Chapter 19

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AN: this is a long chapter... Sorry it took so long to update... I was at my grandmas and she has no wifi so ye..... So enjoy da story....

((Kaitys pov))
I fell asleep in Graces lap, and then woke up finding she was asleep too.
I quietly got up, walking to her bathroom, locking the door.
I went in my back pocket, grabbing, a blade.
You're safe now.......... I promise
I kept thinking about what Grace said earlier. That playing in my head over and over again.
"I'm sorry........ I'm never safe" I whispered to myself.
I found a pen on the floor, and I took an old band aid box and wrote on it.
I'm sorry. I love you....... Honestly I kept thinking about what you told me.... 'Your safe now...... I promise' but honestly........... I'm never safe............ I can't take this life anymore............. I can't feel this way anymore......
I love you so much.......... More than anything........ You saved me............ But I'm sorry for doing this........ But let's face it...... No one ever wanted me here...........
I'm sorry it had to end this way..... I can't trust people anymore....
I love you..
~ Kaity
I put the pen and the box aside, looking at my....... Hideous self in the mirror.........
"This is what everyone wanted" I said to myself, taking the blade putting it right above my vein on my arm.
I put the cold metal, against my skin, sliding it down my vein.
I fell to the ground dropping the blade next me.
Last I heard....... Was Grace screaming my name.
Last I saw....... Was Grace kicking down the door, calling an ambulance.

((Graces pov))
I woke up, noticing Kaity wasn't in my arms. I got up and saw the bathroom light on, so I waited about five minutes for Kaity to get out but she- I mean they never did.
I instantly knew what they was doing...... So I started banging on the door yelling Kaitys name.
They wouldn't open the door, so I kicked it down, only to see them, passes out on the floor.
I immediately called an ambulance, holding Kaitys head in my hands, crying harder than ever before.
I saw a pen fall to the floor, and a broken up band aid box, I took it and read what it said.
I started crying even harder.
"KAITY!!!! WHY" I yelled, my parents ran upstairs to me looking at me and Kaity.
An ambulance came rushing in, taking Kaity out of my grasp. I stood up, hugging my mom tears soaking my face.
I hopped in the back with Kaity and the ambulance, watching as they tried to keep them stable.
Tears soaking my shirt.
We reached the hospital, and I watched as they rushed Kaity into a room. I sat in a waiting room, closest to Kaitys room.
I waited, and waited, still crying.
How could they do this to them self

After a while one of the doctors came out up to me, and told me it was okay to come see them.
I jerked up out of my seat, and into Kaitys room.
I looked at the sleeping Kaity on the bed. And walked up to them. I took Kaitys hand, intertwining our fingers.
"Why...... Why would you do this to your self........ I love you........ Trust me......... You are safe now" I said, calmly.
I kissed Kaitys cheek, then the doctor led me out of the room.
"We will let you know when she wakes up"
"Okay.... Thanks and also it's they or them" I said, wiping away the tears that we're going down my cheek, then the doctor walked back into Kaitys room.

-an hour later-
"They is up" the doctor said, leading me back to Kaitys room.
I stepped in, and rushed towards Kaity, taking there hand in mine.
"Why Kaity..... Why did you do it" I asked.
"I'm ......." Kaity replied.
"Your safe with me........ Your mom, Your dad they won't hurt you anymore" I said, kissing Kaitys cheek.
"I want you here......... If I didn't I wouldn't have called the ambulance" I said.
Kaity looked up at the ceiling.
"I love you" I said again, making Kaity look at me, kissing them on the lips.
"They is free to go. They might be a little wobbly when they walks so watch them" the doctor said, putting Kaitys arm around me. I put my arm around her waist as we drove home.

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