♡Seize what you want!♡

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Knock Knock Knock!

"Who is trying to disturb the sleep of the greatest wishing flower fairy!" Dandelion screams in an annoyed tone. Lia runs towards the door and opens it and sees Rimi standing in front.

"Lia why are you not ready yet!" Rimi says pointing at Lia's wet hair.

"Rimi, sales start at 9 am and it's only six-thirty! I haven't even made breakfast yet!" Lia replies gesturing Rimi to come in.

"That's why we need to stand in line from 7 am! You have 10 minutes to get ready Lia! We can have breakfast there!" Rimi says sitting on the couch on which Dandelion is trying to sleep.

"Lia! Take your noisy friend out! She's sitting on my couch! MY COUCH!" Dandelion says frowning.

Lia gives Dandelion looks to cooperate with her at least for 10 minutes. Lia dries her hair and gets ready in her casual outfit.

"Listen Dandelion, freshly baked bread is on the kitchen's counter along with your favourite strawberry jam. You can make your sandwich right?" Lia says in her mind and Dandelion just nods.

"Also, I am locking the door. Don't forget you can teleport." Lia finishes her sentence and leaves with Rimi. Dandelion happily sleeps after they left.

Exactly at 7 am, Rimi and Lia reach the sales location.

"Lia you stand in a line, I'll go grab chocolate shakes," Rimi says and Lia stops her saying it's only seven in the morning.

"We need the energy to stand for two hours!" Rimi says and runs to get the chocolate shakes from the food truck in front, which is opened early today because of the sale.

"I thought she was not a morning person, I guess she loves shopping too much!" Lia mumbles and looks at the huge line forming.

"Did you see that? What a huge line! Glad we came early!" Rimi says bringing the chocolate shakes.

Rimi takes out her mobile and clicks pictures with Lia. Rimi and Lia take a sip from their chocolate shakes and says, "Delicious" in a unison putting one hand on their cheek.

"Haha! Derek missed this heavenly chocolate shake. Serves him right!" Rimi says eating the chocolate wafer stick.

Lia chuckles and replies, "Did he refused to come shopping?"

"Refused? He threw a pillow on my face! That meanie! He can't wake up for anyone!" Rimi says pouting.

"I guess some people don't like their precious sleep getting ruined," Lia replies thinking about Dandelion.

"I am glad you are not like those people," Rimi says hugging Lia.

While chit-chatting time passed by in seconds and finally the door for the mega sale opens.

With lots of pushing and shouting mega sales begins! Rimi grabs Lia's hand tightly so that she doesn't get lost in the huge crowd.

"Remember all the lessons I gave you! Seize what you want! Don't let them push you. After twenty minutes we will meet at this spot again," Rimi says and disappears into the crowd.

Lia looks at the pretty blue top, she grabs it but somebody else comes along with it.

"I grabbed it first!" says the girl tightly holding on to the pretty blue top.

"Oh! I am sorry," Lia says and lets go of the pretty blue top.

Lia looks at the pretty black sneakers, she takes the sneakers in her hand to check the size. While she was checking the size somebody hopped on the counter of the shoes and shouts, "I saw it first". Lia gets startled and drops the pretty black sneakers, somebody else picks them up and runs away. Lia stands like a ghost for few minutes to process what just happened to her.

Lia gets pushed by the crowd and she snaps out of her thoughts. She goes back to the clothing section. Lia sequels happily looking at the white top with delicate wishing flowers print on it. The girl with short brown hair tries to take it from her but Lia shouts, "I saw it first!"

"How do you know that you saw it first? I am telling you I saw it first!" the girl with the short brown hair shouts back.

Lia gets startled by the loud voice but she replies, "Then why is this in my hand first!"

The girl with the short brown hair glares at Lia and before she could say anything Lia runs away with the top.

"There you are," Rimi says to Lia.

Lia shows wishing flowers printed top to Rimi whose hands were filled with clothes and shoes.

"Wow it is so pretty Lia, let's find a pretty skirt that can go with it," Rimi says patting on Lia's shoulder. Lia smiles happily and in two minutes Rimi finds a pretty light blue-colored skirt for Lia.

"The mega sale is going to end in 10 minutes," the announcer says and Lia and Rimi run to the cash counter.

"Where should we go now?" Lia asks Rimi.

"Aunt Layla is out of town so no bakery job for us today! Let's go and eat there," Rimi replies pointing at the small pancake shop.

"Pancakes? But we just had a chocolate shake. Too much sweet for one day!" Lia replies in a disbelief tone.

"Hey! Don't you wanna open a bakery shop? How can you say too much sweet! There's nothing like too much sweet," Rimi says poking Lia's cheek.

"Fine! I give up!" Lia says and they enter the pancake shop.

Delicious pancakes melt Rimi and Lia's hearts. Rimi talks about clothes and shoes with sparkling eyes.

"You love shopping so much!" Lia says taking another bite of a delicious pancake.

"Yes! I forget about everything when I am shopping. Clothes and shoes organized perfectly, and every color complementing one another flutters my heart." Rimi says with a cheerful smile.

"You wanted to be an owner right? Why don't you open your clothing shop," Lia replies with a sweet smile.

"I don't know, I'll think about it," Rimi says stretching her hands.

"Your notebooks are filled with sketching and doodles of different types of clothes too, you should think about it!" Lia says with a huge smile and adds, "You should follow what makes you happy."

Rimi nods and blushes thinking about Derek and says, "I am following who makes me happy," Lia tilts her head and then sweetly smiles little confused.

to be continued...

---⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾---

💜Thank you for reading!🧚

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