Percy's Resentment

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"Wasn't that awesome?!" Jake asked in excitement. "I feel honored to celebrate the Gathering with you guys."

"Of course. You were a big help in saving the me and the kingdom." Douxie said honestly. "Besides, as much as I tried to deny it, you are my family."

"Aww, you finally admit it." Jake said with a playful smirk. "I guess you could also officially call me your brother?"

"Don't push it." Douxie said, returning the playful smirk. "Anyway, Mr. Aizawa when are the others gonna be here?"

"What others?" Aizawa asked sounding a little confused. "This isn't everybody?"

"Of course not, we still have my wife and kids." Douxie explained. "As well as a few of Nora's friends, Krel, Megamind, Roxanne-"

"Okay, I get it." Aizawa groaned. "Plus, I still have to pick up Eri from the hotel."

"If you wanted to stay here, Midorya and I could grab Eri for you." Shoto suggested. "That way you can you know, be here in case something happens."

"What do you mean, I case something happens?" Nora asked, confused. "All the villain here are defeated. We're in the clear."

"Not only that, but if something were to happen, its Percival's job to protect Nora." Douxie said before looking around and forming a worried look on his face. "Wait, were is Percival?"

"I'm right here." An annoyed sounding voice said as a man with white hair came down the stairs. "Sorry I'm late, I didn't realize the celebration was today."

"Well, well, if it isn't Percival the party pooper." Hopelily said. "What took you so long?"

"I just didn't want to be here." Percy said in a very blunt tone. "I don't understand the point of this. . . Gathering thing."

"It's to celebrate the kingdom coming together to fight back against Arch Angel's darkness." Douxie explained. "If we didn't celebrate, then, well, our kingdom would've been surrounded in total darkness."

"Come on, that's ridiculous." Percy scoffed and gave a slight chuckle. "You stopped Arch Angel's curse, sure, but it's not going to come back just because you don't celebrate every year."

"You have no right to say that our holiday is ridiculous." Douxie said, getting defensive. "You wouldn't want us to say horrible things about Whitestone's holiday traditions."

"Whatever, just don't expect me to be a part of your celebration." Percy said seriously as he started to walk away. "All of this is pointless. You'll see."

With that said, Percy walked away while leaving everyone confused. Meanwhile, Percy wondered through the castle and into the room that he was staying in.

"It's not just their holiday. It's just the holiday season in general." Percy said to himself. "I absolutely hate holidays. They're pointless and a waste of time."

Percy then sighed as he laid down on the bed. "Maybe I'll just go to sleep, that way, this horrible holiday will be over faster."

All the characters and OC's belongs to their rightful owners

All rights reserved

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