Chapter 44.

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~"If anyone hurts my sister, I'll hurt them ten times harder"

Avneet's pov:

Siddharth started the car , as I leaned on my seat closing my eyes and playing with the strings of my hoodie.
"We're here" Siddharth said pulling over and I peeped out of the window. 
It was the apartment, me and Jai are living in till the time our house is fixed. 

"Thanks" I murmured as Siddharth came and opened the door of the car for me.
"See you tomorrow then" I said still toying with the strings and he hummed.

He bent and placed a soft kiss on my forehead 
"Good Night , cookie monster" He spoke softy 
"Good Night!" I replied shyly and walked back inside.

Changing into my pjs I lied down on my bed , today was surely an eventful day. And in no time I felt my eyes drop and I was drowned in a peaceful slumber.


Siddharth's pov:

"Come she's asleep" Jai said as he opened the door for me to come.
He told me he needed to talk to me regarding something, to which I agreed immediately looking at the fact that he's not really fond of me.

"Sit, you want something? Water?" He asked and I just shook my head.
"So you two are dating now?" He asked coming directly to the point and I nodded , a ghostly smile automatically appearing on my face. It sounds so good.

"See Siddharth , you might think I hate you or something but it's not like that. I know you care for her atleast I hope you do. I agree your first impression wasn't quite good." He began and I cringed at what he would have though about me at that time.

"But the whole Reyansh situation and everything somewhere changed my perspective. I know Neet's happy when she's with you. Something I haven't seen quite often. My sister really lives in this small bubble of her's  in which she doesn't allows much people to come. Still she got hurt, by someone she thought was close to her. And also lost the person she loved the most because of that. She was kept freaking hostage for two years and I wasn't able to do anything. Even in all this her first priority was to protect me. " He said and wiped a tear which leaked out of his eye furiously.
"I just want to make sure she doesn't get hurt further. Because I don't know about her , but I won't be able to take it." he added

"I don't know what future will hold for us. But Iam sure as hell that my feelings for her aren't any joke. What I feel for her is something I haven't felt ever. And I can assure you that I would never hurt her , not intentionally atleast." I said truthfully and Jai nodded 

"Her health is not improving." He suddenly said after a silence of few seconds.
"It was before, but now after those two years it had become worse. Doctor told me that himself , she doesn't know about this yet. Even if she did I know what her answer would have been , "They always say Iam gonna die anytime no biggie" But it really is serious , she needs to be more careful , when it comes to crying , stress, over burdening herself with work or anything."  He said and I nodded 

"I am just telling you all this before hand so you can still think about your decision that are you willing to do this. You deserve to know all this. And it wasn't fair on my part to hide any of it from you. Now the decision is yours to make" He said and without even wasting a second I responded 

"It doesn't matter. I like her and I know that and Iam willing to do anything I can to be with her. She's one of the best things that have ever happened in my life. And Iam not gonna give up on her because something a dude in white coat said. She means the world to me Jai and I hope you understand that" I said the last line seriously

"Believe me I do because after mom now she's my whole world. And that's the reason I want to protect her at any cost something I wasn't able to do before" He said lowering his head and I kept a hand on his shoulder

"It wasn't your fault Jai, I know you wouldn't have let any of it happen if you were aware." 

After talking for few more minutes I was about to leave when Jai spoke

"Siddharth, I know you both are just giving this a try and no one knows if it'll work. By not hurting her I didn't mean that, you have to be tied in a relationship even if you don't feel the same. You are allowed to break it off if you feel you both aren't happy any more. But just in a civil way." He cleared 

"Believe me , I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon." I replied grinning 
"Uh! Mind if I use the washroom?" I added and he gave me the directions 


I opened the door of her room slightly and tip toed inside. Avneet was sleeping hugging Bob like usual.

"Well you are the one who actually won at life buddy" I murmured to Bob and rolled my eyes. Huh! He always gets my girl. 

I sat stared at the her beautiful face , she looked so peaceful. I bent and brushed a strand of hair falling on her face and gently placed a kiss on her forehead. And she smiled in her sleep, gosh she's so adorable.

I got up quickly to leave , if Jai got to know I didn't went to the washroom but instead creeped inside his sister's bedroom , he'll kill me. 

"But she's my girlfriend too , I don't wanna leave her. =( "

"But you have too" said a voice and I turned to see Jai standing leaning on the doorframe.
"Come on lover boy , enough for today now get out and go back to your home" He said pulling me outside.

"But don't you think it's late, it's not safe to drive at this time" I trailed and Jai narrowed his eyes at me.
"Come on you princess it's just 10:30" He said and I huffed

"Also don't think after all this I like you , I still have my eyes on you" Jai said in a serious tone and I laughed

"Sure thing, I'll be careful" I replied and headed back to my car.


Tadada That's it for this chapter. Just a conversation between Siddharth and Jai. Something Iam sure many of you were looking forward to. Well atleast I was.
It went pretty smooth I guess.

Also I intentionally added that part, because when a relation starts you don't know what will happen to it in the future you can just hope for the best. Their can be times when you care for the other person and don't want to hurt them and you continue living in a loveless relation. 
And that definitely isn't the right thing to do, you should just call it off and clear things before it gets worse and you end up hurting both of you in a much worse way.

Also tomorrow is my last exam Yay!!! And Iam going for a sleepover at my friend's house directly from school. Iam so excited!!


Stay beautiful Stay Kind
Love you all!

Published on 7 October 2021

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