~Here We Go Again~

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Hey guys! I decided we need a prologue, so I'm gonna write it soon. Just enjoy this chapter for now. Sorry it's totally lame.

Marinette transformed back inside the bakery, which honestly looked quite creepy at night, with no lights at all. Then she asked herself the million dollar question:

"Want to  have some bread?"

...No, no, not that question. The real question was, 


Her dad voiced out her thoughts.

"You've made so many mistakes." Her dad said sharply. "First, you didn't even steal anything. Or get more information about the castle. Secondly, you met Prince Adrien. You actually talked to him and let him out of his cell! Thirdly, you took him outside! You threw the smoke bomb and left fingerprints when unlocking the cell. That's clear evidence someone was here, and they can easily identify who came. You didn't even wear gloves. And last but not least, the biggest crime of all, you TOLD HIM YOUR SECRET IDENTITY! You just told him you are a criminal. You told him to just have freedom or whatever nonsense. What are you thinking?" He repeated. "Now he figured out everything! The lost 'pet' and who disabled the castle magic shield or stuff!"

Marinette sighed. It wasn't easy being Ladybugster, stealing and being bad and all, although she did enjoy the thrill of it, she just wanted a peaceful, relaxed life. It wasn't easy being Marinette either, pretending you were only a baker's daughter and just made bread all day. 

It wasn't easy being either side of her. Why was her life so complicated?

She felt something weird.

Sure, she felt lots of weird feelings. Guilt for riling up her father and anger at herself for you know, all those stuff she wasn't supposed to do, but something else too.

Something she can't put her finger on.

She just wanted to visit the castle again and meet Prince Adrien. He was so cu-

No, no, no. She wasn't going there to meet anyone, let alone him. She was going to investigate for real this time. She was only going to the castle to see how it worked. Thankfully, she found out the castle had more secrets than most people knew. Prince Adrien told her about the vent. That was good. 

An idea came to her mind. What if she used Adrien? 

Okay, now that feeling of guilt was worse than ever. Somehow for the first time that sounded cruel, to use someone to get answers. But that's the only way to get answers. She'd visit Adrien at night, talk to him casually about magic and he could share some things he knew and she'd know more. And most likely the magic in the castle has some sort of link to the one at Jewel's, and she can get them once and for all.

The only way to get answers. That was what she was going to do this for.

It certainly wasn't an excuse to see him again.

Nope, totally not. No way.

How can she actually be thinking about seeing him again? Noooo! She was not going there to chat and have fun. It was time to get  down to business.

First, she needed him to trust her again.

Sigh. It probably won't work. He probably told the King and the King would arrest them and they would go to jail again and break out  and the cycle continues.

Adrien was so lucky.

He didn't sleep on hay in a cooped up, dusty room at night. How could he want freedom? She was constantly escaping and stealing. It was more fun before. Now it was more work, plus, her kwami (Tikki: who says I'm yours?) wasn't always cooperative. All she wanted to do was lie on comfy, real beds for once and sleep for a hundred years.

Without pricking herself with a needle.

Why did she keep thinking of him? WHY?

Stop it, Marinette. Stop. It.


Three minutes later, Marinette grinned. She wasn't thinking of a certain blonde boy until -

- now.


Slowly, she drifted off to sleep, her tiredness overpowering anything else.

Adrien's POV:

Ladybugster leaned in closer to Adrien. She cupped her hands around his chin and said in her teasing way, "Pucker up!" Adrien's heart drummed in his chest, his face flushing in the dark.

It was the perfect dream kiss...

Once again it was a sleepless night. Adrien flung his blanket onto the ground, groaning softly. Of course it was a dream kiss. What else would it be? Someone so perfect wouldn't  like him. He didn't know that was how she felt about him.

Adrien smacked his forehead. He surely couldn't be dreaming of a girl. A girl! Especially someone who is not a princess, but a criminal. She admitted that herself. Crimes all over the world. And she committed a crime right in their castle. It was probably all a trick.

Still, he couldn't stop dreaming about her. She was beautiful.

He wanted to kick himself. Stop that, Agreste!

She -


He searched the internet: What does it mean when you dream of someone?

Dreaming about someone you like, just means you want to be with the person. Call it attraction, infatuation, fascination, love or anything else. You secretly hope to be with the person you like and spend time with him/her. Dreams help us uncover mysteries of life and may even have answers today regarding tomorrow.

Wait, that couldn't be true!! 

But his heart confirmed it.

Okay, deep breaths. 

He used to have a mental meltdown when he was frustrated, but now he was more mature and calm, he slowly took a few deep breaths, in the nose, out of the mouth.

Then ten extremely long seconds later, he had a MENTAL MELTDOWN!


No, the internet must be wrong, he reasoned. There's no way he could be falling for her.

No way.

Just then, he heard something hit the window like a brick, then making  a squeaky noise as it slid down with a shocked look on her face.

Prince Adrien's heart leapt. Despite knowing he had to tell his father, despite knowing he shouldn't be this happy to see her, despite everything in the world, he couldn't stop the stupid grin stretching across his face.

Warning: smiles like these cause cheeks to fall off. Just kidding xD Sorry this is lame chapter guyz...

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