Chapter 3

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Since I was Prince Natsu of Fiore, every girl wanted to go out with me, but only for my money, of course. It's not like I'm a nice person or anything. (Note the sarcasm) So, I mess with them, make them believe I'm interested. Yeah, it's fun, but it does get boring after a while...

I left the room, a big grin on my face, and the teacher folded her arms and shook her head in disappointment.

I wonder who that girl was.


(Lucy's POV)

"Hey dad! We're having a feast tonight!" I yelled, pretty much skipping through the door.
"What have you got in the bag?" He asked, a confused look on his face.
"I have meat!" I yelled in excitement. "We can finally have a real dinner dad!" I jumped around the small room, unable to control my excitement.

"Where have you been getting all this food from?" Asked my dad. "You haven't been stealing it have you?"
"N-no!" I replied, eyes downcast.

I was a terrible liar. And he knew it.

"Lucy, don't lie, tell me the truth." Suddenly there was a harsh knock at he door.
"I'll get it." I said, skipping over. I opened the door to find two tall men dressed in fancy suits.

Shit, this doesn't look good.

"Miss Lucy Heart, we have come here to take back the items that you stole." One man stated. Shit...
"If you don't have them you'll have to pay for them." The other added.
"Lucy, who is it?" My dad yelled from his bed.

"But I don't have any money," I yelled. "And there's nothing of any value in this house!"
"Well, there is one thing..." Said the first man, pulling handcuffs from his pocket and pinning my hands behind my back.
"Hey!" I yelled. "Get off me!"

"What's going on?" My dad had got out of bed for the first time in two months! Is he okay!?? How is he standing!?
"What's your name, sir?" One of the men asked.
"Lucas." My dad replied. "Why?"

"Lucas, your daughter is under arrest for the crime of stealing, and will be taken to the royal dungeons. There the royal family will do what they wish with her."


(Natsu's POV)

"Natsu," My father looked at me. "I heard that you sent your maid back to the dungeons."
"She had become out of control, I had no choice." I replied bluntly.
"Well it looks like you're going to have to find a new one." My father smirked. "Lucky for you, there's a maid showing in two days, so be sure to pick someone then!"
"Will do dad." I said sarcastically.

I didn't like this maid thing really. What I did with Lisanna was a step over the line. I never meant to lash out, it was just all those years of my father torturing people in front of me, telling me to do the same.

It felt like second nature, and I hated it.

"It's late Natsu, we need to be up early tomorrow morning for a dungeon inspection." My father told me "Go to bed. I'll see you in the morning." And with that, I left.

Word Count: 533

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