn't even a fraction of Seth's overall power especially now after the training he's done in the last three months. Although with this display, something seems off. Something sinister.

Erza (POV)

Everyone in the coliseum including us stare on in amazement at Seth's magical power. His look malice never leaves Raven Tail. He takes one step forward then it hit. Every onlooker in the stands and even the wizards here on the grounds were forced onto their knees from the sheer magical pressure including Raven Tail's team. People were beginning to choke and foam at the mouth. I try my best to resist but it's becoming too difficult.

Erza- S.....Seth......that's enough....(struggling to keep standing) You've made........your point.

He makes no action to stop. It's like he doesn't hear me despite being right next to him. His lips curl into a smile

Seth goes to take another step but he's instantly surrounded by Satan Soul Mira, Laxus, Master Mavis, Master Makarov, and......Mystogan?

Mira (Satan Soul)- It's time to calm down now Seth. You've made your point to Raven Tail.

Laxus- Take a chill pill would ya?

Makarov- Seth my son, I understand. We all are angry about this revelation but it seems this just added onto something more for you. You're upset, you're hurting. You blame yourself for what happened to Wendy don't you? (Seth's magic wains) You blame yourself that you weren't there for her when she needed you the most. It's not your fault. Even Wendy says it wasn't your fault. No one could've known.

Mavis- I'm sorry for you feeling this way. It must've ate at you all while you were participating in the preliminaries. (Grabs Seth's hand) It's ok. Wendy will be better before you know it. And she'll be back to her brother's side in no time. Raven Tail will indeed pay for what they have done in time but now is not that time. For now, let us hold your aching heart and take care of things, at least for a little while.

Seth's magic fades almost instantly. The pressure is gone and we can move freely again. Seth begins to wobble and I wrap him in an embrace from behind to keep him from falling. The others and the other teams and crowd get to their feet as well.

Tsukiko- That was.......that was power never felt by anyone before.

Akuma- What the hell was that and what did you do to him?

Makarov- That there was power that rivals the top four Wizard Saints also known as the Four Gods of Ishgar. And what makes that things even more impressive is that, Seth was never turned. That was just base form Seth Alighieri albeit a very angry Seth Alighieri. Master Mavis, what did you do in those three months of training with him?

Mavis- (simply smiles) I didn't do anything. That was all him. I only gave him a little push you could say. And to answer your question from earlier Akuma, I simply suppressed his magic for a bit. Worry not, he'll be back to normal here in a few minutes.

Announcer- That was Uh........quite the display of magic power there. But we should move on with the rest of the introductions so will all non participants leave the grounds and will the rest of of the runner up team please join your teammates out of the field.

Master Makarov and Master Mavis head back in the stands whereas Juvia and Gajeel come out of the tunnel. Mira powers down as Fairy Tail Team B all come together with us.

Lucy- So exactly how is this fair?

Natsu- Hold up we're going to need some answers. How is Mystogan even here.

Seth-.........He's.........He's not.

Erza- It can't be. Jellal is that you?

Mystogan- (confirming his identity) Ssshhh

NGA- You kidding me?

Laxus- Seth you dumbass. What were you thinking going off like that?

Seth-...First of all, you watch it Pikachu. Secondly, I'd tell you but I'm afraid if I did, the last of your brain cells would fry. That is if your lightning hasn't already done the job.

Laxus- Pssh whatever. Hardheaded as always.

Natsu- This is a load of crap! Being from the same guild don't mean jack! If I'm fighting against any of you, I'm not pulling my punches. As long as we're in this tournament, you're my enemies and I ain't gonna lose to any of you!

Gajeel- I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm looking forward to making you eat dirt Salamander.

Announcer- And last but certainly not least is the team that came in first place in the preliminaries. That's right. You know em. You love em. Get on your feet and scream for the most powerful guild in all of Fiore. Give it up for the one and only Sabertooth!

Natsu- Can't wait to bring them down.

Sting- Why so serious? It's just a game.

Gajeel- There a reason you keep gawking pretty boy?

Rogue- Nothing important.

Raiki- Hey Akuma, hopefully you give the King a better challenge than you did those few years ago.

Akuma- I'm a totally different breed of beast than  I was back then. I'm taking my moniker back.

Roseanne- I truly hope you have a good showing in the games.

Tsukiko- That innocence card won't work on us. You're going down like the rest.

Vanon- That was some display you had there Alighieri. But that just goes to show that you can't keep your emotions in check. Didn't Serena teach you any better? Oh wait that's right, she's dead isn't she?

Both Fairy Tail teams have to hold Seth back from laying into this asshole. Instead, I walk up to this Vanon character.

Erza- So you're Vanon I've heard so much about.

Vanon- And you Erza Scarlet. One of many of Fairy Tail's THOTS. Tell me something, how many times do you get passed around?

Seth begins to struggle even more to free himself.

Erza- It's ok honey. I got this.

Vanon- And what are you going to do about it?

I smirk and with everything I have, I knew Vanon so hard in his balls. His eyes partially roll in the back of his head as mouth opens to produce a silent scream of agony. He crumples to his knees while holding his junk but I grab him by his throat while staring deeply into his eyes into his soul

Erza- You see Vanon, I want you to do something for me. I want you to pray. Pray to whatever god you believe in that it's Seth and not me you end up facing off with sometime in this festival. I've heard all your insults thrown to MY MAN AND HIS MOTHER. And I've let it stew inside me and I waited to get an opportunity to like this to tell you straight to your face. People get hurt at night you know that? Don't let me catch you spewing more shit from your mouth. Because when I do find out and trust me, I will, I will rip out each of your vocal cords one by one so your screams won't be heard from my basement. I will shove a freshly used tampon full of cyanide so far your ass it'll make the backshots you take from your beast friend seen like gentle foreplay. And that's only the beginning of the fun I have planned for you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING THAT I JUST SAID?

Vanon let's out the tiniest of whimpers.

Erza- GOOD. Now run along little child and wait patiently to be our stepping stone to greatness.

So Uh............Erza has officially scared the fuck out of me and I'll be sleeping with the lights on for a week with my knife to protect me. Ummm yeah I'm out.

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