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While making cherry blossom mochi at home, Lia asks Dandelion, "Why didn't you told me that this town is your birthplace!"

"I wanted to but then I forgot!" Dandelion says while laughing and adds, "but it's not that important because fairies' main home is considered the fairyland!"

"Why Fairies' main home is considered the fairyland when they are born on the Earth?" Lia asks with curiosity-filled eyes.

Dandelion looks outside of the window and says pointing at the sky, "Sky of the fairyland is always purplish-pink in colour, just like today's evening sky."

Lia gets mesmerized by the beautiful purplish-pink sky and Dandelion tells her the story about how the fairyland was created.

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Seven Centuries ago, fairies and humans used to live together. Fairies used their powers to help every living, animal, plant, and human.

The world was a better place, of course not completely, good and bad exist together. Sometimes love and kindness brings out the good even in bad and sometimes hate and cruelty bring out the bad even in good. Good and bad resides in everything and every being. It depends on how one sees it and on how one chooses to be.

In a world that started sounding like a fairy tale, some humans choose to be bad. Not just some human but one fairy too, and her name was Kiiroi.

Kiiroi was born innocent and uncorrupted, she was born from yellow carnation flower.

In the garden of the pink carnation flowers, the yellow carnation bud appeared out of nowhere. Because yellow carnation symbolizes rejection and disappointment, a person threw the plant of a yellow carnation into the water. The first words, little bud heard were of hatred and disappointment, but the little bud didn't give up. With the water little bud flowed to the unknown land, and wind took the little bud to the border of the Cankerwort town. With lots of struggle, somehow the plant got reattached to the soil and one day finally the little bud bloomed and a fairy named Kiiroi was born. Fairy with the power of thunder.

Kiiroi was born with the blessings of elements too, just like Dandelion and the higher-ups Rose, Lotus, and Wild.

Dandelion with the power of wind, Kiiroi with the power of thunder, Rose with the power of fire, Lotus with the power of water, and Wild with the power of the land, is considered the strongest fairies of all time.

When Kiiroi was born she saw her beautiful yellow wings. A world that hated yellow carnation flowers, admired her wings. She loved the attention she got but every time people found out about the flower she was born from they neglected her. Some people called her unwanted and a bad omen.

Kiiroi was very hurt by their words so she excluded herself from everyone, on the border of the Cankerwort town she build her own house. She planted the garden of yellow carnation flowers in her front yard to make her house look like a home. But some people didn't like Kiiroi peacefully living her life, so they burned Kiiroi's beautiful garden.

Rage took over Kiiroi, she unleashed her powers on the Cankerwort town, to hurt those who hurt her she filled the sky of Cankerwort town with the dark cloud of the thunderstorm.

She wanted to hurt those who burn her garden but she forgot in the town there were innocent people too, people who didn't hurt her.

After some days, Kiiroi tried to stop the thunderstorm but she couldn't. Her powers got out of her hands so she confined herself inside her house.

And when the sound of cries and prayers surrounded the town of the Cankerwort, the wishing flower fairy appeared, and with her powers, she filled the town with happiness again.

But the story didn't end here, as the story of the great fairies with the blessings of elements traveled to every corner of the world, greed developed. Some people decided to stole those powers and the sound of the chaos started to awaken.

Kiiroi was still hiding, she was glad that no one found out that it was her who started the thunderstorm.

But out of somewhere people found out that Kiiroi was the one to start the thunderstorm, and with this new hatred for fairies started developing in some people's hearts. Some fairies were disappointed with Kiiroi and some fairies decided to give her another chance.

Some people from the other town gave a sleeping potion to Kiiroi and burned her entire house. Some believed she died and some believed that she survived. And with that, the fairy hunting started.

Some people used to attack the Cankerwort town every day, to hunt for fairies. To stop the fairy hunting and the attack on their town, people changed their town's name from Cankerwort to Blow-ball.

To maintain peace, Rose, Lotus, and Wild combined their powers and created the fairyland. Some fairies travel to the fairyland and some decided to stay on the Earth.

Even tho, Wild was the one to create the fairyland he decided to stay on the Earth. Dandelion, Lavender, Sakura were some of the fairies who decided to stay on earth too. While the time they stayed on earth Sakura met Dandelion, the fairy without wings. Sakura always asked Dandelion about her wings, but Dandelion always gave her the same answer that her wings caught fire when she was careless.

A century passed by but the fairy hunting didn't stop, so Rose made a rule that every fairy will live in the fairyland.

Dandelion, Lavender, and Wild searched for Kiiroi everywhere, but when they couldn't find her they went to the fairyland. Rose gave Kiiroi the title of the fallen fairy.

Lotus taught the fairies about the invisibility magic, and Rose made some rules out of which two most important rules were, number 1, the fairies who pass the fairy exam can only go to the earth to help and heal, and number 2, fairies will help and heal without directly interacting with humans.

Because of Rose's rule, fairies stopped directly interacting with humans, and with that century passed, and on earth fairies just became part of some storybook. On earth, they remained in the form of fairytales and started their own life in the fairyland by following every rule.

Dandelion was the only fairy to broke the two most important rules, firstly without passing the exam she used to travel on earth and secondly, by helping the twins, not only she broke the rule of no interaction with humans, but she also broke the rule of heaven by sending the message of the dead to someone alive.

Lotus didn't want to label Dandelion as a fallen fairy, but because Rose and Wild decided to label her one, Dandelion was labeled as a fallen fairy too.

Lotus gets angry with Wild's decisions, but Wild tells her that fairies like Dandelion are not someone who can be stopped by some rules. He told Lotus that it's best for Dandelion to be free as a wind.

Lotus still argued with Wild, saying that because of his stupid decision Dandelion lost her home, fairyland. Wild smiled at Lotus and said that Dandelion's home is people and not some land. Looking at Dandelion's happiness later Lotus agreed with Wild's decision too.

On her first day as a fallen fairy, Dandelion falls asleep on the bench made out of the rock, while she was sleeping rain started pouring heavily. Before she could teleport herself, a girl with crystal blue eyes shared her red umbrella with Dandelion.

Dandelion curiously looked at the girl and later realized that she forgot to put on the invisibility spell.

Girl with crystal blue eyes told Dandelion that her name is Amelia. Since Dandelion is a wingless fairy she introduced herself as human.

Years passed by Dandelion and Amelia became close with each other, and Dandelion told Amelia about her secret.

Even after revealing that she's a fairy, their friendship remained unchanged.
Along, with their friendship Dandelion stayed the same too but Amelia grew old. At the age of ninety Amelia died in her sleep, and Dandelion still stayed in her early 20s, she cried and mourned for Amelia.

Here's the thing about kindness, it is never forgotten.

In Dandelion's memory, Amelia always stayed alive as a kind human. A human who was like a fairy helping everyone around her. Amelia gave Dandelion the meaning that fairies don't need a wing to be called a fairy. Centuries passed by and Dandelion still travels with a red umbrella with a wishing flower printed on it, an umbrella that belonged to Amelia, an umbrella that proves that there is still kindness and goodness alive.

And that's why the greatest powers of the wishing flower fairy that the umbrella holds, are the power of kindness and hope.

Rose knew that Dandelion will break some rules, so she told Lavender to keep an eye on Dandelion. And while keeping an eye on Dandelion, Lavender came closer to Dandelion and they became best of friends.

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While eating the cherry blossom-flavored mochi, Dandelion finishes the story about the fairyland and her magic umbrella.

Lia hugs Dandelion tightly and says, "I love you so much Dandelion, you went through so much and remained kind! You are the greatest motivation!"

Dandelion laughs and says, "Greatest motivation? Well, yeah if motivating others to sleep counts!", taking another bite from the cherry flavored mochi, Dandelion adds, "I didn't go through a lot, I always had good people around me. It is Kiiroi who went through a lot, but it's not like I support her."

"I think people shouldn't blame Kiiroi for everything. What she did was wrong, but I can't hate her. But saying that she had right reasons to hurt everyone would be wrong." Lia says getting all confused.

"What people did with Kiiroi, Sophie did with you, of course, there's no comparison between who got hurt more but you chose to be good but she chooses to be bad!" Dandelion says looking outside the window watching the evening sky turning into the night sky.

"I had my grandma, that's why I didn't turn bad, my grandma's kindness made me stay good! But Kiiroi had no one," Lia says thinking about Kiiroi and adds, "Did she survived the fire?"

Dandelion pats Lia's head and says, "I am so proud of you Lia! And yes she survived the fire!"

"I bet the greatest wishing flower fairy rescued her!" Lia says with a proud smile and Dandelion just smiles eating the last cherry blossom-flavored mochi.

Lia sighs looking at the sky and says, "I always thought that fairy tales are perfect, All about happiness and goodness, I never thought it was filled with both light and darkness!"

Dandelion laughs and says, "It's not your fault to think that way, people mostly depicts fairy tale as a perfect world, but before every fairy tale, there's a story of a person choosing who they want to be! Before every fairy tale, there's a journey to find the right path. Before every fairy tale, there's a story about a person getting lost and found, and then there's the journey to make your perfect fairy tale with kindness and courage. Do you know the biggest secret about why fairy tales always have the happy ending?"

Lia looks curiously at Dandelion and says, "Why do fairy tales always have the happy ending?"

Dandelion chuckles and says, "Because it never ends without getting its happy ending!"

to be continued...

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💜Thank you for reading🧚

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