Chapter 23.

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~"I promise I'll do whatever I can to bring a smile to your face"


Day 52

Siddharth's pov:
Ah! What time is it , I thought as my sleep broke . I didn't felt like opening my eyes just yet, it was certainly quiet I don't think lights have turned on.

My stomach did a weird flip when I realized something soft was touching my hand.
I carefully opened my eyes and glanced down at my hand.

Well did I ever told you guys how much I hate Bob.
If I didn't then iam telling it now ,.
Why is it always have to be HIM.

I quickly withdrew my hand away from besides it. And threw the comforter on my face.
Gosh what is wrong with me!

5:45 pm
Avneet's pov:

"You'll have to submit your stuff toy in the storeroom" Kartik told me and I felt my  face fell.

It was the sacrifice task going on , almost everyone had done what they were told to saving the person from nomination. And to save Kartik from nominating to eliminate I'll have to give Bob.
And I will do it, I don't know how Iam gonna sleep . But I won't let him land in nomination because of me.
"okay!" I said and made my way towards the bedroom.
"Avneet! It's ok you don't have to-" He began but I interrupted
"Oh do hell with the formalities , Iam doing it because I want to!" I said and he went quiet nodding slowly.
"Iam just happy they don't want me to destroy it" I added and kept it in the storeroom.
"Thankyou Avneet!" Kartik said taking me in a hug.
"It's okay! I know you would have done the same." I said
"Ofcourse I would" He said and I grinned

We both then walked back in the garden joining the others.
Siddharth surprisingly looked quite happy, huh! what is there to be happy about.

"What?" I asked looking at him and he shook his head 
"Then why are you grinning like that" I asked and he again shook his head
"idiot" I mumbled

Well now the good thing is non of us is nominated this week

11:48 pm

I was sitting on my couch in the garden and gazing at the sky, like always .
"Come I want to show you something " siddharth said suddenly appearing 
"What" I asked suddenly startled
"Just come, I know you'll like it" he said and I gave him a confused expression but got up .

"What the hell!" I spoke as soon as I saw what it was , There were a lot of stuff piled on each other making a way towards the roof?
"Siddharth are you planning to escape the house?" I asked worriedly 
"What happened , is something wrong ? Did someone say anything to you? You can tell me. Is anything wrong at your home?" I said in one breath
"Hush! Calm down, everything is fine and Iam not escaping for god's sake" He said chuckling 
"Wait and see" He said and started climbing , soon enough he was already up.
"Come on!" He said looking at me
"Are you mad? Iam not doing this" I told giving him a horrified expression
"Come on, Avneet what's a life without some risks" He said and after a few mins of convincing I gave in and started climbing . Siddharth pulled me up when I was in the range of his hand.

"God! I can literally feel my heart hammering right now" I said as I carefully sat besides him and he chuckled.
"Hope you are not planning to throw me off here" I said looking at him jokingly
"How did you know? That's what I was planning to do" He said with his expression dead serious and I gulped , he then gave my back a little nudge and I quickly grabbed his arm gasping.
He burst out laughing while i slapped his arm "jerk" I said and he chuckled

I then closed my eyes feeling the cool air flowing, he was right I really like it here.
It reminded me of time I used to sit on the roof with my mother. 

I opened my eyes and looked at him only to find him already looking at me, all the heat rushed up to my face and I looked away my cheeks burning. 

He was still looking at me with a cheeky grin on his face "What?" I whispered shyly playing with the sleeve of my sweater, he just shook his head
"Nothing , you just look gorgeous" He said smoothly and I looked at my appearance I was wearing my oversized spongebob sweater along with my nerdy glasses while my hair were in a messy bun, there was nothing attractive about this look.
But the way he said it made thousands of butterflied erupt in my stomach.
"Th-ank you!" I replied and he chuckled
"Gosh! you are so cute!" He mumbled so slowly that I almost missed it.

Damn Iam sure I am giving a tough competition to a tomato.


Siddharth's pov:
I knew she would like it, she had written it in her journal that she missed doing so. 
The million dollar smile she gave when we reached up here , was worth all the efforts.

She is just so freaking cute,
The last time I found someone cute was basically..............never.

I let my gaze wander around, everything look so different from up here.
When I looked at Avneet once again , I felt .......different.
Her eyes were closed with a small smile on playing her lips , few loose strands of her hair were dangling carelessly besides her face. I actually felt my throat tighten.

That's when it hit me.

I've known Avneet for now what, almost 2 months . Being in the same house and sharing the same bed we've spent a lot of time together. Through that time i've started to feel different towards her ,  When Iam with her, I feel and do things I never thought I ever would .
However now what I was feeling was screaming out at me, and I couldn't deny it.

I , Siddharth Nigam was falling for Avneet Kaur.

What the hell was i going to do?


Tadadada!!!!! Bob is out of the picture for now ;) How do you feel about it.?
Also Also Also Siddharth freaking Nigam accepted he likes Avneet romantically. We won't call it love just yet, don't worry that'll also come just when the time is correct.

The roof of the house is not that high that a person won't be able to climb.
And I know that it's not allowed and stuff, but I can't follow all the rules in the book or else it would become boring .
I also wanted to confess that I HATE writing weekend ka vaar chapter idk why , but I just do!
So Iam not sure if there'll be any Weekend ka Vaar chapters and if there would i don't think i'll be focusing much on Salman khan taking their class/scolding them.
Just wanted you all to know.

I dont know but the  time  i looked at this picture this is the first thing that came in my mind 😭😂 lol!👇

(It is referred just for the characters of this book no offence to the real person. ) 👆

Now do tell how did you find the chapter.

Stay beautiful ,Stay Kind
Love You All!

Published on august 10 , 2021


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