Chapter 30.

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~"I've passed many eyes , but I only got lost in yours"

Siddharth's pov:

I sat their reading for i don't know how long. The fact that she was trapped their for 2 years make chills run down my spine. Finally closing it  I made my way back to the room. 
Keeping the journal at it's usual spot I lied down besides Avneet who instantly clutched my arm and snuggled it's been a habit now, not that I mind ofcourse. It just feels so good that Iam the one to comfort her.

Day 66

Today was christmas , and Bigg Boss had arranged a party for us in evening. Which naturally everyone was pretty excited about. 

Everyone was getting ready. We were looking at the now decorated garden from the see through doors. Which were locked right now , they'll open it once the party begins.

"Iam so excited" Avneet squealed jumping up and down in excitement .
"Yeah me too, can't wait to have some delicious food" I replied
"And Danceee" She added  well I can't say anything about that one.

Then I noticed how beautiful she looked.
Come on Siddharth , you can do it. I urged myself to compliment her properly for once.

"Er - You look amazing" I said lightly scratching the back of my neck and she blushed. 
"Thanks, you look good as well" She replied shyly and I smiled.

Naira and Kartik joined in as well. Both of them wearing matching outfits to which I cringed and Avneet awed. We both are literally opposite in every aspect.

Soon enough the doors opened indicating it was time for -
"LET THE PARTY BEGINNN" Naira screamed as we all entered the garden area. It was beautifully decorate clearly on Harry Potter theme, they had also put cutouts of some harry potter characters. I noticed something that resembled a photo booth set up in the corner. Well we can't actually take pictures here, but we can always pretend to (Something Avneet does quite often). I ofc am not gonna do it, it's so childish.

1 and a half minute later

"Siddharth we are going to check the photo booth out you coming?" Avneet asked from across the garden.
"Yeah wait up" I said and followed her  I mean it doesn't sound that bad , you see.

Avneet's pov:
The photo booth was stunning. The props were just so amazing I mean WOW! 
Their were these 'weasley jumper'  with our initials on one for each contestant.
I quickly grabbed one with an A on while Naira and Kartik grabbed with a N and K respectively .
Siddharth didn't ofcourse. So I picked the one with and threw it at him.
Putting it on we clicked many pictures from the Polaroid camera kept their.
All the contestants even had their own chocolate frog card.
Oh my God this is so amazing.!

The party went well, it was almost the end now. Heck Iam sure it's almost midnight. Everyone was eating, dancing and having fun. We had cake, fruit beer , pie and a lot of tasty food I haven't had in long. 

A romantic song started playing and I went and sat on the couch. Kartik and Naira were dancing looking cute as always. Though I love to dance and am quite good at it, these slow couple dances were never my thing. I always thought I would step on my partner. Which of course would be highly embarrassing so I always tend to avoid them.

My eyes fell on Dain it looked he was coming in my direction , he offered me a warm smile which before I could return I was pulled by someone. Gasping I looked to the person and of course who else could it be. "Dance with me" Siddharth said in a monotonous voice and I looked at him bewildered Siddharth Nigam and Dance?
"From when did you started dancing?" I asked 
"From now" He replied in the same tone.

"Well Iam glad but , you've chosen the wrong partner I presume because unfortunately Iam the most awkward person when it comes to dances like these" I said 
"Well no worries than love. Because Iam quite good with them. I'll teach you." He  smirked
"Just do as I say" He began as he forwarded his hand
"May I?" He asked I nodded hesitantly holding it.  He intertwined our fingers and his other hand slid across my waist, making my loose hand rest on his chest automatically.

And the next thing I know that Iam lost in the song . It feels like everyone is gone and it's just him and me. 
I can't shake the feeling of how his hand feels on my waist, of how our intertwined hands just fits perfectly and how I can feel his heartbeat against my hand resting on his chest.

I lifted my gaze to look in his beautiful hazel eyes. And at that moment I know, no matter how hard i try, I couldn't stop the feelings growing inside me.
Holy Cow!
I have started liking The Siddharth Nigam. What will I do now?


The song stopped shortly after my self realization indicating the party was over. 
"It was the best dance I've ever had in my life" Siddharth said, making heat rise on my face.
I just smiled , too stunned by the discovery of my new feelings to speak anything. 


It was late now, everyone was sound asleep. Not me. I was just turning sides laying on the bed. I turned to face Siddharth who looked so calm while sleeping some of his falling on his face. Subconsciously I moved closer to him and brushed those hair off his face, he squirmed a little in his sleep bringing me back to reality and I quickly withdrew my hand from his face.

Gosh! What am I doing? Suddenly having an urge to drink something I got up and went towards the kitchen. Their were some fruit beers and juices left from today's party if Iam not wrong. They must be some where in the fridge. I thought as I spotted a slight different bottle and removed its lid.
I gulped down almost half the substance in one go , I felt the liquid burn my tastebuds. Also it didn't taste anything like fruit.

Oh! this doesn't feel right.


Tadadada!!!  I updated 
Soooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! How was the chapter? ;) 
Hehe I first planned to write Avneet's realization later but then while writing the dance scene I found it quite perfect to fir it there and I did. Hope it looked fine.
Also I tried to keep outfits casual and comfortable not too fancy cause come on it's christmas and it is all about being comfortable , eating and having fun.

For all those who haven't watched / read Harry Potter  :

A Weasley jumper was a home-made jumper made by Molly Weasley for family and friends and sent as Christmas gifts. They usually vary in colour, but often have the recipient's first initial on the front.
It looks something like this👇


Chocolate Frog Cards (also known as Famous Witches and Wizards Cards) are trading cards that display pictures of famous witches and wizards and give small amounts of information about them.

(I posted this previously as well but idk how it got deleted so adding it again)

Stay Beautiful . Stay Kind
Love You All!!

Published on 26 August 2021


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