Zombie Video Feed

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This next story is about Teens that got eaten by aliens caught on a camcorder

A cam recorder that has been found in the woods is being played by someone.

It shows the video of the last person that owned it. The video starts with a tall boy testing the camera.

Sam: huh I could've sworn this thing has batteries in it.

Tyler: dude the red glowing button means that it's on

Sam: oh

He backs away, the teen is wearing a yellow hoodie and jeans.

Sam: hi everyone, if your watching this then that means your watching my video, my name is Sam and this is the story of my life

Sam: and this is my buddy Tyler

He takes the camera and faces to another boy laying on this bed, reading a comic, he looks back at the camera and waves as he puts the comic down.

Tyler: sup's

The screen then changes them walking to school, Sam had brown hair, very tall and dark, he had brown jeans with the same yellow hoodie and gray sneakers. Tyler had shaggy hair, and a small beard, a red hoodie, blue jeans and black Mid Calf Knee High sneaker. They were walking down the streets, Sam was recording the camera on their feet.

Sam: this camera is amazing

Tyler: hey look it's Matt and ruby

He lifts the camera up to show a girl With a Burgundy Pixie Bob haircut with a Under Shaved on the right side with a matching beanie, teal scarf, blue leather jacket, black leggings and brown ankle boots underneath the arms of another boy with a half shaved blonde hair, wore a jean jacket with green sleeve hoodie, black skinny jeans and red sneakers.

Ruby: hey guys

Matt: hey, cool camera

The screen then changes to the red head girl looking through the camera.

Ruby: so why are you bringing that camera to school

Sam: so I can document our lives

Ruby: and why do you want to do that

Sam: for when we become famous someday

The camera then turns to Matt's face

Matt: alright, we're going to be famous

The camera then went back to the girl.

Ruby: by won't you get in trouble being caught with that

Sam: don't worry I got a guy that'll let me through

The screen then plays them in class, students being loud and throwing paper airplanes and a bald teacher with a ponytail walking in, he wore a free t-shirt with a brown tie carrying a suitcase, he sits in his Swivel chairs.

Mr. stall: ok class settle down

He wears glasses.

Mr. stall: ok good morning class

Students: good morning mr. stall

Mr. stall: now before we being class I have some news to share with you, I have recently joined a game show so by the end of spring break you will probably see me soon, now let us begin

Sam: oh boys this will be boring

Ruby: (whispers) sam

He turns the camera over to ruby.

Ruby: you should turn off the camera before you get in trouble

He turns off the camera then turns it back on time for the teacher to release the class.

Mr. stall: ok class and remember during spring break I want you to work on your home Video it's due when you get back from break and remember it has to an original, no copycats and you can work in a group, so good luck and have a good spring break.

As everyone leaves, Sam walks up to the teacher that was packing his stuff up.

Sam: hey mr. stall

Mr. Stall: hey Sam

Sam: I'm so excited about this project but I have no idea what to do it about

mr. stall: well the game show I'm on is going to be in the woods, you can do a video documentary in the woods

Sam: your right and I can use my new camera

He pulls the camera up and shows him.

Mr. stall: oh cool but you should probably hide that, you know how mr. Jackson is

Sam/mr. stall: (laughing)

Sam: well good luck at the game show sir

Mr. stall: thank you and have fun with your break

Sam: thanks

Sam closes his camera and turns it back on to him and his friends packing to go camping in the woods.

Sam: hey guys it's Sam here, today we're gonna go camping in the woods to start on our project.

He moves the camera up to show three more teen boys packing the cars. The first was named Greg he was dark and tall had a red violet hoodie, gray hoodie, tan pants, and brown sneakers. The second was named brad he wore Plugs Silicone Tunnels Ear shaved both sides ponytail haircut, glasses, green hoodie with jean vest, red pants and navy blue sneakers. The last one was a chubby kid with long black hair, baby blue snow hat, black scarf, red coat, black sneakers and a goatee and beard named Brandon.

Greg: okay we're ready Sam

Sam: ok good, woohoo, let's go

Sam runs to the car with ruby and Matt and hops in the front seat.

The screen then changes to them arriving In the woods and unpacking everything.

Sam: ok guys we're here, as soon as we're done unpacking, we can start on the project.

The screen then changes to them going on a hike, spying on a deer, swimming. They were having a good time until one night. It was dark and they were roasting marshmallows around the campfire.

Everyone: (laughing)

They then heard someone coming behind them.


Matt: whoa

Sam: what was that

He turns the camera to show that it was only the park ranger.

Brad: oh

Ruby: it's only the ranger

Ranger Peterson: hey there, what brings you kids to the deepest parts of the woods

Sam: just working on a school project of ours sir

Ranger Peterson: ok well be careful, they say that strange things happen in these here woods

Ruby: what kind of things

Ranger Peterson then gets on his knees and makes a serious look as Sam zooms in on his face.

Ranger Peterson: thing from out of this world

His attitude quickly changes to cheerful and gets up.

Ranger Peterson: and have fun

He walks away into the darkness then the camera goes back to facing the team.

Ruby: that was weird

Tyler: I know right

Everyone: (laughing)

The camera still focused on Ruby's face.

Ruby: so what are you guys planning after school

Tyler: ah the usual, sleep

Matt: hanging out with the gang

Everyone: (laughing)

Ruby rolls her eyes in a annoyance

Ruby: I mean after high school, what college do you plan to go and what are you going to study

Brandon: I'm gonna study anime comic

Greg: sports class

Brad/Tyler: arts

Matt: I'm gonna continúeme music career

Ruby: I'm going to law school

Tyler: what about you Sam

Everyone looks at Sam as Matt takes the camera and face it at him, but before he could answer they then noticed something in the sky.

Matt: whoa what is that

Sam: huh

He turns around and the camera faces up in the sky to see something glowing in the sky, it was green and zigzagging in the dark.

Tyler: whoa that hell is that

Ruby: I don't know

They then saw it came crashing down far from them.


Everyone: WHOA

the camera then came back to facing Sam.

Sam: did anybody see that

Ruby: yeah

Matt: well better go check it out

Everyone gets up to the crash site and they were stunned to see how big it was, when I tear trees apart and shredded the ground.

Greg: whoa how big is this thing

Tyler: I don't know man

Brandon: well whatever it is it's very big

Brandon points out and the camera looks up to see the glowing object and by their surprise.

Sam/ruby: (gasp)

Tyler: what the-

It was a giant meteorite, it was glowing green.

Ruby: is that a meteorite

Matt: looks like

Brad: this is so

Greg: it's really-well wow

Brandon:this is

Sam's attitude was changed when he smiled proudly.


Everyone: huh

Sam hands the camera to Brandon and gets in front of the giant rock.

Sam: don't you see, this rock is the answer to our problems, if we get this on film, mr. stall is going to give us an A+ and we'll finally be famous for this

Ruby: but we don't know what's in that thing

Tyler then walks up behind him and wraps his arm around sam's shoulders.

Tyler: don't worry it's just a giant rock what matters is that this rock is going to make us famous

Greg: but we don't know where that thing came from

Tyler and Sam rolls they're eyes annoying at them.

Tyler: uh from space

He points up.

Brad: uh okay but from what planet

The two were now getting crossed.

Tyler: uh those it really Matter, what is that-

But then when the two were talking, the camera zoomed in behind them and then the meteorite started to crack then began to open.

Everyone: whoa

Tyler: what

Brandon: whoa guys look I think this is opening

Tyler/Sam: uh

They both slowly turned and backed away when they saw it opened all the way.

Sam: whoa, what do you thinks in it

Tyler: I don't know I better go check it out

Sam backs away and Brandon hands his camera back, Tyler gets a closer look inside the meteorite.

But he all he saw was nothing.

Sam: do you see anything yet

Tyler: uh no just some shining light


Tyler: huh what the-WHOA

everyone: (gasp)


Sam: Tyler what happened, do you see anything, did you fell in

Sam goes in for a closer look then something thrown at them, they all backed away and saw that something eat Tyler's guts.

Ruby: AH!!!

Greg: OH MY-


they then heard a low growling and saw something crawling out of the meteorite, it then jumped in from of them and they were terrified to find that it was an alien with  narrowed round shaped head with no eyes, drooling green ooze, lots of sharp teeth, four arms, cat like feet and reptilian scaly skin.

It snarled at them and everyone was terrified as they slowly backed away from it.

Brandon: whoa what the hell is that thing

Ruby hid behind Sam.

Sam: ok quick nobody make a sound just back away from it slowly and-

But then the alien started to pounced at them.


Everyone: AH


Sam grabbed Ruby's hand and dropped the camera, the creature saw the camera picked it up, analyzed it by smelling it then dropped it when it saw Matt. It hold on to the camera With its tail And ran after Matt.

Matt: AH

Matt saw it catching up to him but before he could get away from it, he tripped over a branch and fell hard on the ground.


Matt: ugh

He looked and the beast pounced on him, ripping his flesh apart, eating inside his intestines.

Matt: UGH

Snarl, munch, rip

It then saw Brandon watching him as he watched in horror Matt being eaten alive.

Brandon: (gasp)

He was paralyzed in fear, he couldn't move until he was the alien let go of Matt and slowly crawled over to him.

Brandon: (whimpering) AH

he then ran but he wasn't fast enough for the alien, the alien then pounced on top of his back, grabbed on his head and pulled it off.


The body fell on its knees and collapsed on the ground as the neck started to squirt out blood like a water fountain. The alien then crewed on the flesh of the head and threw the camera on the others side but on the other side of the tree. Greg was hiding behind the tree, cowering on his knees, he can still hear the alien eating his best friend, he covered his mouth to prevent him from making any noise and when he saw the camera, he slowly reached over to grab.

Rustle, rustle

But by the time he reaches it and grabs It. He realized that the Alien was standing behind him when he felt some drooled on his head.

He shake when he slowly looked up to see the alien growling at him, he opened his mouth wide.


Greg: AH!!

He screamed and threw the camera up in the air.  The camera landed in next to brad who was on the ground shaking in fear.

Brad: (whimpering)

He saw the camera picked it up and was crying.

Brad: if anyone finds this video-

Greg: AH

he turns around to hear Greg screaming and the alien eating him alive. He then looks back at the camera.

Greg: get out of these woods while you still can, there's something in these woods that shouldn't be mention


He looks back to hear the alien getting closer to him, he then gets up and starts running.

Greg: all that left, I am the only serving teen, but there isn't much time, this thing it big and dangerous for your sake if you ever see get out of here while you still can, GO NOW AND WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T— AH

he turns around and drops the camera, the screen glitched and then turned back on again to find Sam and Ruby's feet, Sam picks it up and see how it is.

Sam: oh good it's still working

Ruby: yeah that's great but let's hurry and get out of hear before that thing finds us and eats us


Ruby/Sam: (gasp)

They heard it's background shrinking and ran behind a tree, they looked alerted for the alien, they held on tight to each other.

Ruby: Sam if this really the end, there's something I need to tell you

Sam: don't worry ruby, I'll get us out if this

Sam looks around for any signs of the alien as ruby stroked his jacket.

Ruby: look I wanted to say that these past few years have been one of my best times with you

He looks down at her in concern.

Sam: really

Ruby: yes and I want to say that if case if we don't make it, I'd always admired you

Sam: you-you do

He was speechless for words as Sam closed his eyes as they both leaned in to kiss but then-


ruby: ugh

Blood splattered on his face.

Sam: ruby?-(gasp)

He opened eyes and in his horror, he saw the alien stabbed its tail in the back of her head, he eyes were still open and looked like she watched a horror moviendo.


he watched as the creature lifted her up, took a bit of her neck and threw her across the forest.

He watched in horror as the girl he loved died before he could kiss her.

He glared at the beast and ran behind a tree far from it.

Sam: ok freak you just killed the wrong girl

He goes back to the car to think of a plan, he grabs a few things and hides behind the trees and when he hears the creature coming in closer. He saw him stepping closer to his trap. He jumps out.



It jumps out and tries to attack but it end up fall in a net, it was hanged up in a tree.


Sam: hmm

Sam was feeling pretty proud of himself until he saw the creature scratching the net, ripping out a hole.

Sam: (gulp)

he quickly goes to the glove compartment and takes out a gun. Then runs deeper into the woods.

In time for the fall to finally cut itself free and rans after Sam.

It follows him into the woods and as it looks around for him. Sam stealthy walks behind him and starts shooting at him.

Bang, bang, bang, growl

He started to ooze out purple blood but it wasn't enough to stop him, the creature then charged at him and scratched on his right arm.

Sam: AH

he dropped his gun and grabbed his arm, he quickly runs away hide behind a tree and took off his hoodie to see that he left three bloody claw marks, he then ripped his hoodies down wrapped it around his arm.

He leaned his head against the tree about to give up.

Sam: ugh how do I stop this thing

He then saw A jerrycan of gasoline, he smiled as he thought of an idea.

The alien smelled out his scent and saw him coming out of the trees, he tries to ran at him but saw that he pulled out a lighter, he Lira it up and raises it up in the air.

He glares at the creature as it looks down on the ground then back at him.

Sam: this is for my friends, die you freak of nature

He throws it on the ground, then a fire started and the alien caught on fire, it tried to move around but died on the spot.

Hiss, snarls

Sam watched as the alien died, it then became dawn as Sam walked out of the woods sulking, all his friends were dead and he was miserable, he dropped the camera down and started to cry.

Sam: (sobbing) don't worry ruby, I'll be joining you and the others soon (sobs)

He takes the gun, aims it at his chin and then....


He kills himself caught on video, he falls on his knees.

Just then someone walks over to him, it was the ranger and his teacher mr. stall.

They both looked down at him

Ranger Peterson: (tst, tst, tst) poor guy but I did tried to warn them

Mr. stall: but it work didn't it

Ranger Peterson: yeah

He pulls something out of his pocket for what looks like some weird alien technology.

Ranger Peterson: for but the ratings at Mars is going up

Mr. stall: but at this rate, we'll be on top of the world

Ranger Peterson: yep, so should we wrap him up and eat later

Mr. stall: nah, he's already gone bad and you know it's unhealthy to eat something that's already dead

The ranger then shifted shape into a the alien and heads in the woods to retrieve the ship. Mr. stall then sees the cam recorder and picks it up.

Each brings us to him closing it.

Mr. stall: well Sam was right, he did became famous just not the way he dreamt it would be

Ranger Peterson: but hey a lots of reptiles voted for him to win

Mr. stall/Peterson: (laughing)

Ranger Peterson: so will I see you again later tonight

Mr. stall: ya soon but for now I'm going to find more contestants for our game show tonight (wink) (laughing)

Ranger Peterson: ok see ya

The alien ranger disappeared into the woods as mr. stall puts the cam in his pocket and goes to find more teenage victims for his show tonight.

The end?

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