Chapter 18.

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~"Oh, what I would give to sleep in your arms tonight"

Siddharth's pov:

Next minute Avneet was running and coming in our direction , she stopped just infront of us and looked up at me with with her big, brown eyes and I fought back the smile that wanted to invade my face.

Dammit, what's happening to me?

I shook myself back to the real world "Iam seriously tired now" Kartik huffed appearing from behind . "So am I" Naira said both of them turned in my direction and smirked "but you aren't  right?" Kartik said I know where this is going GOD!! 
"Ok than you are on Avneet duty now" Naira stated winking as she brushed past me with Kartik following behind who gave me a teasing smile.
They didn't even gave me a chance to protest . I looked at Avneet and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Now what was this for?" I asked and she just shrugged "Just felt like it" 
"You are pretty immature , you know?" I said 
"You are pretty mean, you know" She replied furrowing her eyebrows

"Race you back" She said suddenly turning pointing at the door, and ran off .
I was trying to suppress a smile as I followed her.
She was one interesting girl.

Avneet's pov:

I stood around the corner waiting for Siddharth . I had  ran off and was planning to jumping on him when he walked by, in order to scare him.
"Avneet?" I heard Siddharth call. He obviously had no idea that I was hiding. I bubbled with anticipation and tried to keep from fidgeting too much.
He walked by me, and as soon as he did , I kept my hands on his shoulder and jumped onto his back  while laughing. I didn't quite make it all the way up , so I pulled a little to readjust and wrapped my arms tighter around his neck and my legs wounds around him too.
"Haha I got you!" I teased 

He chuckled a little "Yeah, you did cookie monster" I've actually kinda started liking his nickname for me.

To my surprise he didn't pry me off him. Good thing too because I had a bit of a death grip on him. He looped his arm around my legs to keep me on his back, and began to walk. "It actually work out , now you can't  escape" he said darkly.

I sighed , but didn't protest. I was starting to feel a bit drowsy , and I rested my chin on his shoulder without thinking. He turned his face towards me a little, but I didn't feel like I could move .
All my energy was quickly draining. The sugar must be starting to wear off.

Siddharth's pov:
"Avneet?" I called out as I walked . She had dashed off and I had no idea where she went.

Out of nowhere, I felt something like a monkey jumped on my back and wrap themselves around me ,something really small.

And I of course knew who it was no one else have the courage to jump on MY back like that. 
"Haha I got you!" 

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Yeah you did cookie monster!" . Without thinking I grabbed her legs, which kept her in place on my back and began to walk giving her a piggy bank ride. Avneet was so light that I didn't even notice the extra weight.
"It actually work out" I added lowering my voice  "now you can't escape".

Avneet didn't replied and I felt her rest her head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but turn my head in attempt to look at her since her actions gave me goosebumps on my neck. Her hair were beginning to fall beside my face . Her grip began to loosen just a tad, and I got the impression that she had just hit her wall and crashed. 


I gently laid her down on the bed she squirmed a little and then tightly gripped bob (her minion stuff toy) and continued sleeping hugging him.
Oh how I wish it was me- what no I shook away all the stupid thoughts in my mind and went to sit on the couch besides Naira and Kartik (the couch which is in the bedroom ) 
"It's ok, maybe one day!" Kartik whispered in my ear and I looked at him confused Iam pretty sure I didn't said that loud
"I know that look , I've myself gone through that phase" He began
"And now look where we are" He said looking at Naira who was half asleep on the couch while gripping his arm. I still gave him a confused expression but I somewhere knew what he meant.
"Come on I know you are smarter than this Siddharth" He said now getting up and picking Naira along.

While I glanced at the girl sleeping peacefully hugging her yellow plush toy,
how can someone look so beautiful, cute and innocent while sleeping . Few strands of hair were covering her face , I felt a sudden urge to remove them but I suppressed it and laid down beside her and slept. 


Day 33: 3:45 pm

Avneet's pov: 

Today is another weekend episode also we are shooting Diwali special episode today , Iam quite excited , the house is beautifully decorated also almost everyone have received Indian outfits from their designers for today .

But we are celebrating that doesn't mean Salman Sir will spare us atleast I don't think so .
We still had time to get ready,
"Iam going to make myself a coffee, anyone?" I asked getting up
"Me pls" Kartik said and I nodded
"One for me too!" Siddharth said 
"What's the magical word?" I asked smirking 
"Now?" He said and I rolled my eyes
"Wrong answer you aren't getting anything!" I said and turned to leave 
"Fine, please?" He groaned 
"See it wasn't that tough" I said teasingly and he rolled his eyes.

While I left to make some coffee.


Tadada! another chapter highly disappointed by the previous chapters votes and comments but iam tired of again and again saying the same thing so if you wish to Vote and comment do it as it really motivates the writer and if u don't than i can't do anything .
I will post for those who Vote and Comment regularly and if u are one of those people just so you know I love you very much .

Do Vote.Comment.Fan
 a part of this ch was highly inspirhend from @missindipent

Stay Beautiful Stay Kind

Published on: 23 July 2021


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