Meeting Laura

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A/N: Someone requested for a one shot of Laura and Agate meeting as babies, so here it is! Also as if today my nephew Nathaniel was born earlier this morning! So that was enough to get me to update this little one shot. Hopefully this month I'll post some more!


"The Trollhunter is finally bringing his child into Trollmarket, we must bring the whelps to meet the small flesh bag!" Draal exclaimed happily as he held one of his daughters up from his lap, earning a happy giggle from the little pink whelp. "Little Porcelain, you and your baby brother and sisters must behave yourselves."

"You really think she's going to listen to you?" Nomura asked with a soft chuckle as she cradled the newest addition to their family, little Agate. "I think she'll get along better with Agate, seeing that they're tiny and very close in age."

The whelp in question gave a small yawn and snuggled himself closer to his mother, his tiny thumb stuck in his mouth. Nomura smiled and she gently pried his thumb out before walking over to where Draal was being swarmed by Agate's three older sisters. The three whelps perked up at the sound of their mother’s footsteps and jumped off their father to run up to her.

“Why do they listen to you more?” Draal sighed as he got to his feet.

"Because mother knows best." Nomura jokes as she adjusted Agate in her arms and proceeded to walk to the entrance of their cave. "Now you all best behave yourselves, otherwise you'll get a good scolding from me, Blinky and the Trollhunter and his wife."

The six soon left their cave to head to the library, where they found a small crowd of trolls crowded around the Trollhunter and his wife,who was holding a small bundle that wouldn't stop wiggling.

"Move, please move." Draal said as he carefully pushed several trolls aside as his daughters scampered between their legs to reach the front. "Trollhunter!"

"Draal!" Jim yelled back, waving at the two adult trolls as they approached. "I see you brought another addition to your family as well."

"My first son." Draal said proudly as Nomura handed him Agate and held him out to the hunter. "Agate Draalson, born just a week ago."

"He's so small!" Claire gasped when she saw the little troll. "Porcelain, Deya and Hagga were much bigger than him at this age, is he alright?"

"I was born rather small myself as a whelp, it's fine." Nomura assured her as she elbowed her husband. "Draal's side of the family however tend to give birth to large infants, I'm rather happy we now have a whelp the same stature as me. How's yours?"

"Very human." Claire laughed as she unfolded the blanket to reveal a tiny dark haired baby wearing a small purple knitted cap. She gave a little yawn before trying to turn to her mother for warmth.

"Laura, meet your first best friend." Jim whispered as he held Agate next to his daughter. "Mira, you have a troll friend now."

"I wanna see!" Hagga protested, tugging on Claire's skirt. "Please? We've never seen a flesh bag baby before!"

"Hagga!" Draal hissed, looking at the couple in panic. "Sorry she speaks her mind too much like her mother-"

"It's fine, it's their first time seeing a human baby this close." Claire laughed as she knelt down for the young trolls to see. "Be gentle, human babies are very delicate."

"She's so squishy looking." Deya giggled as she hovered over the baby. "Why no rock skin like Jim?"

"That's...just how she decided she wanted to be." Claire responds. " baby will have stone skin."

"That's gonna be painful to push out." Jim muttered as he handed Agate back to his parents and yelped in alarm when Porcelain leapt onto his back and grabbed onto his horns.

"Girls be gentle." Nomura warned as the other two whelps tried to do the same as the crowd began to dissolve. We've only got one Trollhunter and we can't afford to break it and replace him with an unskilled human or troll."

"Who knows, perhaps in the future, Laura will inherit the job." Jim said as he tried to steady himself.

"Díos mio I hope not." Claire murmured as she hugged Laura to her chest. "Otherwise Merlin will do... whatever he did to her!"

"I'm sure he won't, she's part troll." Jim chuckled as the whelps climbed off and proceeded to climb their own father. "But I like her better this way."

"And let's hope she stays this way."

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