No. one: Stars

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On a cloudy night when one looks to the heavens, the Stars have been hidden away.

But their fun doesn't end and their lights won't go out, for they have a wonderful party tonight.

With a curtain of clouds and a stage of blue, the Stars twirl through the sky of deepest navy.

Arrayed in high fashion, clothed in the finest of cloth, they bask in the pale moonlight.

With only the heavens above and the sea below, they dance with a passion none can behold.

Nebulae, stardust, and planets serve as a backdrop to their performance, which one could only wish to witness, they spin about in perfect harmony.

The finest of silks seem rags in comparison to the wings of stars, and precious gems seem only rocks when held to their great majesty.

Their eyes shine like fire, their movements of the utmost beauty.

Dancing to the music of the spheres, the swing and sway around each other in a blur of light.

The novas with their colorful ballgowns of cloud look down upon the young comets dressed in scandalous whites while the royalty looks on in amusement.

Hansome young stars dance with the ladies who hide behind fans of silken space, blushes of crimson splashed across their doll-like faces.

From their lofty perch, the queen and king observe the ball from above, each older than time itself, and twice as wise.

When the Earth begins to turn away, they begin to fade, exhasted from a night of dancing. They blow kisses and wave farewell to their partners, saying,

"Goodbye, goodbye, till tomorrow night's dance!"


A/N: I read a few original Hans Christian Anderson tales and got inspired! Here is a random imagine for yall.

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