The Life Of A Single Father

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    Oakwood. It's a nice little town that one could raise a family, start a small little business, or just enjoy a nice forest scenery. It has safe schools that can teach a kid what he or she needs to know and have a good future. The Water isn't tainted by pollution or anything like that. The Crime rate isn't anything serious just the chance a sneaky kid might throw an egg at a house or two. Oakwood is just a simple town where everyone sorta knows your name. Maybe not all but hey that's life for ya.

  But this town has a story. A story of a wolf and his little fox daughter. This Tale starts a long  time ago Oakwood Hospital when a nervous wolf paces the floor. His fur was white as snow but messy hair was black as coal. His blue eyes have this sorta kindness shining from them like his caring heart shows in those eyes. He holds on to his fluffy white tail as he paces the floor as a million thoughts seem to bash into his head like a car hitting a squrrial "Come on Come on please be okay" He said looking at the door he had to walk out of. He wanted to be in there, He wanted more then anything to just barge in and tell the person inside that he loved her. But he waits keeping himself from being stupid.

  It was then that a doctor walks out and looks at the wolf "Evan?" He asked the wolf And he nods races over "How is She Doc? Please tell me she is going to be okay?" The Old Dog takes his glasses off, puts a hand on his shoulder, not able to look at the young wolf in his eyes "I'm sorry. She didn't make it" Evan leans against the wall as tears flood his eyes "NO NO NO" He yells and bangs against the wall "Not Annabelle,Please God not her" He cries as his friend and woman loved was dead. The Doctor has the nurse come over "But were able to say the baby" The Nurse comes over to them holding something that wrapped in a soft pink bundle. Evan looks at the bundle with tears as he is handed it. He looks to see a baby fox staring up at him.

  The little fox had the soft angel green eyes, her fur was a beautiful classic colors for a fox, and ears were the perfect size for her age. She cries her little eyes out until she saw Evan for the first time and her tiny paw reaches for him. He holds out his finger And she holds onto it with her tiny paw and she giggles happily. The giggles we're so pure and innocent. Evan hears it and he smiles with tears running down his cheeks. "H-Hey" He chuckled a little "You are a precious little one huh" He smiles a bit more hearing the baby fox giggle louder and louder being so full of life and Joy. The Doctor looks at Evan "Mr.Smith Annabelle said at her last moments that you are to raise her. Is that fine with you" Evan thinks about it and then looks down at the baby. He knew that she needed a real family. So foster care or an orphanage wouldn't be fair to an angel like her. So he looks at the doctor and nods "I'll raise her as if she was my own puppy"

After discussing things about Annabelle's funeral and such, Evan takes the little baby home with him. He looks at her and as he puts her in the car. The Doctor stops him "Wait Wait Sir" He pants and looks at him "What do you plan on naming her?" Evan looks at the little angel and remembered the name Annabelle would have wanted "Sarah...Sarah Ann Smith" Sarah yawns cutely as she sleeps and Evan makes sure she is buckled up and Car seat is secured. He then gets in his car then drives home. Now a single father and something he doesn't mind at all

To Be Continued....

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