Chapter 27

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Seth (POV)

Just about every woman from every participating guild is out on the arena floor in skimpy bikinis leaving nothing to the imagination.

Announcer- If you wanted a heaping helping of fan service, then ladies and gentlemen Domus Flau is place you want to find yourself today.

Seth *mind*- Does nobody see anything wrong with this?! This is supposed to be fighting matches!! Not some who can bust a nut first competition!!!

Indigo: God damn it Seth

Announcer- But remember folks, this is still a one on one competition so Mirajane and Jenny are the only ones getting scores. Currently Mirajane is at eight with Jenny at nine. And now wardrobe change!

Everyone's gone from bikinis to schoolgirl swimsuits. Which quickly changed to bikinis with thigh highs on. In that amount of time, Akuma is back to consciousness.

Akuma- What did I- (sees bikinis and thigh highs) HOLY SHIT! BOOBIES AND BUTTS AS FAR AS THE EYES CAN SEE! IM IN HEAVEN!!

A large amount of blood shoots out of his nose as he passes out again. This time with heart eyes and a perverted smile on his face.

Seth *mind*- See you and Sanji are just alike. God damn it.

Indigo: Unfortunately yeah. Hard agree.

Seth *mind*- As long as they don't make me go down there, I'm good.

Announcer- How about a blushing bride challenge? So ladies grab a lucky guy and squeeze into some wedding dresses!

Seth *mind*- Are you kidding me?!!

I slowly turn my gaze back to the arena floor and my eyes lock on Erza who's looking at me with the latest wardrobe outfit on.

I give a sigh knowing what I must do.

Mini timeskip

Myself, Natsu, Akuma and many other dudes are down here on the arena floor as the men counterpart to the ladies in the wedding dresses.

Seth *mind*- Not bad. I do clean up nice.

???- Seth.

I take a deep breath and turn to the woman that I've known for years. My best friend and the person I treasure most.

Wordless words escape my slack jawed mouth as my mind goes blank. Her gaze slowly met mine as she lifted her head. Her cheeks a tint of red with a blush.

Erza-......Well say something.

Seth-.......I don't have to. I don't need to say a word, just seeing you like this is the greatest magic this world has ever known.

Her face gets red as she looks away.

Erza- You always have a way with words. I was hesitant to put this on actually. I mean we've known each other for so long and we only recently got together officially. I felt like this would be a little awkward a bit sudden.

Seth-......Not at all. I don't see myself with anyone other than you. To see you walking down the aisle in a wedding dress, walking to me so we can be married and be together for life is something I've always wanted. Being my best friend and growing up with you in the guild, all the trials and tribulations we've gone through together solidified that. This may be just some competition but I'd like to see you in a wedding dress again in the future.

Erza's lip quivers as tears of happiness threaten to fall from her eyes.

Erza- Well that case (pulls a tiny box from within herr bouquet) I had gotten this for you right before we left for Tenrou Island. At the time I wanted to gift you something special for your birthday. Something that only meant something between us. And now, this gift means so much more.

She opens the box and inside is a ring.

It's a sight to behold. A well crafted piece of jewelry to symbolize a bond.

Erza- (grabs Seth's hand) I can't promise that dark clouds will never hover over our lives or that the future will bring many rainbows. I can't promise that tomorrow will be perfect or that life will be easy. But what I can promise you is my everlasting devotion, my loyalty, my respect, my unconditional love for this lifetime and the next. I can promise that I'll always be here for you, to listen and to hold your hand. I'll always do my best to make happy and make you feel loved. I can promise that I'll see you through any and every crisis, and pray with you, dream with you, build with you, and encourage you. I'll willingly be your protector, your advisor, your counselor, your family, your everything. I promise you that we will make it through anything even darkest pits of hell. Therefore, I give you this ring as a promise. A promise that my heart hold true, and that one day....................I will marry you.

Time stood still and all there was, was me and her. Everything that we've ever been through since knowing each other. The good, the bad, and the in between. The memories, the emotions we felt, all of it, poured into this one ring. A promise ring signifies our ties, our bond that has developed into its own special thing, our lives will be forever intertwined.

Seth-.......To have and to hold. Dividing and sharing each other's burdens and joys. A commitment tightly bound. I accept this promise ring and make a promise to you that one day I will get on one knee, ask you to be mine forever more, and we will be together to the end of time and be a family.

She slips the ring onto my ring finger then cups my face with both hands.

Erza- I love you Seth Alighieri.

Seth- Same to you Erza Scarlet.

She pulls my face towards hers as she leans in for a kiss.

???- Stop! This is an outrage! I can't take anymore of this! Let me teach you young people what it means to be a real woman!!

We come to a halt as a figure jumps down from one of the giant statues of the coliseum and lands right in the middle of everybody on the arena floor.

Erza gets a look of disbelief as she releases my face. I throw up a little in my mouth as the master from Lamia Scale shakes her boney hips thinking she's sexy.

Indigo: MY EYES!!!!

The mood is instantly killed and everyone besides Mira and Jenny leave the arena floor. In the end Mira and Jenny got serious and Mira one hit KO'ed Jenny with Satan Soul giving Fairy Tail another dub.

Indigo: That's the end of this one. Everything was going good up until that last part. I'm going to go bleach my eyeballs now. Later Indigo Fam. Peace.

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