The Four: Armando Draeckos, The Blood Speckled Dragon, The Fallen Dragon Monk

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A long time ago, there used to be a group known as the Dragon Monks. They where religious warriors under the control of the Dragon King, they would run the temples that where around the entire world. Family raised and always open for those who needed guidance. It was in the Temple of the Blood Dragon, where the Blood Speckled Dragons where first made, they are not true Dragons for they are a horrible bye product of a ritual of purifying Dragon's blood in a obsidian vial for ten days and ten nights that must be consumed in a dragon bone cup before reproduction. within 40 weeks a child will be born and must repeat and reproduce with someone who was also born with the treatment and must reproduce with each other when they are mature, within another 40 weeks another child will be born. The third generation and so on will be able to shift from their true form to their draconic form, all draconic forms bearing the appearance of a black dragon covered in red blood like splotches. The Dragon Monk family best known to do this where the Draeckos, that was until one Draeckos was born. Armando the tenth generation of the Blood Speckled Dragon Draeckos, was an unusual one his eyes where able to change to blood red or to golden. He could burn things by touching them, he was gifted with unusual magic that when visitors to the temples who came to pray to the various Gods to the Reapers, to the Vampires, to the Dragons and all of the magical beings that he had to wear special gloves to hide his combustible abilities. It was fine until he reached adult hood, and people wanting to shake his hand as thanks for letting them in. At first they barely even noticed the gloves, soon they noticed and considered it rude. It was a child who took the gloves off, Armando instantly tried to grab them but tripped and landed on the wooden chairs that burst into flames. They called him a freak a monster, after that people only came to the temple to mock him after months of it he couldn't take it anymore his sanity dripped away he became very sadistic. He locked himself in his dorm and practiced Black magic, binding it to himself making his entire body a weapon in his Dragon form his tail ended with a sharp large arrowhead his claws sharper than daggers his scales stronger than the Dragonsteel Shields that hang in the hall's ceiling and walls he became the Fallen Dragon Monk of the Blood Dragon Temple. His family tried to stop him one night as they found out, with no success he burned them all to ashes and in the Morrow he killed those who wanted entrance into the temple and those who mocked him. He feasted upon their flesh gaining rise to the belief of Dragons feasting on Humans, he carries with him a special Monk like Staff with a Dragon curled on the top of the staff with miniature dragons embedded around the staff he called it the Swarm Dragons. Each Dragon was enchanted to come to life when he said the word "Draka Acka", which then they will come to life and separate themselves from the Dragonsteel staff and fly to attack those who have trespassed into once a sacred place now the darkened home of Armando Draeckos.

He planned on taking control of the world, to enslave those who opposed him and to feast on those who fought him. He would of gotten to this if it wasn't for a Maroon Crow Reaper, who fought him using a supernatural magic that Armando couldn't control. The Maroon Crow formed into thousands of Maroon colored Crows and attacked Armando, being bombarded by the swarm of crows one stole the staff and reformed in front of Armando. The Maroon Crow then smacked Armando with the staff sending him down upon a stone ledge, his bones weren't broken but the shock caused him immense pain he roared in a strange tongue. Before he could get up the Maroon Crown uttered a spell and did a glyph that put chains on Armando and dragged him to a reaper ship, the Maroon Crown then uttered another spell making Armando freeze in place on the ship. The captain of the ship tipped his hat to the Maroon Crow who broke apart into crows that flew towards the ship reforming in the Crows nest. "Oi Captain, the course for the Ice is Dead ahead!" says the Maroon Crown. "Well done  Ellie, your mother would be proud of you." says the Captain, as the Maroon Crow takes her cloak off revealing her raven black hair and red eyes. "Thank you Captain." says Ellie as she bows in the Crow's nest. The Captain taps his sword on the wooden floor of the Ship causing it to move towards the Artic, the worst prison in both the Human and the Reaper world.

Upon arrival they load the frozen chained Armando into the melted alcove and resealed melted ice with it's own melted ice. Infront of the Captain he forms two clay sigils one he places within the alcove, they then set sail to  Central America where the Aztec Empire used to be. the second sigil was given to an Aztec Reaper who once worked  on the Captain's ship, the Aztec Reaper kept it in a temple where it would be safe. That was until the Conquistadors came in and destroyed many things, one being the Sigil in the temple. They thought it was a demonic sigil, they had no clue on how much damage they caused. When that broke the second sigil broke as well and Armando's power returned to him allowing him to melt the ice and be free once more. He brought chaos upon the Reapers and killed many different Maroon Crows. He was so close to having control till Ellie tricked him and forced him back into the icy prison.

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