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Outskrit of the city:

Sameer was waiting for Adarsh and Laksh as the time and location was given by them. After few minutes, he heard a couple of car stopped. He turned around and saw the faces of people, he wants to kill. Laksh and Adarsh were there with six guard surrounded them. Sameer anger has no limit looking at both of them but he controlled himself.

"So Punctual, I am impressed." Adarsh said with Chuckle.

"Yeah, he is bhai. After all, when your and your families life in danger then each minute is precious to you. Isn't it Mr. Khan?" Laksh said.

"Will you both just shut up and do for what you have called me?" Sameer said trying to control his anger.

"I like that. I also don't like to waste my time. So, here are the papers. Sign it please." Laksh said.

Sameer snatched the papers from his hand and then read it. His anger reached it peak reading what's written. To transfer all shares, money and properties to both of them including Elite group and Khan enterprises. But he didn't say anything. He takes out his pen and signed it.

"Here, take this. Now as per the deal. I don't want anything to happen with my family. Get out of my way." Sameer said and was about to leave when Adarsh laughed and say.

"What's so hurry Mr. Khan? Ok, we will leave your family but your life can be dangerous to us, right?" Adarsh said.

"What do you mean?" Sameer asked looking at Adarsh confusingly.

"Ofcourse, you have to die. And anyways, you have already given everything to us. What's the use of your life? You may rest in peace, Mr. Sameer." Laksh said and laughed along with Adarsh.

"You bastard!!" Sameer held Laksh collar only to get guns pointing toward him.

Laksh smirked and removed his hand from his collar.

"No use, Sameer. You have lost everything along with your life. What? Now you must be thinking you shouldn't have mess with us. We just wanted to do business to have some profit. Ofcourse, we would have betrayed you for our profits but your life would have saved. You had no idea with whom you are playing. We didn't left our family for our money and business and you, out of nowhere came and tried to snatch everything from us. Now see where you are. Ok the verge to die. So, how's the feeling?" Laksh said.

Sameer didn't say anything. He gripped his first tight. Laksh and Adarsh laughed as one of his man pointed gun on Sameer's head.

"Although, we won't fulfill but what would be you last wish Mr. Sameer khan?" Adarsh asked with evil chuckle.

"To see you both dead." Sameer said sternly only to receive laughter from everyone.

The man unlocked the gun and suddenly they heard Sameer laughing leaving Adarsh and Laksh confused. Their laughs fade away hearing his as he clapped and laughed like some comedy show going on.

"Have you gone mad? You lost your everything . You are on verge to die and you are laughing?" Laksh asked.

Sameer chuckled looking at him.

"I lost everything. Are you sure?" Sameer said with smile.

Hearing him, Laksh immediately saw the papers and it had his sign.

"Yes, this paper is the proof that your all the properties, companies belong to us. See this is your sign." Laksh said showing him his sign.

"Yes ofcourse this is my sign. But still nothing can be transferred to you my dear enemy."

"What do you mean?" Adarsh asked angrily.

"I mean you need owner's signature on these papers. Not mine. I never buy any property on my name. It belongs to my wife Mrs. Ayat Khan. And both the companies you are talking about Kahan enterprises and Elite group, then sorry to say but that is no more mine. The owner is SM."

"What do you mean? You are SM, mean Sameer. You are the owner and about your properties, we will just give one threat call to your wife and she will come here running to save your life and sign everything to us." Laksh said with smirk.

Sameer chuckled.

"My wife is a bit emotional but not an idiot. She trust me too much that nothing can happen to me. And about SM? I am sure he will be pleased to meet you both." Sameer said.

"What the hell!! You are playing with us." Adarsh said and held his collar.

"Watch it, Mr. Adarsh. You won't understand like that. Ah, Why don't you ask him yourself?" Sameer said.

"Who is he?" Laksh asked angrily.

"Just look at your back. You will see your death." Sameer said with smirk.

That's when they heard screeching sound of wheel and Laksh and Adarsh both turned around and saw a luxurious black car stopped. The car door opened and they were frozen at their places to see someone they never thought they would ever see again. Their eyes were wide open to see Sanskar alive. He was wearing black suit and His face was having stern expression. Sanskar glared at them with dangerous look and they couldn't deny the were scared. He walked toward them while they were too shocked to react.

"Sa.. Sanskar, you are alive?" Adarsh asked in shock as Sanskar came are stood in front of him.

"How? You were..." Laksh tried say but before that Sanskar interrupted him.

"Dead. Right Mr. Laksh Maheshwari. But what to do you both have really bad or should I say worst fate. Remember, you told me Laksh that I have a very bad habit to get saved everytime. Can't help much about it as good or bad, one can't change it suddenly. And I decided not to change my habit." Sanskar said with smirk.

"That means You are SM, Sanskar Maheshwari. You are behind everything." Adarsh said thinking a bit as now everything was knocking his sense. He did everything to get revenge.

Sanskar smirked and say.

" Yes I did. And Sameer is my best friend. The plan had started the next day itself when I came here. I just played one card and you both fell into my trap. As I know you both well, you had greed of money and I had motive to destroy you in worst possible way that you both left with nothing when you die. So, tell me how's the feeling after being destroyed by me?" Sanskar said.

"Sanskar, you bastard!!" Laksh said angrily and held his collar.

Sanskar stayed unaffected. He just smiled at his anger then held his hands and pushed him away harshly.

"Don't you dare to do that again." Sanskar said sternly.

"You are right Sanskar. You destroyed us. But you have done a grave mistake by coming here. Now you will give us everything back and I will give you death. You might have saved last time but this time I will take care to end your habit with your life., don't worry." Adarsh said in threatening tone.

Sameer laughed watching this and Sanskar nodded unbelievably.

"Do you really think you will get everything so easily? I destroyed you and I will give you back everything just like that. Isn't it funny?" Sanskar asked him.

"Fine! Then die!!" Laksh said angrily.

"Kill them!!" Adarsh ordered his guards and guns pointed toward Sanskar and Adarsh both of them.

"That's why I consider you idiots. As even after you both has spend more than 25 years with me still you know nothing about me. Do you really think, I will be that stupid to come here without any security so that you both can kill us?" Sanskar said.

"What do you mean?" Laksh said.

Sanskar gave a smirking smile and say.

"Are you so sure about your men who are pointing guns at me and Sameer? I mean, may be what you are thinking is not true." Sanskar said.

Laksh and Adarsh both got confused and before they could understand the heard Sanskar.

"Guards." Sanskar said calmly and all the nosle of guns turned toward Laksh and Adarsh leaving them shocked.

Sameer chuckled watching this and asked.

"So How's the surprise? Mr. Laksh and Adarsh Maheshwari?" Sameer asked them.

"You are right. They are your most trusted man. But we had given them choice. Either die or accept double money. So, they made the choice. Simple." Sameer said in the same tone.

Sanskar extended hand to one of guard and a gun was placed in his hand. He pointed toward Laksh and then at Adarsh.

"So, who would like to die first?" He asked.

Both looked at him with scared look.

Sanskar looked at them with serious expression and then chuckled.
"Don't worry, I won't give you easy death." Sanskar said and then gave a tight smack with gun in his hand on Laksh face leading him to spill blood. Thats when Adarsh felt a hard hit on his head from back which was done by Sameer and he fell unconscious.

After a couple of hours,
A place is shown in dark. The place which was Burt few months back. The place was Maheshwari mansion.

Laksh and Adarsh were tied. They were beaten harshly and bleeding. Due to continuous punches and beating they were on the verge to lose consciousness.
Sanskar was standing in front of them having hard expression on his face and sweating profusely, his shirt rolled up till half sleeves. His veins were visible as he was fisting tight. A piece of white cloth that was tied around his knuckles had turned red now but he didn't stop. He landed aother hard punch on Adarsh face yet again almost breaking his jaw and he shout louder in pain. He was feeling, he won't get satisfaction till he will see them dying everybit, till they bleed to death. Sameer stayed back. He knew what sanskar was feeling. They guard stayed back at their positions.

"Sa.. sanskar!! No, pl.. please don't." Adarsh said in whispering tone.

He heard another whimpering voice and looked sideways with same expression. A lady was tied to a chair with her mouth taped. She was none other than Parineeta maheshwari. Now the question was how she is here.? So, Sanskar had sent a video message of Adarsh and Laksh to Pari telling he if she wants to see them alive. She has to come. If she dared to inform the police then he will send their dead bodies. And she fell into the trap easily. And here she was.

Sanskar moved back from Adarsh and Laksh, he came toward Parineeta untying the piece of cloth tied around his hand. His fingers had some bruises but it hardly affected him. Parineeta got scared. Her eyes were continuously shading tears in fear. He smirked at her and then harshly pulled the tape from her mouth that she winced in pain.

"Ahhhh!!! San.. sanskar. Please don't do anything to me. Please." Parineeta pleaded for her life.

Sanskar chuckled and nodded unbelievably at her.

"Mrs . Parineeta Adarsh Maheshwari, your husband is quite a great master mind but you learnt nothing from him. I mean come on. One threat call and here you are. Why did you think your presence will save him? Tch tch tch... who will save you? You think you will beg for your life and I will leave you all so easily. Don't you remember the crimes you had done or you don't know how worse I can be for my revenge?" Sanskar said in threatening tone.

"Sanskar, please I am sorry. Please forgive me." Pari cried.

Sanskar heard her and moved back from her and while walking toward Adarsh and Laksh he said.

"You know what I can't raise my hand on a woman so, I can't hit you although you don't even considered to be a woman. That doesn't mean I wont kill you. But every word from you that anger me, will be faced by your husband." Sanskar said and then gave a tight punch to Adarsh who again screamed in pain. So did Parineeta.

"This pain is nothing compared to what my family felt. What they went through. You gave them death before even shooting the bullet when they must have seen their children pointing gun at them." Sanskar said angrily.

"I am.. am sorry San.. sanskar." Adarsh whispered.

"I hate sorrys!!" Sanskar seethed in anger.

"You had done the crime for which any of you are not applicable to any mercy. You deserve only worst death. Everyone who even helped you had got their punishment. So, now it's your turn." Sanskar said and then landed another punch in Laksh's stomach making him since in pain.

They looked at him with scared expression as he walked toward the table and took the gun.

"Let's start with you My so called dear Parineeta bhabhi." Sanskar said leaving her horrified.

He came toward her and pointed gun at Parineeta's forhead.
"No...no!!! No, don't do that please." Adarsh pleaded.

"No, please, please Sanskar." Parineeta pleaded with tears.

"Why not?? Give me one reason you should be alive and you (to Adarsh) You should see what it feels when we love someone and they die in front of our eyes." Sanskar shouted angrily.

"No, sanskar, please.. please don't kill me. I will do anything. I will surrender and accept all my crimes. Please don't kill me. Please." Pari said.

Sanskar remain unaffected as Adarsh and Parineeta kept crying and pleading. He was not in mood to hear them or show any mercy on them.
He unlocked the gun and his finger was about to pressed the trigger when Parineeta suddenly say.

"Please, for my unborn child. Don't kill me please." Parineeta said cryingly.

Sanskar got frozen at his place as soon as he heard it.

"What?" Sanskar whispered in shock. Sameer was also shocked now. He looked at Sanskar as he was stilled at his position.

"Yes... ye, yes, I am pregnant. Please don't kill us. We will surrender. Please. What's fault of this baby. He didn't even came to this world. Please Sanskar." Pari cried and looked down at her belly.

Sanskar didn't react for a minute and then say.

"Yeah, you are right. What's the fault of this unborn baby? Then tell me something, what was my unborn child's fault that you thought to kill? Did you paid mercy before shooting Swara." Sanskar asked angrily.

"I. I didn't shot her. I didn't. Please. Still, I am sorry for everything happened Sanskar. Please..." Pari pleaded.

"Shut up!!! Even if you have done that with Swara and my child. I wouldn't do that. I won't take life of an innocent because I am not a monster like you all." Sanskar shouted.

Parineeta cried silently.

"But I won't have to kill any innocent to kill you, Mrs. Parineeta Maheshwari."Sanskar said suddenly which confused everyone there.

Sanskar chuckled and clapped before saying.

"Tch tch tch.. my dear Parineeta bhabhi, you might have some memory loss and you can forget but I can't forget that you can never be a mother as you are infertile." Sanskar said with smirk.

Parineeta got shocked like someone threw a bucket of chilled water on her. She looked at Adarsh and he also looked at her. It was the truth. She wasn't pregnant and Sanskar caught her lie so easily. They didn't know what should they do now as their life was in danger.

"What? Oh god!! Such a great actor she is. I almost believed she is pregnant." Sameer said unbearable.

Sanskar chuckled and nodded.

"That's her speciality., right Mrs. Maheshwari? Nice try by the way. You thought I will show some pitty on you." Sanskar said.

Nodding unbelievably at Parineeta and Adarsh, he came to Laksh. He signed something to guard and chilled water thrown on him bringing him in his sense.

"What happened Laksh? You don't want to save your bhai and bhabhi? See, they are trying so hard. They are pleading for each other's life but you are not? You don't want to see them alive? " Sanskar asked raising his eyebrows.

Laksh chuckled before coughing and say.

"You can't kill us Sanskar. You don't have that guts. I know you can do anything for your revenge but you can't take our lives as you know very well even after you will kill us, you won't get peace. If you had destroyed us then you are more than destroyed as you have no one except us. You might try hard to be heartless but eventually you ended up being soft hearted. Remember the fire you had when you came for Kavita's revenge. Then what happened? You fell for Swara and revenge? Phhhs!! Haha!!" Laksh said tiredly with drowsy eyes due to continuous punches.

Sanskar heard him calmly and then say.

"You are right. I didn't do much for Kavita's revenge but remember even at that time I almost destroyed Maheshwari industries. Anyway, leave past Laksh. Because time has changed me. And you will get your share of pain what you had given me. What Swara had gone through." Sanskar said angrily.

"I didn't forget a word you had said about her. Swara is my wife and you will do what... huh? How dare you to speak like that about her?" Sanskar shouted furiously and punched him hard on his face.

Laksh chuckled and say.

"Is or was? Haha, do whatever you wanna do? But she is not gonna come back to you. But one thing I must say, She wasted her life for you. I would have got her after your death but.. she was pregnant with your child. That angered me and I felt you won yet again. That's why I killed her." Laksh said without any sign of guilt.

"Don't be so sure Laksh". They heard a voice and they looks on. Sanskar also turned around only to find Swara standing at some distance along with Ayat.

Adarsh, Parineeta and Laksh, all three were equally shocked and looked at each other. Swara walked toward Laksh with furious expression on her face. All the words he said about her, he did was roaming in her mind. She came and stood beside Sanskar who looked at her. She was glaring at Laksh who was still confused and within a second, she tight slap on his face leading leading his face turned away.

"You bitc..." Laksh was about to say angrily but before that Swara slapped him yet again. Laksh glared at her angrily.

"Don't you dare to say another word about me, Laksh Maheshwari. I have heard enough. I know a lot of questions raising in your mind that how can I be saved when you had killed me, right? Let it be, your mind won't be able to take another shock. And, what did you say Laksh Maheshwari that you can have me? (She slapped him again) I am only Sanskar's and will be his forever. I loathe you Laksh. I told you that day also, Even if you wouldn't have shot me, I would had preferred to kill myself before thinking to be with you. You know why I m here. I m here to see you die in front of my eyes. I have had enough of my fear. I don't need to hide anymore." Swara said glaring at him.

Then she looked at Adarsh and Parineeta who were still in shock.
"You all deserve to die painfully. You didn't thought a minute before killing our family. That family who gave you love, support and everything you needed always and you took their life. You hand didn't shiver a bit before killing them. Then why are you pleading for your life now!!" Swara shouted in anger.

"I got this venomous woman (pointed toward Parineeta) who always thought to breaking our home but you!! Adarsh Maheshwari, you are the worst son, worst brother and worst human being. Why should you stay alive? Answer me!!!" Swara said furiously and slapped him hard.

Then she came toward Parineeta and say.

"I could never believe that you are the same woman who I once thought as my elder sister. But no!! You are insult in the name of any relationship." Swara said.

She noticed not a single scratch on her and he knew Sanskar wouldn't raise his hand on her. But whatever she had done angered her. She remembered everything and gripping her first tight she placed a tight punch on her face which resulted in her few bangles to break and fallen down. Parineeta's side lips got cut and it bleed. Unable to stop her anger, Swara smacked her few times more without caring that it was hurting her too. Sanskar sees this and he immediately came to stop her.

"Swara stop." Sanskar said pulling her to himself.

"No Sanskar, leave me. I will kill this women. She don't deserve to be alive." Swara said angrily.

Sanskar made her turn to look at him. He held her hand and sees the fingers that were hurt a bit and blood marks there.

"Please, for our baby." Sanskar said calmly.

"Sanskar is right Swara. You need to calm down." Sameer said.

Swara understood looking at Sanskar and nodded taking a deep breathe. She glared at Parineeta who was having red, blue marks on her face and then moved back. Ayat came and stood by her.

Then Sanskar looked at Adarsh. He lift his gun and pointed toward Parineeta leading Adarsh to shout loud and eyes got wide open. He screamed no!!. Parineeta was also crying.

"You know why did I brought you three here to kill even if I could kill you anywhere. Because it's better to end everything from where it was started and today, this revenge will be completed with your lives. And our family will get peace to see your pain and sufferings. They might be hurt to see me turning into a ruthless person but they also know that I am not wrong at my place and with your end, I will get some peace." Sanskar said.

"Don't kill us please, Sanskar." Pari cried out.

"Sanskar!! Sanskar, please don't do this please. Please forgive us please. We will do everything you say. Please Sanskar!! Please forgive us, please. " Adarsh pleaded looking at him pointing gun at his wife.

"Okay, I will forgive you but on one condition." Sanskar said sternly.

Adarsh nodded vigorously and say he would do anything he say.

"Give me back everything I lost. Give back my mom, dad, bade papa, badi maa, Maa, Baba, Dada ji, Dadi and Ragini. Can you bring them back? Give me these few months that I lost. Can you give that to me!!!" Sanskar asked furiously.

Adarsh was helpless. He didn't say anything.

"No right Adarsh Maheshwari? Even if you get money of whole world you can't give me what I had lost. What Swara had lost." Sanskar said angrily.

"Sanskar, please forgive us, please." Adarsh said in pleading voice.

"Ask them if they can forgive you because I am not great enough to do that!!!" Sanskar said with hard expression on his face and pressed the trigger. Parineeta looked down to see blood near her stomach. She cried in pain but Sanskar shot another bullet and her voice got silent.

"Pari!!!!" Adarsh shouted in pain to see his wife dead.

Laksh was scared to see Sanskar. He didn't thought he will actually kill Parineeta. But he did. So, he won't leave them alive too.

"Sanskar!! I will kill you.!! " Adarsh said furiously this time.

"I gave you what you gave me. How's this pain feel my so called elder brother watching your wife dead in front of your eyes?" Sanskar asked angrily and then shot him on his arm.

Adarsh screamed out loud.

"Sanskar no!!" Adarsh shouted.

Sanskar stayed unaffected. He ignored all his pleading and cries and then he shot him with three consecutive bullets. Adarsh took his last breathe.

Laksh looked at Adarsh and then Sanskar being horrified. Sanskar looked him with furious eyes. He started begging for his life. He didn't want to die. He begged them not to kill him. He will do anything. He said sorry to Swara and Sanskar. He will never come in their way. He will surrender to police and spend his whole life in jail but not to kill him. Sanskar didn't pay and heed and shot him on his both knees. He screamed out in pain.

Swara was looking at him with stern expression on her face. His pain was giving her peace. She was never a person to enjoy other's pain. She could even forgive her enemy but what they had done was unforgiving and unforettable for her too.
That's when she felt a metal touching her hand and looked down only to see Sanskar holding her hand and placing the gun in her hand.

"Come out of your pain and fear, end it." Sanskar said with serious expression.

Swara tried to deny but Sanskar gave her assuring look. He cups her face with one hand.

"Do it, Swara." Sanskar said looking straight in her eyes and nodding giving her courage.

Her eyes filled but she nodded at him with determination. She held the gun and pointed toward Laksh. She could see all the flashes, all the painful memories playing in front of her eyes. Uttara's painful voice, Ragini's pain, lifeless bodies of family members, tears, fire burning everything. She blinked letting that tear fall and with red and angry eyes. She fired bullet and it shot directly to his heart.

Feeling a sting of pain, Laksh looked down in shock and saw his blood. Then she shot another one.

Laksh takes heavy breathes and looked up toward Swara. His vision started getting blurry and when he saw a figure in white suit appearing behind Swara. Her long hair was open. Dupatta around her neck. He tried to look at her painfully. It was Ragini, the girl who loved him more than anything in this world. She gave a smile filled with satisfaction.

"I told you Laksh, you will get worst and most painful death with no mercy. You wanted money, properties, company and for that you didn't think a bit before committing sins. And today you are left with nothing. This is what I wanted. Today, I am feeling peace to see you like this. Please don't meet me in another world cause I still hate you so much and you will never be forgiven." She said.

She looked at Swara and Sanskar with smile. Coming to Swara, she placed her hand on her baby bump and say.

"Take care of Champ, Swara. I need to go. Bye." She said with smile and looking at Laksh for another time she fade away slowly in front of his eyes.

A tear slipped from his eyes and whispered "I.. am sorry.. Rag.." He closed his eyes forever. It was too late to realise his mistakes.

Swara felt something in her baby bump and looked down. Sanskar held her and asked what happened. She nodded nothing. She is fine. She was confused a bit and then she looked around the mansion which was burnt. She closed her eyes and prayed for peace of their family. A soft wind blew her hair a away and hair fringes caress her cheeks like a blessing. Finally, it was over.

"Swara, you go. I will come in sometime." Sanskar said to Swara.

Swara nodded and Sameer also nodded at Ayat. They went out.

"Sir, you also go. We will take care of bodies." One of men said.

"That won't be needed." Sanskar said cleaning the finger prints of Swara from the gun.

"What do you mean sir?" On of the men asked.

"You six were also involved in death of my family. So, you also need to die." Sanskar said.

"Sir, sir..." one of the guard tried to say in fear.

Knowing that, now Sanskar will also kill them they tried to kill sanskar but before that all of them were shot dead.
Sanskar smirked and Sameer shook his head with smile knowing his friend well. Amit was there with Sanskar's security and all six were killed by them. Amit came to Sanskar and said.

" What's next, sir?" Amit asked.

Sanskar threw the gun and looked at him.

"You know what to be done next, Amit." Sanskar said.
Amit nodded at him with smile.

A few minutes later, Sanskar lighted a lighter and let it fall on floor burning everything. He turned around and walked out along with Sameer with cold expression on his peace but his heart was at peace.

They sat in his car went away followed by another car of his security.

Six months later:
A lot of things has changed in last six months. Uttara has finally come out of comma. She was so shocked to see Swara and Sanskar both alive. She cried a lot that day saying everything that happened but Sanskar was there with her. He made her understand that now they are no more. She cried missing mom dad and everyone but Swara and Sanskar told her that they are there for her. Their blessings will always with her. In starting days, Uttara was getting flashes of that painful day and she couldn't sleep whole night, crying every night but with continuous efforts and encouragement from Sanskar, Swara, Sameer and Ayat, she came out of it. She was very happy to know that Swara's baby was fine and she will be bua. Although it was painful for everyone to live a life withou family but they became wach other's support with time.
Sanskar reconstructed Khan mansion yet again and gifted it to Ayat on her birthday. She was so happy. Not even Sameer had any idea about it. After revenge was complete, Sanskar wanted to give Khan enterprises and shares back to Sameer but he said, he could start it with only his support so, he wants to continue with him as the owner. But Sanskar kept it on fifty fifty partnership.
And finally, that day also came when Swara delivered a baby boy. Sanskar's eyes were filled with tears that day. Sanskar named him Shaurya. He thanked God for giving him new life with Swara and this small family. Once he didn't know what he would after revenge completed but today he had enough reason to live. Yes, he still miss them after all they are family.

The paradise:
Night (around 2 am),

Swasan room:
Swara was sleeping peacefully on bed. In her sleep, she moved her hand on the bed to hug but didn't feel him. Her eyebrows furrowed and she opened her eyes but didn't find him. That's when she heard the thunderstrike. She looked toward the window. The curtain was blowing due to wind. It was raining heavily. She turned around and turn on her bed side light. Then got up from bed and look at the cradle where Shaurya was sleeping peacefully. She covered him properly and smiled looking at him. She closed the window and blows the curtain perfectly. Then she knocked on washroom but didn't hear any voice. She called him and when no answer came she opened but he wasn't there. She went to see in balcony but he wasn't there too. Being confused, she went out of room. That's when she saw Uttara coming from kitchen with a water bottle. She saw her.

"Bhabhi? What happened? You aren't sleep yet?" Uttara asked.

"No Uttara, I was sleeping. Sanskar wasn't in room. So, I came out to look for him." Swara said.

"Is he okay, bhabhi?" Uttara asked being concern for her brother.

"Yeah Uttara don't worry. He must be in study to complete his work. Relax. You go to sleep okay?" Swara said as she didn't wanted Uttara to take any stress.

"Okay bhabhi." Uttara said.

"Wait Uttara, can you sleep with Shaurya? I will.." Swara was saying when Uttara interrupted.

"Bhai is not okay, right?" Uttara asked as she got it now.

"None of us, Uttara. We just can be each other's support right?. (Uttara nodded) So you don't worry. I will take care of your brother. Please be with Shaurya." Swara said with smile.

"Sure bhabhi. You see bhai. I will be with Shaurya." Uttara said and nodded with smile.

"Thank you Uttara." Swara said.

Uttara went from there. Swara looked at her retreating figure and then sighed closing her eyes before she also made way toward study where her husband must be.

Coming inside, she closed the study door and looked at the figure sitting on couch and going through the papers. His laptop was opened on table with papers scattered around it. His hair looked messy a bit. He was too involved in his work that he didn't notice her. Swara took slow steps toward him silently and stood behind him when he sighed and rested his head on couch being exhausted. This exhaustion was not due to work but something else and she knew the reason. Leaning toward him, she encircled her arm around him. Feeling the touch, he squeezed his eyes and held her hand. She leaned toward him and kissed his forehead.

"My businessman husband, You are having office work or trying to find a way of distraction from your thoughts?" Swara said.

"No Swara, just..." Sanskar tried to say but before that she interrupted.

"I might get smitten by your looks Mr. Husband but you can't hide what's in your brain. So, Don't you dare to lie to me." Swara said.

He took a deep breathe and opened his eyes before blinking a couple of times. Swara came in front of him when he pulled her to his lap. She made herself comfortable encircling her arms around his neck while his hands encircled around her waist.

"I just don't able to stop myself from thinking all that Swara." Sanskar told her truthfully.

"Sanskar, what has happened is past. We can't change it. Everyone of us miss our family. But we know we have to be strong for each other right? You only say na, they are always with us in our heart. They are looking at us and blessings us always. Then why don't you trust on your word. You are hurting them more than yourself. They won't be happy to see you like this, Sanskar." Swara said.

"I know they are always with us, Swara. I know." Sanskar said.

"Then?" Swara asked.

"It's not about them Swara." Sanskar said.

"Tonight, I again saw those things. I was in car, jumping off the car, blast and then falling from the cliff." Sanskar said.

He felt Swara shiver. He looked at her and squeezed her hand assuringly.

"Again those thoughts came in my mind. What would have happened if I wasn't saved. If I had lost you. I try, I try hard not to think all that. But this was the fear I went through at that moment when I was in car. I thought I would never see you again. I didn't even idea about our baby. It scares me sometime everytime with those flashes." Sanskar said truthfully and looked at her.

She heard him patiently and then cups his face.

"Close your eyes." She asked him.

He looked at her confusingly. Swara smiled at him and moving her fingers from up to down his face, she made him close his eyes. She leaned toward him cuping his face lovingly and say.

"I am here with you, Sanskar." She said in a voice filled with emotions.

Sanskar could feel her breathe falling in his face. The caress of her hand was doing magic. She closed her eyes and kissed him lovingly. He stayed still for a few seconds then he also kissed her back. They broke the kiss after a few minutes and she rested her forehead against his. Their eyes were still closed.

"I know, we can't erase what happened from our mind but don't let that affect our life. I just know that I need you in my life. I am with you. Just stay in this moment and feel it. You know, Your wife is too much in love with you Mr. Maheshwari. She is not letting you go anywhere so easily. You will always find your way back to her." Swara said with her eyes closed and smile a bit.

"I love you, Swara." Sanskar confessed and took her lips once again in a passionate kiss. Slowly the kissed turn more intensive and he started dominating her which she let him. His fingers curled into her hair. She was tightly held in his embrace as if he would stay like this forever and he would never let her go. His face hidden by her hair.
A couple of minutes later, he broke the kiss. She took heavy breathe and the next moment she felt trailing kisses on length of neck, toward her shoulder. Her heart skipped a bit and she hugged him closely. His finger traces on her back, moving her hair at one side of her shoulder. She felt the string of her blouse opened. Her eyebrows furrowed and she fisted tight near his collar which lead her nail to scratch on his neck but he was least concerned as he was lost in her. Her fingers traces down toward his chest, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Her saree pallu slide down from her shoulder.

Laying her back on couch, he hovered over her removing his shirt. His fingers traces her arm before he held her hand and kissed it before letting it entwined with each other. Leaning toward her, he kissed her forehead and both eyes before taking her lips into a blissful kiss yet again. She let her another arm encircled around his back. She was lost in his touch. Her breathe was heavy and heart beat raised. The same effect he always had on her everytime he is so close. He nuzzles into her neck, inhaling her fragrance. Slowly, their clothes were discarded and they were lost in pleasure of their love.

He was looking at her gently stoking her hair and she smiled at him. They were wrapped in single white sheet.

"What are you looking at?" Swara asked.

Sanskar nodded nothing. He leaned toward her and kissed her forehead affectionately.

"I love you, My Saira." Sanskar said looking at her and caressing her face.

Swara smiled at him. She lifted her hand and cups his face. He kissed her palm.

"I love you too My SM." Swara confessed leading him to smile wide.

He leaned toward her and whispered near lips.

"You know Swara, I always felt myself pulled toward you Swara when you were hiding yourself but I held myself thinking I was betryaing you. But I never knew that my heart was never betraying me. It fell for my wife all over again, my Saira. I didn't know that it was my life behind the veil." Sanskar said and pecked her lips.

"Thank you for loving me all over again then." Swara said smilingly.

"Always yours." Sanskar said before taking her in his embrace closing his eyes.

NO EPILOGUE, so please don't request. Finally this story has come to end.

I hope you liked it. And please comment. Last part didn't even exceed 50 comment. Atleast go for 70+.

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