Honeymoon of horror

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This is the story about The newlyweds move in an old haunted house that is possessed by a demon

It all started At a wedding reception, a bride and groom were one step closer to being married.

The bride was Charlene was walking down the wedding aisle, she wore a white gown with gloves, her hair was red and in a bun, and she carried a bouquet of pink roses.

The groom, Daniel wore a regular black tuxedo, he had a black beard and curly hair.

And next to him was Daniel's best friend Sullivan, he had black slicked hair, and her wore a gray tuxedo like the rest of the best men.

The bride finally arrives at the last step of the gazebo next to the four bridesmaids. The bridesmaids wore light pink dresses and red bouquets of roses.

And when the newlyweds finally went face to face. The prime minister with grey hair and red glasses began.

Prime minister: dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate this man and women, let us begin, Charlene do you take Daniel tandywine as your husband in sickness and in health, for better or for worst, in rich or poor, to love, cherish and honor for as long as you both shall live

Charlene looks at Daniel and smiles.

Charlene: I do

Prime minister: ok did you Daniel tandywine take Charlene Belladonna has you awfully wedded wife for better or for worst till death do you part

Daniel looks back at Sullivan and he sees him smiling and giving him two thumbs up, he then looks back at Charlene.

Daniel: I do

Prime minister: then by the power vested in he, by the power of god, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride

They kiss and everybody cheered, music played as Charlene throw the bouquet in the air, one lucky girl in a purple dress and blonde hair caught the bouquet and jumped in excitement. Daniel and Sullivan were having shots with their other friends. They then sliced the wedding cake, which was big and had white and blue frosting.

And as it became dark, children played with fireflies and after Sullivan gave his best man speech, they opened up the champagne and the bride and groom, sat together, clicked their glasses together and looked up at the sky.

Daniel: to our future

Charlene: for a better future tomorrow

The next day the newlyweds and Sullivan were out looking for a new house.

Daniel: our next step in our married life is finding a house

Charlene: but we don't have that much money for a house and where are we going to grind a house in this economy

Sullivan: well luckily for us, I'm a realtor and well get ready for the good part

Charlene/Daniel: what

Sullivan: well you know how You didn't got a wedding present for me

Daniel: yeah

Charlene made a serious look

Sullivan: well-I found a house for you guys on a great deal

The two were surprised by the news

Daniel: oh sully that's great thanks man

Sullivan: well what else are friends for, your welcome for both of you

Charlene: yeah what a lazy excuse for saying "I'm so I forgot to buy you guys a present"

Sullivan: (laughing)

Daniel: (chuckles) oh come on honey at least we got a place to stay

They all laughed as Daniel wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

They drove for what seems like for hours until......... they got good glimpse of their new house.

Charlene: hey are we there yet

Sullivan: we're almost there

They saw how he was driving up a hill away from town and passed by an rusty old gate.

Sullivan: alright we're here

Charlene: oh good cause I felt like we been driving in that car for forever

They all got out and...

Sullivan: TA'DA

when they saw the house, they were more then joy, well Daniel was happy but Charlene was disgusted.

They look up to see an old house, with busted windows, cracked up boards, vines and roots stuck on to the house, and it was dusty. It looked old enough to be a haunted house.

At first they thought it was a joke.

Daniel: (soft laughs) where is it

Sullivan: it's here

Charlene: is it behind that old house

Sullivan: it is the old house

Charlene: oh I see now

Sullivan: yeah isn't it great

He walks towards it and leans against the beams that were holding up the house.

Sullivan: I hood a great deal on this for only 50$ everyone at the realtor agency try to sell this house but nobody wants it

Bat: shirking

Charlene/Sullivan/Daniel: AH!!!

They saw boat flying out from the chimney.

Charlene: I can see why

Sullivan: I asked my boss if I could have it and he says that he doesn't what I do with it, I can keep it

Daniel: oh hey that's great, isn't that great honey

She walks up to it, with a disgusted look still on her face

Charlene: yeah (sarcastic) perfect

Sullivan: oh come sure it's a bit rusty and unstructured

He takes out the keys, unlocks the door and they walk inside to see that inside was covered in spider webs, the painting on the wall was fading and their were holes everywhere.

He stomps on the ground and rats came scattering out of the busted up floor boards.

(Rumble) (rats squeaking)

as they passed through them, Charlene panicked and jumped into Daniel's arms, due to her fear of mice and rats.

Charlene: AH!!

Sullivan: and invested with pest but-

Charlene gets down as Sullivan walks between them and wraps his arms around his shoulders.

Sullivan: I'm sure with three of us together, we can make this place look brand new

Charlene looks around.

Charlene: yeah, all we need is an exterminator and a flame torch

Sullivan/Daniel: (laughing)

Sullivan: ok tell you what, since it's been a long day for us, we can sleep and start on construction in the morning, why don't we get some sleep in here tonight

Charlene: oh no

She pulls his arm off

Charlene: you two can sleep in here tonight, I'm going to sleep in the car tonight

She walks out to the car.

Daniel: aw come on babe

Sullivan walks over to him and touches his shoulder.

Sullivan: ah it's her lost, hey

He looks at him as Sullivan pulls out a case of beer.

Sullivan: I brought beer (laughing)

Daniel: (laughing)

And do the boys had a night out in the old house as Charlene tired to sleep in the car.

Charlene: hmm

But she had trouble sleeping as she started to have nightmares, as she tossed and turned in the car, she dreamed on when she was little, she was running away from a giant rat then falling down in a hole, she was wearing a navy overall dress with a white sleeve shirt underneath, white long stockings, black flats and she had her hair in pigtails.

Young Charlene: (whimpering)

As she fell in the hole she saw how it was filled with rabid rats growling at her.

Young Charlene: (screaming)

Charlene: AH

She woke sweating from having a terrible nightmare, she looked around to see that is already morning, she walks inside to see that the boys were now getting up and stretching.

Daniel/Sullivan: ugh, ah

Daniel: ah oh hi honey, how'd you sleep

She looked around still petrified from the nightmare, she had. Her husband and his friend were consider about her.

As they saw her shake.

Daniel: oh hey are you ok

Charlene: yeah, I think I'm going to get us some coffee and donuts

Daniel: ok we'll get started on the house when we're done

Sullivan: yeah and I take mines plain black

When she comes back with the coffee, she sees that they already got started on the house.

They were patching the holes in the walls.

Sullivan: oh hey your back, well what do you think

She looks around to see the half of the walls nearly done, she pulls the box of donuts down on the wreckage stairs and the coffee down, Sullivan wraps his arm around her shoulders and takes one of the coffee and drinks.

Sullivan: ah, yep by today, we'll have this place looking new

He lifts up her chin to face her.

Sullivan: don't worry it'll look great

She smiles and started to feel calm as she drink her coffee and went to go change.

She wore a Denim longline fitted shorts, light green sweater, her hair was in a ponytail and white boots.

Everything was going according to plan.....until Charlene started to noticed things going gone at first.

As Charlene was helping out, she felt a strange presence when nobody's there, she was sweeping the floors when. The chandelier started to move. Can and forth....then.


Charlene: (screaming)

The chandelier falls and breaks nearly crushing her. Daniel and Sullivan heard her scream, they ran by and saw Charlene scared next to the broken chandelier.

Daniel: Charlene what happened

She stuttered as she spoke

Charlene: s-s-something w-wrong wi-ith th-his h-h-house

Sullivan: what do you mean

Charlene: something made that chandelier fall, it nearly killed me

Sullivan ran to the other side of the stairs to get a better look at chandelier and saw that the wire holding it has been cut, Daniel ran yo Charlene to comfort her.

Daniel: it's ok

Charlene: (whimpering)

Sullivan runs downstairs

Sullivan: it was probably nothing Charlene

Charlene: no this house is haunted I can feel it

Sullivan: the house isn't haunted, it's very old

Charlene: NO ITS HAUNTED (softly whispers) I can feel someone's there watching me when there's nobody there

The two men become very concern about Charlene. Sullivan touches her shoulders.

Sullivan: did you have that nightmare again Las night, cause you look tired, why don't you sleep

Charlene: no-I

Sullivan: it's okay me and Daniel will take care of everything you just go get some sleep

The two walk her to the upstairs bed room and lay her down, Sullivan takes off his leather jacket and covers her with it.

They left the room, she thought she was just seeing things until it got worst, over the days they try to fix the house, strange things have be happen, like the house doesn't want to be fix. In the morning it would see like rotten Dead meat and all clocks and watches stop at 12. And every night Charlene wakes up from her terrible nightmare and when she tries to go back to sleep there's this long creepy hand with long nails, try to grab her face.

She could barely sleep and would soon suffer from Sleep deprivation such as seeing a little girl in the hallway looking at her and heading towards the basement.

Charlene: AH

the Windows and doors closed by themselves

Slam, slam, thud

Charlene: AH

she turns around and drops her coffee as she got startled from the sounds off the windows and door closing.

She then feels the floor moving, she looks down to see Something scurrying in the floorboards when there are no roaches.


She then gets terrified and runs.

Charlene: (whimpering) AH

as it get closer to her, she jumps and falls down.


Charlene: ugh, huh

She looks up to see a little girl from the 1700s in a pink dress, with brown hair, stares down at her, not smiling.

Charlene: what...do...you want...from me

The little girl then looks up and points, Charlene saw what she was pointing and saw a string with a ball knot to it. She gets up, pulls on it and out came a ladder.

Charlene: huh

She watches the little girl walking up the ladder, she turns around, bends her finger up and down asking her to follow her. And so she does.

As She walks upstairs, she sees that it's an attic, an old one, she slowly walks in, sees another piece of string, pulls on it and a lightbulb turns on, giving some light to the room.

She looks around to see old stuff animals from different timeline Sits around a little teapot, she bends down to grab the little stuff panda bear, then looks up to see the little girl looking at her and pointing at a chest.

She walks over to the chest, opens it and the next thing she saw terrified her.

It was old newspaper with pictures of the house and the last people that used to live in the house.

One headline said, crazy old man killed family and claimed a demon did it from the 1990s

And in the 1980s a local housewife killed 3 of her children and her husband and said that the house told her to do it

In the 70s two couples committed suicide in this house after claiming that a ghost was haunting them

After reading each headline, the more she read the more scared she got. In the 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s and 20s the last owner that loves hear died froM either sleep deprivation or driven mad, some say that a fellow neighbors heard strange noises and feels someone watching when no one's there.

And then when she read the last page, it shocked her for what she found.

Charlene: (gasp)

She looks up at the little girl who finally spoke.

Gina: you got to get out of here now

Back downstairs Daniel and Sullivan were getting exhausted from trying to fix up the house. The both fell on the dusty old sofa.

Daniel/Sullivan: AH

Sullivan: Daniel call me crazy but I don't think this house wants to be fox up

Daniel: your telling me, it's more like it doesn't want us here

They decided to take a break.

Daniel: hey

Sullivan: yeah

Daniel turns to Sullivan.

Daniel: do you remember the day before my wedding

The thought about Daniel's bachelor party made him smile

Sullivan: oh yeah I remember, it was a epic party not to forget

Daniel: yeah well remember when you had to leave early

Sullivan: yeah

Daniel: well where did you go

But before he could answer

A gust of wind blows hard causing the windows to open.

Daniel/Sullivan: ah


They got up surprised and rushed over to close the door, but then they started to hear whispers.


Daniel: huh, did you hear something

Sullivan: no


They both looked as the wind blew again but harder.

Sullivan: oh you meant that then yes

Then the furniture started to float up in the air and swirled around in the air. And attacking them as the voice hit louder.


Daniel/Sullivan: AH





as Charlene climbed down the attic with the stuffed panda and the articles, the guys ran into her.


Daniel/Charlene: OH

Daniel: Charlene

He grabs her shoulders and hugs her, then he lets go and has her face him.

Daniel: look you were right about this house, it is haunted, we need to get out of here

Charlene: I know look-

She sees the floorboards rising up and heading towards them, she grabs them and pulls them in another room.


Daniel/Sullivan: ugh, ow

Sullivan: you were right, we need to leave

Charlene: I think it might be too late for that

Daniel: why

Charlene: well it says here in This article that Mulgarath-A. K. A. mal Garth was the first owner here in the 1800 hated people so he built this house on top of the hill to be alone but no matter what as the days pass by more houses were build and he was starting to get angry so to keep people away he started building traps in his house, he even build a gate to keep people away but it was never enough, one day when he was on the rooftop he got a large board and stuck nails on the point so he can leave it outside of the gate, he painted it black when he finished he picked it up but then lost his balance dropped the nailed up board and then slipped on the nail board and then (crack) he got nails on his back but before he died, his blood was drained in the soil and he pledge his soul in the house and the house became haunted on this very day

Sullivan: so what we trap here now forever

Charlene: no we're not, with the three of us work together we can get out of here safely, come on

Mulgarath: oh you are, are you (evil chuckles) I don't think so

Charlene: mal please

Mulgarath: MAL IS NO MORE

Charlene: look I know who you are and if you let us go, we won't bother you again we promise

Mulgarath: you aren't going anywhere

Daniel: you can't keep ya in here forever, it's three against one (laughing)

He wraps his arm around Sullivan's shoulders.

Mulgarath: I admire your friendship but how can you trust a man who slept with another woman

Daniel: huh what are you talking about

He takes his arm off and Sullivan looked scared and Charlene had a guilty look.

Mulgarath: (evil laughing) oh you really don't have a clue do you


Mulgarath: well to answer your question from earlier, your friend let the party earlier.......CAUSE WE WENT TO TO SLEEP WITH YOUR WIFE

Charlene: (gasp)

Daniel turned around at Sullivan.

Daniel: what is that true

Sullivan: Daniel don't listen to his he's a demon he doesn't know that


Sullivan: are you going to take that demons word for it

Daniel then turns to Charlene.

Daniel: is that true

Charlene looked even more guiltier then before

Charlene: yes

Daniel felt like his heart shattered.

Sullivan: CHARLENE

Charlene: he was going to find out sooner

But more importantly he felt betrayed by his own best friend, he turned towards him, glaring at him.

Sullivan: Daniel I can explain


He then pounced on him to the ground, his fist clenched on to his shirt.



he then turns to Charlene.



Daniel: UGH

Sullivan: AH

as the two men fight, Charlene slowly pops her head outside to find that the demon already out, he was tall and slenderly, he had spikes popping out of his back, his head was a flaming skull and he drilled green ooze.

Charlene: (gasp)

She looks back at the two men fighting and pulls them apart.

Charlene: OK THAT IS ENOUGH (sigh) look we just need to burn this house down and then leave

Daniel: but how

Sullivan: well there's gasoline back in the car

Charlene: great but someone's going to have distract the demon one we head out towards the door

The two looks Sullivan

Sullivan: what are you two serious

Then Daniel gets up in his face

Daniel: well it was your fault for getting us in this mess, and it's your responsibility to get us out so I say we have you be bait for the demon

Charlene then pushes then apart

Charlene: HEY ALRIGHT THAT IS ENOUGH, look if we're going to have to get out of here alive, we're going to have work together ok

The two men looked at each

Daniel/Sullivan: fine

The three quietly walked slowly with alerting the beast.

Daniel: but after this, don't talk to me anymore

Sullivan: Daniel I-

Daniel: oh save it, I can't believe you would betray me like that, and after what I done for you, consider our friendship over

Charlene: hey would you two keep it down, he'll find us

They made it downstairs and grabbed a few weapons, Charlene grabbed a sledgehammer, Daniel pulls out his cross that he carries, and Sullivan got done pure water.

Charlene: ok so here's the plan, Daniel you go get the gasoline

Daniel: I don't Charlene how will I know you two won't make out while I'm gone for a minute

He glares at Sullivan as sully looks down in shame, then Charlene had enough and marched up to him.

Charlene: OK YOU NEED TO LET IT GO, look I know what he did was wrong and I was mad at him too but you guys are best friends, you have been best friends for years, you shouldn't let this little mishap get between your friendship

Sullivan walks over to him and she grabs their shoulders.

Charlene: and we really need each other if we're going to make it out of here Alice, ok

The two then looked up at each other

Charlene: so can we please let it go

Daniel: watch over my Charlene

He runs off and Sullivan smiles. On the same time Mulgarath came out.

Mulgarath: (snarling)

Charlene ran towards him and swung the hammer hard on his face.


Mulgarath: hiss

He then pounced on Charlene, pinning her to the ground, he raised his claw up to scratch her when.


Charlene: AH

Mulgarath: (snare)

Sullivan splash pure water at him.


Mulgarath: (shirks)

Then he grabs a nail gun and starts shooting at him. Mulgarath ran at him but only to get his body filled with nails in this chest, but he him got close to him and smacks the gun out of his hand.

Click, click, click, thud

Sullivan: AH

but when he got it smacked out of his hands, Daniel finally came back.

Daniel: Hey I got th- AH

he gets a pain pull blow to his shins by a nail. He collapsed on the floor, grabbing his wounded knee, he looks at it to see it bleeding, but not before dropping the gasoline causing it to spill in the house.

Charlene first hit the demon off from Sullivan then looked back at Daniel.

Charlene: DANIEL

she dropped the hammer and ran towards him. The creature regained recovery as it looked back at Daniel and Charlene, Sullivan saw and looked down to see the gasoline spilling towards the demon. He then got a plan.

Charlene: your ok

Charlene tries to help him up but Daniel saw the demon running towards them.


Mulgarath: (growl)

Charlene: (gasp)

Daniel/Charlene: AH

they covered each other but looked up when they was that he didn't attack but they also saw that Sullivan was pinning him down.

Sullivan/Mulgarath: (grunts)

Charlene: Sullivan


they get up but refuse to leave him


Sullivan: GO NOW


Sullivan then pulls out a match and lots up. He then looks back at them.

Sullivan: go I got you guys in this mess I should be the one to pay the price

Daniel: we'll find another way

Sullivan: there isn't much time go

they then ran outside.

Sullivan: Charlene

She looks back at him.

Sullivan: I'm sorry and I will always love you

She quickly gets them outside, and as she sets Daniel down, he drops the match on the gasoline. Charlene tries to go back to the house.

Mulgarath: NO!!!


but the house has already exploded and the demon died along with Sullivan.

Charlene got up from the explosion and looked back up at the burning house.

Charlene: SULLY, NO (sobbing)

She collapsed on the ground and cried, her husband crawled towards her and wrapped her in an embrace.

Later in the car, Charlene drove away from the house and went to take Daniel to the hospital. As he fell asleep during the car ride. She looks at the back seat to see Sullivan's real estate uniform with his name tag, she then adjusts the mirror to see the little girl smiling at her, she returns the smile back. Down in the back seat were the rest of the stuffed animals she got from attic.

Charlene: you're welcome (sobs)

She thought it was over but back with the other stuff animals, they turned their heads slowly, their eyes turned red and then their mouths became razor sharp teeth and jumped out.

Stuff animals: (snarling)

The end?

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