Chapter 1

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(A/N): Hi guys, this story is currently being edited and may not make sense in some areas. If this is the case, feel free to point anything out to me so I can change it!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the story ♥︎


(Lucy's POV)

"Hi dad," I sighed gloomily, "I'm home from work."
"Ahh, Lucy. How was your day?" My father asked me, turning to face me with a smile on his face. I could tell he was in pain, but he didn't like showing it in front of me.

"Not too good," I replied. "The baker fired me because he saw me feeding a piece of bread to a stray cat." I sat on the edge of his bed as he gave me a sympathetic look.
"Don't worry sweety, you'll find a new job." My father encouraged.

A new job. It sounded nice, except there was a slight problem. There weren't many jobs left.

I have been fired from so many because I was too weak, or too shy, or too small. I was afraid. Afraid that I wouldn't be able to get any more jobs to keep the two of us alive.

I don't remember a lot from when I was little, but I know that my mother died a long time ago. Since then me and my father have lived in this sorry excuse for a house and only just managed to scrape by, until now.

My poor father had grown ill and was bedridden, so I was left to bring in the income to keep us alive. His medicine costs a fortune though, sometimes I've had to miss meals so I could save up for  it.

He doesn't know this, and I don't plan on telling him either.

"Say, Lucy, you're looking rather slim lately, have you been eating enough?"

Damn it. It's like he can read my mind.

"Y-yes dad, I'm perfectly fine." I stuttered. He then mumbled something to himself, until saying:
"I think we should have an early night tonight, it's going to be bitter cold."
"Okay, goodnight then." I replied, clambering onto my mattress, snuggling down under my tatty blanket.

(Natsu's POV)

"You shitty bitch!" I yelled, lashing out and hitting my slave. I think her name's Lisanna. She had started to become very cocky around me, disobeying me and even trying to run away!

"O-oww" She whimpered, a tear spilling down her cheek. Suddenly, she looked very angry.
"What the fuck did you do that for!?" She yelled. Now I was furious.

"How dare I? I'M YOUR MASTER! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT WITH YOU!" I screamed at her.
"You utter prick." She mumbled. I'd just about had it with her.

"Do you know what? I might just send you back to the filthy dungeons! There are plenty more slaves who can serve me a lot better than you!" I saw her angry face turn to fear, but then back to her cocky self.

"As you say every time." She smirked. "And every time I beg on my hands and knees for you not to send me back. And every time you say it's my last chance, when I've had many. You just love me too much to leave me."

"Hmm.... You're right." I smirked. "I've given you enough chances, so let's make this official!" Ha. I've got her! I'm the one laughing now. Lisanna, however, had a look of fear spread across her face.

"Lisanna, I now terminate the contract that forces you to be my slave. Now you must return to the dungeon where you belong."

Word Count: 607

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