Ficlet Requests [Open]

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Hello fellow readers! I know it's been quite a while since I had last posted anything, but while I have been a bit busy with school and trying to make time to write and update my stories, I am happy to announce I am willing to open up requests for Tales of Arcadia related stories again and will post them whenever possible. But as you all know, I do have rules and standards for what sort of stories I can and can't do, what I am comfortable writing and what I am not comfortable writing. And I know there are some new readers discovering and adding this story to their reading lists and probably haven't read my first chapter discussing my rules for what requests I will allow, here's a bit of a refresher for everyone.


Please Keep Your Requests Age Appropriate

I get it, a lot of people assume that because when you get older, one may start dabbling in writing some pretty scandalous stuff which includes lemons and smut. Despite that I am already 22, I really don't even feel comfortable writing that sort of stuff. So please no requesting stuff like "Adult Jim and Claire having some adult fun" or anything of that sort. I am very well aware that there are kids reading my stories, and by kids, I mean readers under 15 (yes I know there are bound to be some little 12 or 13 year olds on here who are bound to unknowingly stumble upon some nasty smutty stories of their favorite ship). So keep your requests very appropriate if you will, otherwise I will be rejecting them

Character x Reader

I really can't do these. Like, I straight up cannot write a character x reader if my life depended on it. However, if you ask me to write a character x oc one shot (example: Older sister of Jim x Draal) I can do that. Just describe the one shot like "Douxie realizing he's catching feelings for a fellow spellcaster who's been traveling with him for a while" and then I'll handle the rest. And who knows, if I actually enjoy writing this specific character, I'll actually write another one shot of them in the future

Child Character x Adult Character

Now I am not a huge fan of the child x adult romantic pairings, so if someone asks for a one shot of Jim dating Bular or something along those lines, that's going to be rejected from me BIG time. And in the past I actually had someone request a female!Jim x Angor (or Draal) one shot and I was highly uncomfortable with it, so that got shut down quickly. Platonic or familial relationships between the child and adult characters (example: Jim and Blinky's father/mentor and son-like relationship, Jim and Draal's big brother and little brother bond) will only be allowed

Prompt Inspired One Shots

Now these are fun to do, and have been pretty helpful when I feel the need to write something for an OTP or a specific oc or character. You can find these on the internet, and just send them to me in the comments with the specific characters you want (just keep it PG and the pairings appropriate)


Alright, I haven't really written some truly angsty stuff in a while since the Jim's death scene in my next gen TOA story A Trollhunter's Inheritance, but I am willing to give some angst a shot. Just as long as it's appropriate. If it makes me cry while writing it, I am very sure it will make some of you cry

Alternate Universes/Crossovers

Now I just loooove writing aus for my favorite characters and fandoms, and if you have checked my previous chapters you can see a lot of them, like my Symbiote AU where the trolls and aliens are symbiotes from the Venom movie and the Arcadia kids are the hosts, and even my dragon rider AU where Jim befriends a dragon he finds located deep under Trollmarket. You can absolutely request these sort of stories, just as long as they are appropriate and I know what fandom characters it is you want to see interact with the ToA characters (like Trollhunter gang meeting the kids of The Dragon Prince, or an au where Barbara is chosen to become the Trollhunter instead of Jim)


Alright that's it for now, if I need to add anything else I shall do so in the future. Just please do not flood my DMs with requests, put them down in the comments so I can be able to find them and reread the descriptions in case I forgot something important, and so I can be able to ask you any questions to clear up anything about the requests.

So happy requesting! Just remember, I will now be adding stuff from Wizards to my requests now, so anything involving Douxie and the stuff from Wizards is now allowed to be requested!

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