Chapter 6

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The day has moved on to dusk and he sun has reached the water's edge on the horizon when Ultear's secret way to boost her magic started. Seth had gotten his painful turn and left while Natsu had to go through his

Now standing by the water Seth admires the view when he catches a Jellal and Erza walking away to somewhere from the corner of his eye. Quickly he catches up to them and asks Erza to speak with Jellal privately for a second. Reluctantly, she agrees and Seth pulls Jellal around the corner.

Seth (POV)

Jellal- What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?

Seth- Now you listen here BUDDY. I know what you're about to do. I could smell it. Your scent gave it away. And here's what I have to say about won..........she really cares for you y'know? I understand that you were under zeref's influence before but now is your time to make up for what you did all those years ago. And while I'm not particularly happy about this outcome. It's her choice and I will respect it. However, if you ever hurt her again, (grabs Jellal by the throat and lifts him off his feet) I don't like killing people. I usually make sure my opponent doesn't die at the end of my fights. The only one I've killed is Killian Blaze. But if you hurt Erza again, I'll do to you so much worse than I'll do to him. I'll make your death so so slow. I'll do my damnedest to keep you alive and conscious for all of the pain I'll do to you. You'll be wishing and begging for death but that'll only be the beginning. Your soul will be my plaything your skin will be a lampshade and curtains in my apartment while the rest of you would make a great meal for the creatures you don't see in the hidden in the dark.

I blink and I'm back to normal. I don't know what that was. Whatever that was, it stank of pure evil. A very ancient evil. I realize what I'm dealing and quickly release Jellal. He falls to his hands and knees and gulps down breaths of air. He looks up at me with fear in his eyes.

Seth- I gotta go.

I take off from the beach and into the woods.


Erza (POV)

Jellal and I are on the cliffs watching the sunset

Erza- So, you remember everything that happened.

Jellal-......I do.

Erza- Does that include what happened to Simon?

Jellal- He died by my hand.

Erza- What about the Nirvana incident?

Jellal- Everything. I remember being trapped in a fog of amnesia. It's a strange feeling.

Erza- Is it accurate to say I'm speaking with the Jellal I knew as a child?

Jellal- I'd be happy if you thought of it that way but given my crimes, I won't blame you if you keep your distance. And if you decide to avenge Simon I won't try to stop you. My life was forfeit long ago.

Erza- Do you honestly think Simon would want you to die? What about your new guild and all the good you've done through it? Why can't dedicating your life to fighting the darkness be your atonement?

Jellal- Because I don't think it can.

Erza- Why not?!

Jellal- Don't get me wrong. When I first created Crime Sorciere, I hoped it would bring me peace. But the things I did at the Tower of Heaven can't be made right that easily. Is there really a point to what I'm doing? Will these horrible thoughts every go away? I feel so lost. Perhaps it's best if I did die.

I stand in front of Jellal and slap him.

Erza- You'd be satisfied with the cowards way out?!

Jellal- I don't have the strength to overcome this. Not like you.

Erza- You think you need to be strong in order to live?! You're wrong! Life itself is what gives us strength! (Grabs his shoulders) I don't see the old Jellal before me. That man was full of life. He would never give up without a fight.

Jellal- Maybe he's dead then.

Erza- (lifts him by his cloak) Snap out of it!

Jellal- It's too late.

Jellal trips on the rock he was sitting on and falls back causing me to fall forward. We tumbled down the path and when we stop, he's on top of me.

His eyes wide and staring into mine.

Jellal- You always know what to say don't you?

Erza- That's not true at all. I just stumble through life one day at a time. HE taught me that.

Jellal- Erza........

Erza- I thought I'd never see you again.

His hands cup my face and I his. His face comes closer to mine and his lips part to accept mine. And I graciously accept.

That's the end of this one. Erza X Jellal. Sorry Seth. I really am. Welp, later guys. Indigo out

Play song.

As his lips get closer to mine, HIS face calling my name flashes before me

Erza *mind*- This is wrong. HE was there for me. HE pulled me from my despair. It's HIM. It has always been HIM. All the mission's we've been on together. All the nights we've spent together cuddling in his bed. He even stole my first kiss. My best friend. The one I chose to give my heart to after the Tower of Heaven. There is no Erza Scarlet without you Seth Alighieri.

Right as Jellal's lips are about to touch mine, I push Jellal off of me. He looks to me in shock as I get to my feet.

Erza- I'm sorry Jellal. I really do care about you but...I can't.

Jellal's shocked expression turns to one of a soft smile.

Jellal-.......I knew he had me beat. Erza you need to go to him right now. He needs you now more than ever. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Go to him!

I nod and rush off to go look for Seth.

Sunset turns to night and here we find Seth Alighieri walking along the water's edge on an isolated part of the beach underneath a moonlit sky

Seth (POV)

Seth *mind*- Let it out. You're upset. It's ok to let it out. If you don't, it's going to eat at you from the inside............Fire off a roar. Put all that anger and sadness and put it into a roar. It'll make you feel better.

Seth- (turns to the ocean) Holy Dragon: ROAR!!!!!

The roar blasts out of my mouth with such velocity and power. It's bigger than any of my previous ones. The blast splits the ocean as is it goes off and sails into the distance past the horizon.

Seth- (sigh) I didn't tell you how much you meant to me. You're the one I wouldn't mind losing sleep for. The only one I can never get tired of talking to. The only one who crosses my mind throughout the day. You make me smile without trying, bring down my mood without intention, and affect my every emotions with every action on yours. You're the one person I'm afraid of losing and the one I want to keep in my life forever and even then that's not long enough. I didn't just fall in love with you, I fell into you. You're this ocean before me and I drowned in the depths of who you are. It's scary in a way but it's also the most amazing thing I've ever felt. You Erza are the most amazing thing I've ever had. I love you Scarlet. Wish I had the brass balls to tell you sooner.

My words fall on the ocean breeze of the night. Content with finally releasing everything, I turn into the direction hotel only to stop dead in my tracks. Erza was standing only a few feet from me and staring at me.

Seth- Uh...........fuck. You weren't........I mean I thought.........

She doesn't say a single word as her hair covers her eyes. Tears runs down her face. Then she takes one step. Then another. Next thing I know she's running at me full speed and tackles me to the ground Roman Reigns Spear esque. I'm flat on my back and she's straddling me with her forearms beside both sides of my head and her face hovering over mine.

Erza-.....You.........You.........You dumbass.

Before I could get a word out, her hands grabbed my face and her mouth connected with mine. Passion and longing is what I felt from this type of kiss and I wasn't going to question it as I kissed back.
They were like this 👇🏽

Having the need for air, unlocks her lips from mine and we both breathe.

Erza- You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. Seth.......I love you. I love you so much. It's uncontrollable. There's not a day that I'm not thinking of you. You're the reason my heart beats. You are my strength. You gave me a purpose all those years ago. I was hopeless, lonely, and sad. I had no direction and I was mentally and emotionally scarred form the Tower that I kept people at a distance and didn't want anyone around me. But that's when you showed up. And I've been stuck at your side ever since. Sometimes I wonder were would I be had you not come into my life. But don't have to and now, I can finally say that you're mine. Mine to have and to hold till the universe fades. I love you Seth Alighieri.

And with that, my arms wrap around her and our mouths meet once more as the shooting stars fill the night sky.

HE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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