19: The moon

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Fury's POV
"Alright, do we need to do anything before we go to the End?" I asked as we started to walk away from the witch's hut.

Zip thought about it for a moment. "All we need to make the potion is an Ender Crystal and glowstone dust. Glowstone dust we can get when we go to the Nether, and we're getting the Ender Crystal now, so we should be good."

"And we've got our diamond armour and our weapons are enchanted," Tim added.

"Plenty of food?" I asked.

Luke, who we had entrusted the food to (I was still wondering if that was a good idea), smiled and gestured to his bag. "I've got enough food here to feed an army."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," I said, not smiling.

We kept walking, mostly in silence. Tim had the Zombie King's Axe strapped to his backpack and wore his axe at his side. I led the way, mostly, with Wolf running ahead of me, sniffing the ground and chasing interesting smells, always staying within hearing range. More often than not, I found myself lost in my thoughts, thoughts that Alex had brought up. The sun quickly slipped down to the horizon, much quicker than I expected. I guess that's what happens when you think deeply.

"Guys, we'd better get a shelter and fire going quick," Zip said. "The last thing we want right now is to be attacked by monsters."

We quickly found three trees that weren't too far away from each other (Well, I found the trees, everyone else followed me) and attached to the trunks a large triangular covering-thing that I had made with the leather that we had collected from the cows.... Was it only two days ago? I had also made bedrolls from the wool from the sheep that we spread out on the ground while Tim made a fire.

Alex was lying on his bedroll reading a book that had Legends: Fact or myth? written on the front in gold letters as dinner cooked (some mutton, thanks to Wolf) when he suddenly sat up.

"Uh, guys?" he said. "Small problem."

"Another one?" Luke asked.

"What is it?" Zip asked, walking over and sitting down next to Alex.

"I'm just reading this and.... Well, I'll just read it to you." He cleared his throat and began reading. "Silk touch is a rare enchantment that can be obtained from enchanting tables. With a silk touch enchanted tool, special items may be collected. However, silk touch cannot be used to obtain monster creators, carrots, nether wart or Ender Crystals."

"Okay..." Jade said slowly. "Can we get an Ender Crystal another way?"

Alex shook his head. There was a low groan across the camp. I stayed silent, waiting for someone else to speak.

"Wait, you didn't read this bit down here," Zip said, pointing to a spot on the page. She began reading. "An Ender Crystal can only be collected using a stronger version of the silk touch enchantment, which can only be obtained from Hcton and Enirboreh."

"What is a Hcton and Enirboreh?" Luke asked.

"I think they're names," Alex said, "they've got a capital at the front. But there's no other mention of them in the book. And trust me on that, I've read it several times."

"If they're people, then we need to find them to get that enchantment and get the Ender Crystal."

"Except that we have no other information on them Tim."

I thought that it was about time to point out the thing they were missing. "If they're the only two people who can give a stronger version of a really rare enchantment, then they've got to be important, right" I reasoned. "And if they're important, then they're going to be in the middle of Minecraft, with all the other important stuff."

"So you're suggesting that we just look around aimlessly?" Luke asked.

"Do you have a better plan?" I asked bluntly. Maybe that was a bit harsh, but I wasn't in the best of moods today.

We all looked at Zip as the unofficial official leader. She shrugged slightly. "I can't think of anything better. So until we get more information, I think that this is our best bet."

On that cheery note, dinner was ready, so we sat down and ate before heading to our bedrolls. Tim had suggested to keep a watch, and I volunteered to go first with Wolf. Zip said she'll go after me and then they all headed to bed. I walked slightly outside of the tent-shelter we had and sat down near some bushes, which gave me a clear view of the tent and the surrounding area. Wolf lay down beside me, his ears twitching every now and then, searching for suspicious noises.

The moon rose on the horizon and began its nightly trek across the sky. I glanced up at it and smiled. No matter what had happened in my life, no matter how crazy things became, that moon always rose every night. Some days it felt like the sun never rose, but the moon always did. I found it comforting for some reason. I sat and listened for sounds and watched for movement in the night. The moon continued to rise until hours later it was about a third of the way through its journey.

I silently stood up and moved back to the tent, about to wake up Zip for her shift. Just before I did though, I saw Alex's book lying open beside him. The dying coals of the fire cast flickering shadows on the page, making the picture on one of the pages seem more terrifying than it already was. Not wanting to but unable to stop myself, I went over to the book and examined the picture. There were words on the opposite page but I didn't bother looking at them since I couldn't read anyway.

It was a painting, not a photograph, of a man. He wore a blue T-shirt, long purple pants that came down to his grey shoes and brown, unkempt hair. In his right hand was a long diamond sword, the edge of the blade covered in blood. Or maybe it was just the red light of the fire. But the white eyes that looked like they were flaming was what terrified me. I stared transfixed at it for a few seconds, then slammed the book shut, not realising how loud it would be. I winced and waited for someone to wake up, but Luke merely rolled over and kept snoring.

"You guys wouldn't last two seconds on your own in the forest," I muttered to myself.

I woke up Zip for her turn on guard duty and then rolled up in my bed. Wolf was already asleep beside me, but I took a long time in getting to sleep. And when sleep did come, I wish that I had just stayed awake.

"Fury! Are you ready?"

"Down here Swift!"

"Swift, wait. I think I hear something...."


"Fury, run!"


"Get him."

I woke up with a gasp, my hand instantly on my sword hilt. Zip was still on guard duty, and the moon was just beginning to descend.

Chapter in original book: 24

I keep finding plot holes in the previous book, mainly revolving around Fury and her reading. STOP READING STUFF FURY, YOU'RE GIVING ME PROBLEMS.

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