Chapter 15.

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~"Life is tough my darling , but so are you"

Avneet's pov:

My head was hurting so bad right now while my eyes were burning due to crying. As a matter of fact Iam quite shocked, that's all? I knew crying wasn't good for me , no Iam not saying I couldn't cry because I wanted to be strong or something . To be honest Iam tired of pretending to be strong. I simply couldn't cry was because my deficiency made me weaker, and once I started gasping for air I would choke and last time it happened I had to be admitted in hospital.

Siddharth sat besides me and handed me one cup of coffee while he took the other.
"Thanks" I mumbled inhaling the sweet scent of my favorite beverage. After sitting in a comfortable silence for few minutes Siddharth spoke.
"So how are you?" he asked I already saw it coming though
"Well shit Sherlock what do you think?" I said sarcastically as I took a sip of my coffee.
"Damn! Chill I was just being nice." He said defensively
"Naira has really been rubbing off on you " He added while I shrugged chuckling.
"Iam sorry it's just iam not really in my right minds right now" I sighed and he nodded with a knowing look.

"Its ok! But you never answered my ques so are you?"

He repeated

"Not great!" I said honestly
"I miss her!" I added

"It was just like I was living in a fake bubble pretending that she is still with me alive. Which is now bursted and reality of her no more being by my side is shoved in my face"
I said hot tears brimming in my eyes which I wiped furiously. Darn this health I can't even cry peacefully.

"You know crying helps sometimes " Siddharth suggested

"I know but I can't you see my medical condition doesn't let me unless I want to end up in hospital." I said

"Damn! That would suck! Not for me though I don't cry." He said puffing his chest with pride

"Wow what an achievement " I said clapping my hands sarcastically.

And he chuckled

"You know she always used to come with me for all my shoots , and like other teenagers I never felt embarrassed.

I didn't wanted anyone to know about my health but I can't strain my body due to it. So her word used to be the last word no director or producer could argue with her cause they knew it was of no use."
I rambled and chuckled remembering how she used to argue with director about the packup time.
While Siddharth also let out a loose laugh he was sitting and listening to everything I said this is new honestly.

"Seems like you get your stubborn nature from her" he said with a teasing look

And I shrugged
"Maybe , but she was much more stubborn than I am." I added in my defense

And he just laughed.

"Damn it's been 2 years already" I said leaning on the couch.

"You disappeared after your mother's demise , didn't you?" Siddharth asked
"Where were you all these years ?" He asked intently looking in my eyes.

And I could feel my heart thudding against my chest . It's not like I don't want to tell him I already told Naira but I can't take the risk of being heard .

Sensing my discomfort Siddharth changed the topic

"What is wrong with your health though I mean exactly?"

"Oho! Isn't anyone taking quite interest in my life " I said smirking and he scoffed

"Ah! Please don't flatter yourself I was just curious " he said and I rolled my eyes

"Sure sure"

"Now answering your question, I was born with an immune deficiency a severe one must add . So I used to get sick easily and by sick I mean hospital was like my second home"

I said remembering the horrible time I had doctors always telling my mother that I can have an immunity failure and die any moment like what the hell people you aren't making things better.

"But its much better now the last time I was admitted in the hospital was after my mother's funeral" yeah! Because apparently that was the last time I went out of house but that's a different story to tell which ofc iam not sharing right now.

"Due to crying?" Siddharth asked and I nodded

"Gosh! " He said with an horrified expression and I laughed.

It was late already my eyes and head were still hurting like hell so I just closed my eyes and curled on the couch.

I felt someone's presence near my face and the last thing I remember before falling asleep is someone taking glasses off my face.


Nobody's pov:

"Aww oh my god" whisper squealed Naira to Kartik from behind the tree as they saw Siddharth removing glasses from Avneet's face.

"They are so adorable " she added

"I know right , infact I can't believe Iam saying such thing but I ship them" Kartik replied

"Iam doing that since Siddharth's entry on the first day." Naira said

"So technically iam captain of the ship" she said

"Aye aye captain" Kairtik replied mocking a salute

"Oh look" Kartik said both of their focus now turning back to their 'ship'

Siddharth was carrying a very soundly asleep Avneet back inside.

"My ship is sailing " Naira jumped as she hugged Kartik tightly which he gladly returned.

"I won't lie though I was rooting Avneet with both Dane and Siddharth from the first day" Naira begun

"But now I think i know on whose side iam." Naira said clapping her hands together.
And Kartik chuckled

"Ofc afterall you are the captain ." Kartik replied flicking her nose.

"Now let's go back inside or you'll catch cold" he added wrapping his arms around her

And they both walked back in.

So tadadada another chapter is here do tell how do find it, full on sidneet chapter.

Also I think all of us are the sailers in Naira's ship, aren't we ;) .

Sidneet having a proper conversation instead of fighting or bickering is something new, isn't it?

Do give your previous reviews and


Stay Beautiful Stay Kind !!

P.s: watched all of their interviews/reels for HLTP and gosh they look so adorable 🥺❤ and Siddharth was such a mood gosh!😩😭
Nazar na lage kisi ki 🧿

Published on 17 July 2021


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