Part 4

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That one and the half an hour journey with the girl whom he met in the airport while ago. Her face reminded him of someone which he couldn't take the name of. Her attitude, Particularly her facial expression. Even though shivaay didn't want to have a conversation with her, His heart didn't let him do so. 

"You're gifting your leftover chocolates to your mom?" - Shivaay guessed it when she wrote an iron lady in her message. 

"How did you know I am gifting this to my mom?" - That girl asked her in return. Shivaay was happy to start a conversation with her.

"Well, You mentioned iron lady..." - Shivaay said in return. She raised her eyebrow for peeping, But shivaay managed with a wide smiled which provoke the smile in her face. 

"Yes, For my mom... Valentines day is not only for couples..." - She said with a wide smile. 

"You're right, If you're gifting this, What your father is gifting to your mom?" - Shivaay asked her.

"I don't have a father, My mom is a single mom. She raised me alone..." - That girl replied casually there was no sort of emotions in her face while sharing that to him. But shivaay couldn't speak further. 

"Don't regret for asking this, I am used to these type of questions in these 13 years, But, Must say, We are enjoying our life, We are enough for each other and most importantly, My mom is the best..." - She said in a cherishing tone. Shivaay smiled. 

"Why did you think I regret for asking this question to you?"- Shivaay asked. 

"Because People usually imagine me as poor and helpless child and the reality is quite opposite, My mom is a maths professor in IIT Bombay, Own an individual 3 bedroom apartment in Anderi and I am studying in the one of the best schools in Bombay. Financially we are sorted..." - She said with a smile. 

"Yeah, I can see... Travelling alone from Hyderabad to Mumbai..." - Shivaay double crossed her. 

"Actually mom went to conference in London, She left me in my Nannu's house in Hyderabad, And she didn't return yet, but I got a call from my coach asking me to come as soon as possible... That's why..." - She said. 

"As you finally said your family history, Please say your name also..." - Shivaay again double crossed her. 

"Sarah Abdulla..." - She said and shown her ticket to him in order prove she wasn't lying. Shivaay chuckled. 

"Pretty name... Like you..." - Shivaay said to her, She chuckled. 

"And tell me about yourself..." - Sara asked him in return. And turn around to him. 

"Well, I am shivaay, From Mumbai and Yeah Travelling in the flight from Hyderabad to Mumbai..." - He said, Sara looked at him sharply like chopping him off with her look. He understood and decided to open up. 

"I have came here for my wife and a daughter..." - He started with a smile and told her how they got separated and how he come to know about his daughter after 14 long years. Hearing him, Sara realized his yearning for his family.

"How old is your daughter?" - Sarah asked him. 

"13..." - He said in a low tone. 

"My age..." - Sara exclaimed. 

"Yeah, That  why I was very much keen in talking to you, Your eyes is exactly look like my wife..." - Shivaay said, She opened her purse mirror and checked her eyelids. 

"Half of the indian people have brown eyes, So fifty percentage of the population looking like your wife?" - Sara asked him. 

"It's the color of the dark chocolate You're eating... Attractive, No words to explain that feeling..." - He said with a slight smile. 

"She's lucky... To have you... My blessings will be there with you, You will find your family soon, Son" - Sara enacted like giving blessings to him. 

"Okay, Tell me one question..." - Shivaay asked her.  Sara nodded. 

"You didn't know about your father, Right... How will you react if he suddenly comes in front of you? I am asking because I am preparing myself. And with your blessing, I will definitely find them soon..." - He asked in an excited tone. 

"Well, If my father comes back, I don't know... I can't picturize... It will be like a mixed emotions, From kindergarten, I badly needed a father who treats me as a princess and my mom as a queen but In these 9 years, We got humiliated because of him than missing him. He unknowingly become the reason for my mom's tears which she shed each day thinking that I am asleep. But tears are tears, Right. On the other hand, If he really loves us like you, I am ready to forget everything. If he takes care of an iron lady, That's enough for me..." - She said in one go. His heart was relieved to hear that from her. 

"Okay, I hope, She spare sometime to hear me..." -  Shivaay said. 

"She will, Have some patience and also she's not only wife's daughter, She also carry 50% of your gene..." - Sara said in a calm tone. 

"Hmm, You know anything about your father?" - He asked her. 

"Even my mom didn't know about anything, It's a long story, Before a few years, She got a surgery in her brain area, Side-effects of that, She lost her memory, If anyone tries to recall anything, Doctor said there are high chance of getting the clot back, She chose me over her urge in knowing about her past. I was very little by then, That's why I call her ironlady..." - Sara said. Shivaay recalled the letter which anika written for him before 11 years. Everything looked alike but his brain wasn't ready to sure about anything.

"Anika..." - The words slipped from his mouth. 

"Whose that?" - Sara asked him. 

"My wife's name... What's your mom's name?" - He asked. 

"It's Nikkat Amar Abdulla" - Sara said. Shivaay got relieved. 

The flight got landed, But shivaay started to miss Sara already, He offered to drop her even she denied him many times, Usually Sara won't get close to anyone, Soon. But with shivaay, She felt like a magic, They gelled within a hour, He supported her when she was about to fall and the air hostress assumed them as father and daughter, Neither shivaay tried to clear it nor Sara. 

Shivaay got into his Mercedes while opening the car shield for Sara, Sara didn't feel weird in the contrast, She felt secured with him. She didn't have to care about anything. She said the directions to her house but shivaay felt the lowness in her voice, She looked tired. 

"What happened to you?" - He asked her. 

"Don't know, Feeling dizzy..." - She said. 

"Drop me here... That building..." - Sara pointed her finger towards a building and shivaay bid her bye before she got down. She fainted in the ground once she got down. Shivaay came to side and caught. He tried to take her to her house but he recalled that her mom was away from home. So he took her back to his house, Oberoi mansion. 

Sara didn't get her consciousness back, He had to take her in his arms to his home, Everybody was shocked to see him carrying 13 year old girl. When they asked him, He told he met her in his flight back to Mumbai. Shivaay called the doctor. She arrived and checked Sara who was still in her unconscious state. 

"What's her age?" - She shockingly asked shivaay after checking her pulse. 

"13..." - Shivaay replied to her in a concern tone. He was standing looking at Sara. She take a huge breathe. 

"Who are you to her?" - Doctor again asked her. 

"I met her in the airport..." - Shivaay replied in a confused tone. 

"Do you know her parents? I want to talk to them, It's urgent..." - Doctor asked. Shivaay checked for her phone but it was locked. 

"What happened, Doctor?" - He asked in a scared tone. 

"Get touch with her parents, As soon as possible... She's Pregnant..." - Doctor said in a shocking tone. Shivaay lost his balance when he heard that.

"Preg... What?" -  Shivaay asked her to clarify. 

"Yes, She's pregnant..." - Doctor said. 

"But she's only 13... How come it's..." - Shivaay asked the doctor, He had no words for her. 

"Get touch with her parents as soon as possible..." - Saying that, Doctor left. Sara was still asleep. She was sleeping peacefully. Om and others came inside his room and asked what happened, He didn't say anything to anyone, Even though he was hell shocked, He hid it from everyone. He had no idea, Whether she get forced or how it happened. But he tried to contact her mom. As he knew about her mom, He assumed, It would be an atom bomb for her mom. And he couldn't suppose to share this information in phone. He prepared himself that he will call her to his house and reveal everything. Over then, Sara's phone in his hand rang flashing the name ironlady. Heaving out the hesitation, He attended the call. 

"Riya baby... Mumma here... I am boarding Mumbai flight from Delhi... Will be there in three hours... Till then, Stay safe, Lock the door, I will call sanam to come, She will be there in a few minutes, Sara... Please take..." - The phone disconnected due to the lack of battery. But His entire world stopped for a while when he heard sara's mother's voice. The tears ran out uncontrollably from eyes, But he need confirmation. 

"Khanna..." - He called coming out of his room in a high tone. 

"Sir..." - He replied.

"Nikkat Amar Abdulla, Maths professor, IIT Bombay... Get her image, QUICK..." - He asked her in a high tone. He immediately surfed the internet and was shocked when he got the result. Shivaay snatched the I-pad from his hand. He felt like the whole world betrayed him when Anika's image came as a result. 

To be continued...

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