No. seven: War

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When I find the place, I'll bring you there.

It'll be just us, in our own little lair.

Forget the bombs, bullets and death,

And think of this new place instead.

Come along, dear heart, I'll take you by hand,

Please don't give up yet, there's still the land,

The one of your dreams, please don't forget,

You have so much more of life to get.

Remember, remember, the lives we once lived?

Free of war, the time we were kids?

Come now sweet lover, your hands are so cold,

Hold on to our dear memories of old.

Wake up, wake up, please open your eyes.

Can't you see around you, the lies?

Your breath clouds the air no more,

Please tell me that you can hear my voice?

Your face is dusted by dirt and ash,

I still see your smile, your beautiful lashes.

Please wake up, please come home.

I can't go on, out here in the cold.

My soul, dear one, I need you to stay

I'll take you to the place, one where we'll play...


It's only me now, you've left me alone.

Alone in the fields where I'll never see home.

The cannons boom round me, the children all weep.

Do you see them cry? Please wake from your sleep.

The war rages on, yet you still slumber,

In your bed of mud and death forever.

My love, I need you, yet you have left me.

No longer do I have much to feel.

Goodbye, my darling, I leave you lying there.

In fields of smoke, where the ground is bare.


A/N: I don't usually write poetry, but I thought I did okay with this one. Please tell me your opinions! I love to hear outside views.

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