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Thank you for your comments and sorry for making you cry... But yeah this is emotional story. So keep your tissue or handkerchief with you in case you need it 😁😁..

Sanskar was driving the car while his mind was roaming around everything happened in mansion and then her soft and hopeful eyes looking at him.

"You trust me, right?"

He didn't miss that look when he said her to show her phone to Uttara. That's why she must have thought that he also doubt on her. But he knows very well that Swara can never betray him. He trusts her. He just wanted them to shut their mouth for talking rubbish. She was right it's not first time. She was accused everytime for one or another thing. Her and his fate was no differ. They only faced accusations of people.

He gripped the steering wheel and tried to focus on the road.

Swasan room:

Swara was in room sitting on the bed being lost in her thoughts when Ragini come inside.

"Swara..." Ragini said.

Swara looked at her but again turn her face away from her.

"Swara, I m talking to you. Why didn't you tell me anything Swara? You were going through all this but you never told me. And Sanskar, how could he do this? He is your husband..." She was saying when she was interrupted by a loud and stern voice of Swara.

"Get out of my room!!" Swara said sternly.

"What?" Ragini said confusingly.

"I said leave, Mrs. Ragini Laksh Maheshwari! Why did you come here? Are you here to make fun of me ? Or sympathies with me? I don't need your sympathy. So, now kindly get lost. I m happy in my life and dare you to say anything about Sanskar. Who are you to accuse him always?" Swara yelled at her.

"Swara, I m your sister.." Ragini said.

"No!! I don't have any sister. Already my life is having no happiness but don't snatch whatever is left with me. Don't worry I don't blame you for anything because whatever
My life is.. Its just because of me. I m responsible. If I didn't support you and become selfish like you. Then I would have been also living a happy life. And why are you here? To sympathies that Uttara shouldn't do that or accuse me? Then let me remind you, once it was you who called me characterless. You call yourself my sister, really?? Since, the day we come back to mm, did you ever try to think about me? You were just busy with your life? Your husband, your love, your family, your obsession!! Its just you! What about me, huh!!! But you know what? I don't even expect from you.. And next time if you try to say one word against Sanskar na then you will face thd worst of me! I have heard enough in those six months. So just get lost!!" Swara bursted out on her.

Ragini looked at her as Swara said her sternly to go out. She walked out of her room and Swara squeezed her eyes tight.

Sanskar tried to wrap up his meetings soon and come back home but still he got late. He comes to his room only to see Swara was sleeping in half lying position.
He slowly closed the door and placed the bag in table. He removed his blazer and placed it on couch then looking at her once again, he goes toward her. As he reached near the bed, he came a bit more close to her only to realise her eyelashes were wet. Her nose were puffy red and face was pale. She was weak and fragile. He sat beside her and wiped her tears slowly. Swara shrieks in her sleep and a silent tear escaped from her closed eye. She was clutching a frame near her heart as she was holding it. Slowly, he tried to take it but she gripped it in her sleep and murmurs: no, please.. Don't!

"Swara.." he called her in whisper gently caressing her face.

Swara wasn't awake. But she felt better with his touch. Encircling his one arm on her back and another under her knees, he picked her up before slowly making her lye down on the bed. She felt so light to him as usual. She was whispering his name in her sleep.

He took the comforter and covered her with that. Then put her hairlock aside. She held his hand in her sleep which brought a small smile on his lips. He leaned down to her face looking at her then he closed his eyes and was about to kiss her forhead but stopped.

"You can only hurt others. You don't deserve any love."
He squeezed his eyes as those words rang in his mind and he back off immediately and went outside to the balcony.

Inhaling a deep breathe, he was thinking about everything that happened in his life since last seven months. It kept roaming inside his mind. The accusations, the pain, the loneliness that had broken him beyond anything. That he doesn't want to let her in his life yet again, even though he still crave for her. It's just that he doesn't want to see himself broken yet again. She was right. Their love hasn't died. It's still alive. How can you stop loving someone who is your the reason of your heartbeat.
He remembered the day when he was in so much pain that he wanted to kill himself but he stopped, her shadow stopped her, her love stopped him. If she didn't let him live then she didn't let him die either. He can never keep himself away for her thoughts even if he will try a lot. In last one months, he didn't missed the way she kept looking at him with a hopeful eyes, the hurt her eyes showed everytime he ignored her. But she didn't say a word that him or he wasn't there to listen. And that's why she was forced to talk to herself imagining him. (Thinking about the recording audio). Her eyes were showing the same affection and care for him which was not letting him be in peace. Still, he tries to ignore her. But She needs him.  Will he leave her suffering like this? He on e promised her to be with her Whatever happens but now due to his fear, he is leaving her alone. He was doing the same thing what she has done seven months back.

They can start a fresh. Can't he give atleast last chance to his life, his love for Swara, his heartbeat. Doesn't they deserve a happy life away from everything else. Can't he talk to her once? Can't he just never let her go if he can't live without her? May be this is the chance that decides everything. Either he move on and try to overcome his fear.

Looking into the space he was lost in his thoughts for so long. Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He knows what he should do.

He took out his phone and called someone.

"Mr. Sharma, yes,  I want you cancel all my meetings for tomorrow." He said in authoritative voice.

"But sir..."
"Mr. Sharma, I hope I m clear." Sanskar said.

"Ok Sir, but there's a problem sir. The two meetings will be cancelled but one won't be possible as the client is going back to London tomorrow itself. So... It will be hard to reschedule." He heard from another side.

He thinks a bit then say.

"Hmm... Okay, do one thing. Schedule that meeting for tomorrow morning itself. I want to wrap up everything before afternoon." Sanskar said

"Sure sir, it will be done." He heard.
"Good." He said and disconnected the call.

Putting his phone back in his pocket, he turned around and entered inside room again. He came to Swara and sat beside her.

"I wish our lives wouldn't have been so hard Swara. But not anymore."He muttered slowly and caressed her face.

Her eyebrows furrowed in her sleep. Sanskar leaned toward her face and kissed her forehead affectionately, just like he used to do every morning when he woke up before her.

The next day,
Sanskar was in his office. It was already 12:50 p.m. Sanskar was waiting for the meeting to wrap up soon. He was looking at his watch time to time. In few minutes, the meeting completed. Sanskar shakes hand with the client with professional smile. He told Mr. Sharma to complete the paper work and send the copy to client. Mr. Sharma nodded and went out of his cabin.

Sanskar took his blazer from the chair and wore it in hurry to go. That's when a girl comes inside wearing a black dress just reaching her thigh. Sanskar rolled his eyes unbelievably.

"Don't you have minimum manners Ms. Nysa thay you shouldn't come inside your boss's cabin just like that?" Sanskar said sternly.

The girl smiled at him rather gave him seductive smile which irked him.

"Come on Sanskar, we are friends na. What's the need of these formalities?" Nysa said coming toward him.

He fisted his hand tight to not to lose his cool. He doesn't want to get angry when he is in better mood.

"Correction Ms. Ghai. We aren't friends. You mother is my mom's friend and you got this job because of your mother's request. So, do your work as you are given. Go and finish the presentation WITHOUT ANY MISTAKE!!" Sanskar said sarcastically and glaring at her.

"Sanskar, don't be so stressed. I understand so many things going on in your life. Sujatha Aunty told me,  But taking stress affect our health. You know what Sanskar, let's go out for lunch. You will feel better." Nysa said coming a bit more close to him.

"I don't like to repeat things Nysa. Get lost!!" Sanskar said and he took his phone from table when Nysa was about to put her hand on his. But Sanskar swiftly jerked her off.

"Get out!!" Sanskar said angrily.

"What?" Nysa asked confusingly as if she didn't hear.

"I said, GET OUT Ms. Ghai. Don't you dare to try to touch me again. I know very well what you want to do." Sanskar said.

"When you know this then you should also know that there's nothing wrong in that. Sanskar, I love you and you're also not happy with Swara. So, can't we..." Nysa was saying when she was cut off by Sanskar.

"Don't you dare Nysa!! I love Swara. Just feed it inside your brain!! And now get the hell out of my cabin before I call security to throw you out of this company!!" Sanskar shouted angrily.

Nysa felt insulted and rushed out of his cabin. Then Sanskar called Sujatha. She picked up the call.

"Just stop it mom!! I know very well what you are trying to do. Just because she is your friends daughter, I gave her job and now you are trying to get her married to me? Mom, I have only one woman in my life and always will be. You know very well who." Sanskar said.

"But Sanskar, Nysa is very nice. She..." Sanskar interupted angrily.

"I know what the hell she wants. But I am not letting that happen! I am gonna throw her out very soon." Sanskar yelled on phone and disconnected the call without listening to Sujatha.


Sanskar drank water and take a deep breathe to calm himself. Today is dedicated to his wife. From today, there will be no place of misunderstandings or anyone else in their lives. Just him and her together without thinking about any past or fear of future. Just trust for each other. Thinking this, he smiled and went taking his car keys.

He was driving thinking about Swara and then signal turned red. He stopped the car when a little boy around 7-8 years came to his window with some beautiful flowers in his hand. Those flower remind him of Swara. She used to love them a lot. He bought all those flowers  from that kid and placed them on back seat.
Then he looked at the kid and asked him, where does he live? The kid said, he has no one. So, he is selling flowers to eat something. Sanskar felt so bad for that kid.
He thinks a bit and tells him to sit in his car. The kid complied confusingly. Then Sanskar bought some food from a restaurant and give them to that kid. Then he dropped him to a NGO, which was run by his friend and his wife. Sanskar says that kid to take care and study well. He will come to meet him again.
That boy got very happy and hugged Sanskar by his waist. Sanskar smiled and ruffled his hair. Then Sanskar was about to go but that boy stopped him.

"Bhaiyya, For whom did you buy those flowers?" That boy asked him cutely.

Sanskar smiled at him and kneel down in front of him.

"For your bhabhi, she is really upset with me right now. But I am going to ask forgiveness from her. I hurt her. Will she forgive me?" Sanskar asked him.

"She will definitely forgive you as you are very nice person and she also loves you the most. Now, you should go fast. She must be waiting for you na." The boy said innocently.

Sanskar ruffled his hair with a smile and nodded.

Sanskar went outside and sat inside his car. He took those flowers in his hand and caressed it. Then he kept it on passenger seat.
Driving the car, he was so eager to see her right now, when he got a call. It was Swara's phone. He smiles and takes it.

"Hello Swara..."He said with smile but as he heard from other side his facial expression turned pale. The phone slipped from his hand and he applied the break harshly.


"Where is my wife!!" Sanskar said breathlessly as soon as he reached the reception.

"Sorry sir? I didn't understand you..." the receptionist was about to say but before that Sanskar.

"Swara Maheshwari!! Accident case.." Sanskar could barely mutter.

"She has been taken to operation theatre. 2nd floor. OT no. 3." Receptionist informed.

As soon as he heard this, he immediately rushed toward the stairs as lift was busy.
Running on the stairs as fast as he can, he went to operation theatre no. 3. The door was shut and the light was red outside the OT. Sanskar looked inside through the glass door and tears spilled out of his eyes as he was looking at the person he loves the most is such condition. Surrounded by doctors and nurses, her forehead was bleeding heavily, bruises on her elbow that turned her sky blue saree red with her blood. She was breathing heavily and doctors were treating her.

That's when someone placed hand on his back. He turned around and looked at the guy around his age.

"Mr. Sanskar, I m Arjun. I only called you. It was an accident. She got hit by my car when...." Arjun was saying when Sanskar said.

"You.. How dare you? Just because of you My swara is here!!" Sanskar shouted and grabbed his collar angrily.

"I m sorry Mr. Maheshwari. I understand your condition but it wasn't not my fault. Your wife intensionally ran in front of my car. I tried to apply break but before that she was hit... If you don't believe me then you can ask people around." Arjun said calmly.

"You think, I am stupid. You tried to kill my wife and now trying to justify your crime. My Swara can never think of killing herself." Sanskar said with tears.

"Mr. Arjun is right, Mr. Maheshwari. Your wife came in front of his car. In fact, he tried his best to avoid this accident and pressed the break but she still got hit. YOUR WIFE TRIED TO SUICIDE"!!" Inspector said coming there.

"What? No, I don't believe this." Sanskar said not ready to believe this.

"We understand your situation Mr. Maheshwari. But this is the truth otherwise, who will knowingly run toward a speeding car?" Inspector said.

Sanskar was shocked with the word Suicide. No, his Swara can't do this. She was always strong.

"Mr. Sanskar, it's Maheshwari family matter that's why I am leaving it. But we will need Mrs. Swara's statement when she get treated and get conscious. It's important to know the reason behind her this step." Inspector said in serious tone.

Sanskar didn't say anything s he also didn't unde what and how can his Swara think to end her life. He knows Swara believes in life, struggle but not end.

Then inspector left from there while Arjun patted Sanskar's shoulder.

"Don't worry Mr. Sanskar. Your wife will be alright." He said but Sanskar was too lost in his world to hear this.
He turned around and looked at her yet again.

The operation was going on inside while Sanskar was pacing here and there and looking at her every now and then from the glass window. He didn't care to inform anyone else in their so-called family. He just made one call to Mr. Sharma to come and see hospital formalities. Arjun was about to go as it's been so long and her husband was already here so, everything will be handled he thought.
He told Sanskar to take care and call him if he needs any help. He was about to go when he remembered something and took out Swara's phone from his pocket.

"Here, it's your wife's phone." Arjun said ans Sanskar looked at the phone before taking it. The edge and the screen guard of the phone was broken. Sanskar took it with heavy heart. His hand shivered to see her blood marks on phone too.

"While coming here, She placed it in my hand and told me to give this phone to you IF you come." Arjun stressed the word on if.

"What do mean if?" Sanskar asked confusingly and looked at him.

"That's what she said. May be she was not sure, you will come or not? I don't understand why? Because looking at you, I see immense love for her." Arjun said.

"Take care and call me if you need any help." Arjun said and went from there.

Sanskar looked at Swara who as getting treated.

"Do you also think I am so heartless Swara... that I won't care about you? I won't even come to see you?" He asked her more to himself as a helpless year fell from his eyes.

After what it felt like ages, after five hours of operation, the doctor came out and says.

"Doctor.... Doctor, my wife? Is she okay?" Sanskar asked breathlessly.

"I m sorry. Your wife isn't responding. Like, she doesn't have any will power to live. She had heavy blood loss and something impacted her from inside. We tried a lot but we couldn't do anything. I am sorry but your wife has fallen into the comma. If she will be so hopeless and won't try to respond somehow then we may lose her. I hope you understand." The doctor informed with apologetic look on his face.

Hearing this Sanskar stumbled and fell on his knees holding his head in his both hand. He let out a heartbreaking cry feeling so much pain to hold it anymore. Why their destiny are so harsh on them? Whenever he thought to have some happiness in life with his wife, they are given the worse and immeasurable pain to handle.

Doctor looked at him and felt sad for him. He patted his shoulder with consoling look.


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